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The Special Interests Won Again

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Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
Staff member
[America lost on Tuesday regardless of which candidate won. Big business and special interests have already taken over this fascist system beholden to money, influence and power. --chris]

By Paul Ctaig Roberts
Article HERE:
As readers know, I don’t think that either candidate is a good choice or that either offers a choice. Washington is controlled by powerful interest groups, not by elections. What the two parties fight over is not alternative political visions and different legislative agendas, but which party gets to be the whore for Wall Street, the military-security complex, Israel Lobby, agribusiness, and energy, mining, and timber interests. [not to mention big pharma]

The election that was supposed to be too close to call turned out not to be so close after all. In my opinion, Obama won for two reasons: (1) Obama is non-threatening and inclusive, whereas Romney exuded a “us vs. them” impression that many found threatening, and (2) the election was not close enough for the electronic voting machines to steal.

Being the whore is important, because whores are rewarded for the services that they render. To win the White House or a presidential appointment is a career-making event as it makes a person sought after by rich and powerful interest groups. In Congress the majority party can provide more services and is thus more valuable than the minority party. One of our recent presidents who was not rich ended up with $36 million shortly after leaving office, as did former UK prime minister Tony Blair, who served Washington far better than he served his own country.

Wars are profitable for the military/security complex. Israel rewards its servants and punishes its enemies. Staffing environmental regulatory agencies with energy, mining, and timber executives is regarded by those interests as very friendly behavior.
Many Americans understand this and do not bother to vote as they know that whichever candidate or party wins, the interest groups prevail. Ronald Reagan was the last president who stood up to interest groups, or, rather, to some of them. Wall Street did not want his tax rate reductions, as Wall Street thought the result would be higher inflation and interest rates and the ruination of their stock and bond portfolios. The military/security complex did not want Reagan negotiating with Gorbachev to end the cold war.

What is curious is that voters don’t understand how politics really works. They get carried away with the political rhetoric and do not see the hypocrisy that is staring them in the face. Proud patriotic macho American men voted for Romney who went to Israel and, swearing allegiance to his liege lord, groveled at the feet of Netanyahu. Obama plays on the heart strings of his supporters by relating a story of a child with leukemia now protected by Obamacare, while he continues to murder thousands of children and their parents with drones and other military actions in seven countries. Obama was able to elicit cheers from supporters as he described the onward and upward path of America toward greater moral accomplishments, while his actual record is that of a tyrant who codified into law the destruction of the US Constitution and the civil liberties of the American people.

The election was about nothing except who gets to serve the interest groups. The wars were not an issue in the election. Washington’s provoking of Iran, Russia, and China by surrounding them with military bases was not an issue. The unconstitutional powers asserted by the executive branch to detain citizens indefinitely without due process and to assassinate them on suspicion alone were not an issue in the election. The sacrifice of the natural environment to timber, mining, and energy interests was not an issue, except to promise more sacrifice of the environment to short-term profits. Out of one side of the mouth came the nonsense promise of restoring the middle class while from the other side of the mouth issued defenses of the offshoring of their jobs and careers as free trade.

The inability to acknowledge and to debate real issues is a threat not only to the United States but also to the entire world. Washington’s reckless pursuit of hegemony driven by an insane neoconservative ideology is leading to military confrontation with Russia and China. Eleven years of gratuitous wars with more on the way and an economic policy that protects financial institutions from their mistakes have burdened the US with massive budget deficits that are being monetized. The US dollar’s loss of the reserve currency role and hyperinflation are plausible consequences of disastrous economic policy.

How is it possible that “the world’s only superpower” can hold a presidential election without any discussion of these very real and serious problems being part of it? How can anyone be excited or made hopeful about such an outcome?

As readers know, I don’t think that either candidate is a good choice or that either offers a choice. Washington is controlled by powerful interest groups, not by elections ...

