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The Sun reports Life on Mars

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Oddly enough, Richard C. Hoaglund who I think is a raving loon, spoke to this effect something like 4 years ago.

If NASA isn't saying it's true, then there's probably a credibility thing going on. I sincerely doubt that if there were life on Mars, that NASA would keep it a secret.
If the sun is just a very big cooling camp fire, then it sort of makes sense that like the 3 bears porridge , venus would be too hot, mars would be too cold and earth "just right". if so mars has some valuable planetary lessons to teach us. if we can find a way to warm it up to "just right" status artificially, we will have a ready made solution for the time when earth becomes too cold.....

of course by then venus may then be "just right", thats 3 planets..... almost seems too easy
It's no joke. This was the major story Nick Pope was referring to on his Facebook page last night (not anything to do with wind turbines!). The quality broadsheets are carrying the story in the UK, as well as other reliable news sources:

Methane find points to life on Mars

Telegraph article

Scientists detect methane on Mars

Of course, evidence doesn't necessarily mean proof. There could be another source for the methane, e.g. volcanic or other geological activity. NASA are expected to issue a press release on this later today.
NASA is holding a press conference on this today at 2pm EST (7pm in UK).



NASA Science Update to Discuss Mars Atmosphere Activity

WASHINGTON -- NASA will hold a science update at 2 p.m. EST, Thursday, Jan. 15, to discuss analysis of the Martian atmosphere that raises the possibility of life or geologic activity. The briefing will take place in the James E. Webb Memorial Auditorium at NASA Headquarters, 300 E St., S.W., Washington, and carried live on NASA Television.

The briefing participants are:

- Michael Meyer, Mars program lead scientist, NASA Headquarters in Washington
- Michael Mumma, senior planetary scientist and director, Goddard Center for Astrobiology, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.
- Geronimo Villanueva, planetary scientist and astrobiologist, Goddard Space Flight Center
- Sushil Atreya, professor of atmospheric and space science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Lisa Pratt, professor of geological sciences, Indiana University in Bloomington.

Reporters may ask questions from participating NASA locations. They also may listen or ask questions by phone. To reserve a phone line, contact J.D. Harrington at 202-358-5241.

For information about NASA TV, streaming video, downlink and schedule information, visit:
"According to The Sun, the American space agency will announce that organisms just below the Martian soil were creating a "haze of methane" around the planet."

Well I, for one, will be watching the NASA channel with great interest. Is THIS the day that scientists say that life exists or has existed outside of our planet?? If so, talk about being completely blindsided. This would be a monumental unprecedented announcement.

I sort of doubt they would come right out and say that, but, ..... "you never know whats going to happen next" , right??

As far as I can tell you can watch it here:
I think there is a distinct difference between NASA raising the possibility (especially as they appear to be in the habit these day of sending rovers to Mars for seemly pointless endevours) and 'The Sun' tabloid newspaper, saying life on mars is a done deal.

The possibility has been raised numerous times by NASA with nothing to come of it, however as usual i'll be keeping a close eye on what they have to say.

Though, if i were to be conspiratorial about it all, i wouldnt rule out the possiblilty that they have been 'underselling' phoenix's ability to test for bacterial life, i remember it all seemed a bit odd that no outside NASA seemed to be be aware of its severe lack of functionallity until it hit the martian surface. As the dust settled the general tone appeared to be an unspoken 'wtf did you send this there for then?' and several NASA spokesmen umming and urring their way through press conferences.

Obviously the other possibility is that NASA is just incompetent....i guess we can all come to our own conclusions on that one.
so what if they didn't include life detection equipment because they already knew the answer? but there are many other labs in the world beside NASA, so all would have to agreet to keep that secret.
and: if I were to try to get some potentially terror-causing info out to the masses, I would consider doing it in increments. Start with speculation, guided into certain directions by releasing tid-bits along the way, add some harmless new discoveries, stir in some more speculation as to what this could mean, etc., then a few more facts, and let it rest for awhile, say two years until the next probe is due to arrive on Mars, and then another discovery, and continue that way.
by the time you find out the Martians have invited you to tea and have an itinerary for your visit all planned out, you are behaving as if you knew it all along, and no big deal...;)
I just dont get how anyone, anywhere, could find something like this 'terrifying'. Microbial or otherwise.
Recheck the probe (probably contaminated from earth) - would like to know what the partial pressure of methane is here - methane should not be present in thin Martian atmosphere - this should break up under uv light from sun?

Unless of course it is continually being produced?
Sources - bacteria under soil - usually would require water to metabolise C substrates into CH4. No water on mars?
or natural gas released - again indicating biological mass from a previous era.

My guess its a mistake -
so what if they didn't include life detection equipment because they already knew the answer? but there are many other labs in the world beside NASA, so all would have to agreet to keep that secret.
and: if I were to try to get some potentially terror-causing info out to the masses, I would consider doing it in increments. Start with speculation, guided into certain directions by releasing tid-bits along the way, add some harmless new discoveries, stir in some more speculation as to what this could mean, etc., then a few more facts, and let it rest for awhile, say two years until the next probe is due to arrive on Mars, and then another discovery, and continue that way.
by the time you find out the Martians have invited you to tea and have an itinerary for your visit all planned out, you are behaving as if you knew it all along, and no big deal...;)

I think we are on the same page, though would say landing something on Mars doesnt happen every day, so even if they were in a position where they already knew life existed on Mars, i would have thought, being the scientists they are, they wouldnt pass on the opportunity to study said life every time they went. I would imagine much could be learned about diversity amongst other things, frankly any scenario sounds better than the current one, which amounts to 'hmm didnt to put anything to test for life on Mars on it'.

In terms of scaring people i think this news is really up there when you consider the impact on religion and probably more so on the ego of the scientific establishment.