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"The Space People’s choice" for President of the USA : Gabriel Green – Newsletters (PDFs)

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Paranormal Maven
Discussions of UFOs in relation to US politics is nothing new. Calls for revelation of “the truth” and for congressional hearings regarding UFOs date back to the relatively early days of the modern UFO era. Indeed, one man sought to be elected President on the basis of – among other things – claims that he was being supported by friendly aliens and that they had the solutions to all our earthly problems.

Gabriel Green was one of the people in the 1950s (commonly referred to as “contactees”) that claimed to have contact with friendly being from other planets. Although not as well-known as some other “contactees” (e.g. George Adamski, Ray Stanford, Truman Bethurum, George Van Tassel, Orfeo Angelucci and Howard Menger), Gabriel Green is an interesting guy. After all, there aren’t many people within ufology that have run for the office of the President of the United States of America.

Yep, Gabriel Green sought to be elected President of the United States of America in 1960 … as “The Space People’s Choice”…

The history of his campaign can be traced via various newsletters that he published from 1957 onwards. The AFU in Sweden has very kindly scanned collections of several defunct periodicals which were edited/published by Gabriel Green (and veteran American ufologist Barry Greenwood has helpfully filled in some gaps in one of those collections). Issues up to 1964 are now in the public domain due to a failure to renew their copyright.

These newsletters are a rather strange mix of purported messages from friendly Space Brothers (most received telepathically, but with some received during face-to-face meetings and some received by short-wave radio…), together with details of flying saucer conventions and groups, plus details of proposed social reforms (ranging from correcting social injustices to developing a system for shopping from home…) and calls for political support.

The Gabriel Green newsletters listed below can all be downloaded with a single click during the next week from this temporary link:

After the next week, or if you only want a single issue, you can download each of the issues from the AFU’s website at the links below.

Thy Kingdom Come (1957 to 1959)
Index of /Downloads/Magazines/United States/Thy Kingdom Come (Gabriel Green)
Thy Kingdom Come - No 2 (*CURRENTLY MISSING*)
Thy Kingdom Come - No 4 (SCANNED BY AFU)
Thy Kingdom Come - No 5 (SCANNED BY AFU)
Thy Kingdom Come - No 6 (SCANNED BY AFU)
Thy Kingdom Come - No 7 (SCANNED BY AFU)
Thy Kingdom Come - No 8 (SCANNED BY AFU)

AFSCA World Report (1959 to 1960)
Index of /Downloads/Magazines/United States/AFSCA World Report (Gabriel Green)
AFSCA World Report - No 10 (SCANNED BY AFU)
AFSCA World Report - No 11 (SCANNED BY AFU)
AFSCA World Report - No 12 (SCANNED BY AFU)
AFSCA World Report - No 13-15 (SCANNED BY AFU)
AFSCA World Report - No 16 (SCANNED BY AFU) 1960

UFO International (1962 to 1965)
Index of /Downloads/Magazines/United States/UFO International (Gabriel Green)
UFO International - No 17 (SCANNED BY AFU)
UFO International - No 18 (SCANNED BY AFU)
UFO International - No 19 (SCANNED BY AFU)
UFO International - No 20 (SCANNED BY AFU)
UFO International - No 21 (SCANNED BY AFU)
UFO International - No 22 (SCANNED BY AFU)
UFO International - No 23 (SCANNED BY AFU)
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