I tend to agree with the above, but at the same time, blaming Obama isn't justified either. Obama is the first President I've ever hear stand up before the public during a State of the Union address and tell the people in no uncertain terms that "Government is broken". The ideals he ran his platform on were good and it has been a real tragedy IMO to see all the progress that could have been made stifled by a policy of pure opposition regardless of the impact on the health of the nation ( in this case quite literally ). I know there are people who don't think much of Hillary Clinton, but in some ways it's been heart breaking to see her dreams for a national and meaningful health care system eroded by the lobbying of selfish corporate greed and propaganda.

It's not as if Obama has the power of a dictator and can just ram everything he wants through. The people have representatives in government and their constituencies have bought into the propaganda that regulation and monitoring of corporate and investment interest is somehow evil, yet those same constituents complain when Wall Street takes their country to the cleaners. They buy into the propaganda that national health care is another socialist evil, and then complain that corporate CEOs ( like those at the top of the private insurance pyramids ) are greedy and that they deny people reasonable and affordable health care. I bet few if any of the people who spout off about the evils of socialism even understand what it really is and how and when it can be used for the betterment of society. I bet all that goes through their minds are images of Hitler, Mao Zedong, Stalin and people with guns forcing them into submission ... hmm ... seems like a lot of that has been going on under the current government already. Are people really so blind to this hypocrisy? Do they really think change that gives people more rights and benefits would be worse?

Some of us can actually see what's going on. We can identify, at least a few, of the major problems facing the average American person, ven if those people are blind to it. We know we are getting the the big green shaft, ...repeatedly. And we're told to like it.

What I wonder every day, what I think about a lot at night, is what can I do about it?
I can't spread the word about how we're nothing but cattle to certain interests in this country, because the word is already out there, in plain view for everyone.
I want to do something! But literally I have no idea what I can do?
I have no money.
I have no political contacts.
I have no earthshaking information to black mail with.

What or how do I as the average American have enough power to make real changes?

I'm being serious about this. If anyone has any idea, I'd sure love to hear it.
What is curious is that voters don’t understand how politics really works. They get carried away with the political rhetoric and do not see the hypocrisy that is staring them in the face. Proud patriotic macho American men voted for Romney who went to Israel and, swearing allegiance to his liege lord, groveled at the feet of Netanyahu. Obama plays on the heart strings of his supporters by relating a story of a child with leukemia now protected by Obamacare, while he continues to murder thousands of children and their parents with drones and other military actions in seven countries. Obama was able to elicit cheers from supporters as he described the onward and upward path of America toward greater moral accomplishments, while his actual record is that of a tyrant who codified into law the destruction of the US Constitution and the civil liberties of the American people.

The election was about nothing except who gets to serve the interest groups. The wars were not an issue in the election. Washington’s provoking of Iran, Russia, and China by surrounding them with military bases was not an issue. The unconstitutional powers asserted by the executive branch to detain citizens indefinitely without due process and to assassinate them on suspicion alone were not an issue in the election. The sacrifice of the natural environment to timber, mining, and energy interests was not an issue, except to promise more sacrifice of the environment to short-term profits. Out of one side of the mouth came the nonsense promise of restoring the middle class while from the other side of the mouth issued defenses of the offshoring of their jobs and careers as free trade.

The inability to acknowledge and to debate real issues is a threat not only to the United States but also to the entire world. Washington’s reckless pursuit of hegemony driven by an insane neoconservative ideology is leading to military confrontation with Russia and China. Eleven years of gratuitous wars with more on the way and an economic policy that protects financial institutions from their mistakes have burdened the US with massive budget deficits that are being monetized. The US dollar’s loss of the reserve currency role and hyperinflation are plausible consequences of disastrous economic policy.

How is it possible that “the world’s only superpower” can hold a presidential election without any discussion of these very real and serious problems being part of it? How can anyone be excited or made hopeful about such an outcome?

If you have to ask this question, then you've been sleeping for the last 30 years. The religious right has silently gnawed itself a place in american politics and uses the republican party as a base to push its agenda on the american people. Until internal 'social issues' are resolved and christian lobbies expelled from government affairs... you won't get people to focus on real global village issues. You guys are on the verge of a civil war.

Your last election proves my point. White supremacists voted for Romney, most blacks voted for Obama, pro-lifers for Romney, pro-choice for Obama, born-agains for Romney, gays and lesbians for Obama, older men for Romney, young voters for Obama, women for Obama.

In short, the republican party is paralyzed by racist sexist homophobic born-agains trying to push intelligent design.

Obama is stuck in the mud for another 4 years with that 'awesome' republican house
Some of us can actually see what's going on. We can identify, at least a few, of the major problems facing the average American person, ven if those people are blind to it. We know we are getting the the big green shaft, ...repeatedly. And we're told to like it.

What I wonder every day, what I think about a lot at night, is what can I do about it?
I can't spread the word about how we're nothing but cattle to certain interests in this country, because the word is already out there, in plain view for everyone.
I want to do something! But literally I have no idea what I can do?
I have no money.
I have no political contacts.
I have no earthshaking information to black mail with.

What or how do I as the average American have enough power to make real changes?

I'm being serious about this. If anyone has any idea, I'd sure love to hear it.

The difference between you and most other people is that you actually want to make a difference ( I think ). If people really wanted to make a difference there are ways it could be done. One of the thing people could do is have some aspiring programmer create an app that would alert people to movements in the commodity futures markets, the place where the base prices for pretty much everything are either set or influenced, and where major gamblers affect the prices rather than a true need for the resources. By pairing such an app with a list of products and alerting everyday consumers to which ones to buy or not buy, the masses could fight back against the gambling vampires with their fangs in the system and drive prices down to where they should be. But how many people would actually bother to do that? People will use a coupon because they get instant savings. Anything that takes time for the effect to make a difference for them is granted lower priority. Another thing people can do is educate themselves about the advantages of abandoning polarized political views and adopting ones that makes sense for each particular situation, and then vote for candidates that support such an approach. But again, no instant reward. Another thing people can do is stop participating in circumstances that limit their rights and grant corporate giants more power e.g. credit cards, unfair user agreements, jobs run like fascist corporate dictatorships ( non-union or otherwise ). But again that means that their instant gratification would be compromised, so what does everyone do instead? Complain ... complain ... complain ... wah wah wah ... it isn't fair ( but I don't care so long as I get my instant download, phone call, credit, French fry ... whatever ).
Ga. Church Sign Says That 'Gays Win, Unborn Lost' on Election Day


Yeah we get it.... GOP is infested with the homophobic religious right.

Do you really need a sign to remind everybody ?
Christian right spread word; fewer voters listened - Hawaii News - Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Christian conservatives, for more than two decades a pivotal force in U.S. politics, are grappling with Election Day results that repudiated their influence and suggested that the cultural tide — especially on gay issues — has shifted against them.
They are reeling not only from the loss of the presidency but from what many of them see as a rejection of their agenda. They lost fights against same-sex marriage in all four states where it was on the ballot, saw anti-abortion-rights Senate candidates defeated and two states vote to legalize marijuana for recreational use.
It is not as though they did not put up a fight; they went all out as never before: The Rev. Billy Graham dropped any pretense of nonpartisanship and all but endorsed Mitt Romney for president. Roman Catholic bishops denounced President Barack Obama's policies as a threat to life, religious liberty and the traditional nuclear family. Ralph Reed's Faith and Freedom Coalition distributed more voter guides in churches and contacted more homes by mail and phone than ever before.

This kind of long term interference by christian lobbies has had devastating effects.. it seems a majority of voters finally understand what is at stake and decided to put a stop to this farce. A few more conservative justices in the supreme court nominated by a republican president and you guys have a brand new theocracy LOL.
The difference between you and most other people is that you actually want to make a difference ( I think ). If people really wanted to make a difference there are ways it could be done. One of the thing people could do is have some aspiring programmer create an app that would alert people to movements in the commodity futures markets, the place where the base prices for pretty much everything are either set or influenced, and where major gamblers affect the prices rather than a true need for the resources. By pairing such an app with a list of products and alerting everyday consumers to which ones to buy or not buy, the masses could fight back against the gambling vampires with their fangs in the system and drive prices down to where they should be. But how many people would actually bother to do that? People will use a coupon because they get instant savings. Anything that takes time for the effect to make a difference for them is granted lower priority. Another thing people can do is educate themselves about the advantages of abandoning polarized political views and adopting ones that makes sense for each particular situation, and then vote for candidates that support such an approach. But again, no instant reward. Another thing people can do is stop participating in circumstances that limit their rights and grant corporate giants more power e.g. credit cards, unfair user agreements, jobs run like fascist corporate dictatorships ( non-union or otherwise ). But again that means that their instant gratification would be compromised, so what does everyone do instead? Complain ... complain ... complain ... wah wah wah ... it isn't fair ( but I don't care so long as I get my instant download, phone call, credit, French fry ... whatever ).

Yes I want to make a difference. And those ideas are OK, but the human factor is going to screw everyone one of them up..
And they would take money. Which I have very little of.

The Occupiers had somewhat of a good idea, but they have no leadership, no organization, and the media has made them into a freak show (with some justification based on who they have interviewed....*picked the craziest ones to talk too*).
The Tea Partiers are just blowhard mouthpieces for the 1%'ers.

As entrenched, as rich, as power weilding as the 1%'ers are, having fingers in ALL the pies....... Would it really take another revolution or civil war to straighten all this out, if that's even possible?

As far as being fair....I've discovered the term "fair" really means whether or not you get what you want or not. It's almost a useless term anymore.

BTW, I remember Mark Twain being quoted as saying"Everyone talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it."
I'm amazed anyone listens to politicans. Back when I was a teenager I was sort of into politics but it didn't take long for me to see there really are no 'sides' and 99% of politicians are greedy self-serving, boot-licking idiots. I haven't voted in ages as there is no point.

I'm not after the end of the world but really if something catastrophic happened to the financial system of the world, I'd happily die laughing knowing there are humans on the planet not in the least beholden to any big company or corporation.
I'm amazed anyone listens to politicans. Back when I was a teenager I was sort of into politics but it didn't take long for me to see there really are no 'sides' and 99% of politicians are greedy self-serving, boot-licking idiots. I haven't voted in ages as there is no point.

I'm not after the end of the world but really if something catastrophic happened to the financial system of the world, I'd happily die laughing knowing there are humans on the planet not in the least beholden to any big company or corporation.

I think it's always important to vote for the lesser of two evils. Only by the successful repetition of such actions can we expect positive change over time.
There are no lesser of two evils cos I firmly believe that it is the same interests controlling both sides. Elections are just a sideshow. It doesn't matter who you vote for and which party gets in - the interests of the super-rich and powerful will be served regardless.
There are no lesser of two evils cos I firmly believe that it is the same interests controlling both sides. Elections are just a sideshow. It doesn't matter who you vote for and which party gets in - the interests of the super-rich and powerful will be served regardless.

Not everyone who votes is super rich and powerful. I remember people saying Obama would never be elected in the first place. Sure it's true he had help from the rich, but not all rich and powerful people are evil either. It's more complex than that and when we can make even small steps in the right direction it's better than none. I think Obama is headed in that direction. Look at the efforts he has made despite the opposition of the powerful and rich. Now he's at it again, proposing higher taxes for the rich ( Go Obama! ).

Resistance is not futile. Let the Republican reprentatives whine and make excuses and expose themselves for what they are. What we're hearing from them is that if the rich are taxed it will make it harder to create jobs. What a load of crap. It will make zero difference to job creation if the people at the top of the pyramid are taxed a bit more ( as they should be ... and as they should be happy to be ). The country needs them to step up to the plate and help get it through these tougher times. If I were rich enough to afford to be able to be taxed a bit more I'd be more than happy to contribute.
I'm amazed anyone listens to politicans. Back when I was a teenager I was sort of into politics but it didn't take long for me to see there really are no 'sides' and 99% of politicians are greedy self-serving, boot-licking idiots. I haven't voted in ages as there is no point.

I'm not after the end of the world but really if something catastrophic happened to the financial system of the world, I'd happily die laughing knowing there are humans on the planet not in the least beholden to any big company or corporation.

Funny, I voted as if my life depended on it because it did.

Let's see:
  1. We got the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. This one helps every single person who is a woman or a minority in a company get equal work for equal pay. Almost every single Republican (except for a couple of female Republicans) voted against this act. I'd say that matters.
  2. We got "Obamacare." Yes, it's far from perfect but those of us who either couldn't get health insurance due to a pre-existing, those of us who would have otherwise lost insurance because we became expensive to cover and every single child who has not hit a "lifetime maximum" of benefits, meaning they could never again get insurance due to a serious illness they had AS CHILDREN, is grateful for this. I know I finally got insurance that can't drop me due to Obamacare. Last April, I ended up in the hospital for 2.5 days without insurance. The total bill came to $26,000. A few years prior, I had to go to the ER due to a serious emergency. The ER doctor wanted to admit me but the admitting doctor refused when he learned I didn't have insurance. Virtually all of the GOP refused to pass Obamacare. Yeah, I'd say that matters.
  3. We got some Wall Street reform. By passing the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (2010), we are able to re-regulate the financial sector after its practices caused the Great Recession beginning in 2008. This new law tightens capital requirements on large banks and other financial institutions, requires derivatives to be sold on clearinghouses and exchanges, mandates that large banks provide “living wills” to avoid chaotic bankruptcies, limits their ability to trade with customers’ money for their own profit, and creates the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. I'd say this matters.
  4. The War in Iraq ended. Don't really need to go into more details there. I'd bet every single person who has served or had a family member serve would say this matters.
  5. Ending the War in Afghanistan. Ditto above.
  6. Got Osama bin Laden. Do I need to explain? I'd say this matters.
  7. Ended DADT. I'm sure I'm not the only one who was outraged that people with desperately needed skills in the military were forced out because they dared love someone of their same sex. Again, this matters.
  8. Put two female progressives on the SCOTUS. I actually hate Citizens United and I know the only chance we have of overturning it is to get more progressives on the Court. Citizens United is a reality ONLY because the court split upon party lines and the Republican-appointed judges decided that corporations were, essentially, people. For that matter, I remember how we ended being inflicted with G.W. Bush entirely because of the same party-line divisions, with Republicans feeling the need to suppress the will of the voters and stand up for one of their own. (I have a secret to let you in on: I'm female. I know, I know, your "shocked face" is getting tired. The reason I'm mentioning this is simply because I don't want a political party whose only qualifications involve hating women and failing biology class deciding they can dictate any decisions that are made between my doctor and myself. Which party gives us progressives and which ones give us justices and politicians who are to the right of the Taliban?) Yeah, I'd say this matters.
  9. They saved the U.S. auto industry. This does more than simply help those who work in automotive or who specifically service those in the automotive industry. Every single one of these people has to pay bills, pay for groceries, pay for rent and mortgage and so forth, which in turn directly impacts the entire economy. Every person who didn't end up in the streets, pulling children out of schools to move around, turning to alcohol and drugs, etc., also directly impacts our entire society. This one thing saved us from a Very Big financial and social breakdown, which would have ultimately cost us a hell of a lot more than the money used for the bailout. This most certainly matters.
  10. Passed the stimulus: I realize this is still controversial but the truth is that we were hemorrhaging far more jobs than we were creating. While the stimulus wasn't big enough and didn't go far enough, unemployment rates began to subside almost immediately and within a year, more jobs were being created than lost. Yes, this matters.
  11. We also got to: Keep the Dream Act, Pell Grants, Get a signed a nuclear treaty with Russia, Fewer taxes on the middle class.......
Maybe you could be specific and let me know which of these things you don't think are important, or otherwise might have been passed with Republican leadership? Otherwise, you're admitting that there are differences between the parties.
Not everyone who votes is super rich and powerful. I remember people saying Obama would never be elected in the first place. Sure it's true he had help from the rich, but not all rich and powerful people are evil either. It's more complex than that and when we can make even small steps in the right direction it's better than none. I think Obama is headed in that direction. Look at the efforts he has made despite the opposition of the powerful and rich. Now he's at it again, proposing higher taxes for the rich ( Go Obama! ).

Resistance is not futile. Let the Republican reprentatives whine and make excuses and expose themselves for what they are. What we're hearing from them is that if the rich are taxed it will make it harder to create jobs. What a load of crap. It will make zero difference to job creation if the people at the top of the pyramid are taxed a bit more ( as they should be ... and as they should be happy to be ). The country needs them to step up to the plate and help get it through these tougher times. If I were rich enough to afford to be able to be taxed a bit more I'd be more than happy to contribute.

Thats a good point, i remember years ago paying 4 thousand bucks to save a sick dog.
I remember thinking at the time Should i be unhappy this cost me 4k, or happy i could afford to spend this money.
In the end i went with the lucky to be able to do this, option
Yeah 4k is a lot to spend on a mutt, but not being able to afford to do so would have been a greater source of regret in the long view.

There is something horribly wrong with a billionare paying less tax than his secretary
And we got this

Nasa intends to establish a manned outpost on the Moon, according to experts - Science - News - The Independent

Nasa is likely to announce new plans to send astronauts back to the moon following the outcome of the US presidential race, according to reports.
Space policy expert John Logsdon, claims that such plans were kept under wraps in case Mitt Romney, who lost to the incumbent Barack Obama, won earlier this week.

"They've been holding off announcing that until after the election," he claimed, adding that Republican candidate Mitt Romney had promised to reassess and possibly revise the space agency's direction and budget.
@RenaissanceLady -think you missed my point - I think that pretty much the same legislation would be voted in regardless of who's in. I think it's pretty much a done deal beforehand.
I think a very important point is being missed here. Chris O brought it up back up at the top.

Politicians, and the Government in general, are front men. They are shills. Puppets to the fascist corporations.
Corporations, along with a significant percentage of the rich, are our real slave owners.
The coporations and big business have had a campaign of deceit, treachery, and sleight of hand tricks to fool the lesser mentally gifted into following fast talking politicos like sheep.
The sheep vote for things THAT ARE BAD FOR THEM, yet they refuse to see it. They stand slack jawed, glassey eyed, and drooling over what the politicans they worship tell them.
And the politicians hold one hand out to corporations while skewering the average Joe and Jill with the other.
The Big Business runs it all. Electricity, water, gas, food, housing, transportation, medicine, education....everything.
Screw everyone in the name of the almighty Gods of Profit, Power, and Greed.
I think a very important point is being missed here. Chris O brought it up back up at the top.

Politicians, and the Government in general, are front men. They are shills. Puppets to the fascist corporations.
Corporations, along with a significant percentage of the rich, are our real slave owners.
The coporations and big business have had a campaign of deceit, treachery, and sleight of hand tricks to fool the lesser mentally gifted into following fast talking politicos like sheep.
The sheep vote for things THAT ARE BAD FOR THEM, yet they refuse to see it. They stand slack jawed, glassey eyed, and drooling over what the politicans they worship tell them.
And the politicians hold one hand out to corporations while skewering the average Joe and Jill with the other.
The Big Business runs it all. Electricity, water, gas, food, housing, transportation, medicine, education....everything.
Screw everyone in the name of the almighty Gods of Profit, Power, and Greed.

One word... capitalist. Game rules stipulate that you should optimize the bottom line until you reach the border of undecency and regulations as defined by fuel taxes, tobacco taxes, carbon taxes... etc. Its up to governments to set the limits of operation, set up national parts before we destroy the best spots with cattle farms.

I prefer the Obama fast track to innovation. It will always be a risky and bumpy path but the alternative road is short term gain for long term damage. Here is the republican point of view of Solyndra:
List of Failed Obama Green Energy & Solar Companies in the Billions

This is what may have happened:
Last week big oil/big coal sent a not-subtle message to the country's investment community: if you back companies or technologies that compete with us we will crush you. Our media/political machine will accuse you of every crime in the book. Your picture will be plastered on the front page of every newspaper in the country looking like you are on the FBI's "Most Wanted List." We will haul you before Congress and grill you like a tri-tip on national television. The evening news will speculate that you should be in prison.
Solyndra 'Scandal' About Big Oil, King Coal Power And Intimidation | OurFuture.org

... your choice :)