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The UFO Wave of 1966

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Paranormal Adept
I wonder if anyone here has taken a special interest in this wave, recounted in some detail at the NICAP website. I just came across this information in reading that page:

"June 8, 1966
McDonald blows up at Hynek. After two days (June 6-7) of examining hundreds of Blue Book files and discussions with top AF generals, officers and scientists at FTD, McDonald concluded that the Blue Book effort was incompetent and scientifically next-to-worthless. McDonald visited Hynek, Dr. Jacques Vallee and William Powers at Northwestern University, expecting to join forces to confront the AF over its UFO policies, after McDonald had been falsely told by Prof. Charles B. Moore on April 28, 1966, that Hynek supposedly wanted to confront the AF over UFO's. Instead, Hynek was flabbergasted at McDonald and had no intention or idea of confronting the AF, which increasingly frustrated McDonald until he blew up at Hynek and pounded on the table. Vallee commented in his diary that "an entire era has come to a crashing end. This man [McDonald] has many contacts, many ideas, and is afraid of nothing." Afterward McDonald phones Moore and demands to know what was going on and Moore admitted he "had not been entirely honest" (=lied) about Hynek wanting to confront the AF, as McDonald later recorded. It was all a setup by Moore, evidently designed to get the two leading scientist investigators of UFO's at each other's throats so they would not join forces. Had McDonald and Hynek formed an alliance it would have threatened to turn official UFO policy into dust. (Sparks)"​
Does anyone know more about the activities of this troublemaker Charles B. Moore?​
I should really have titled this thread the Wave of 1966-67. Events in 1967 particularly in Illinois and other midwestern states along the Mississippi, were the subject of Richard Hall's last book, which I have been wanting to read. Has anyone here read it? When I read on UFO Updates that he was researching this book I sent him a small second-hand report (below) from Rock Island, Illinois, of that summer and he put me in touch with a local researcher who had researched all the local newspaper reports at that time. According to that researcher, there were many extraordinary sightings in that area that summer. I was there at the time, in my first job, at which an Illinois police officer worked occasionally. One day in late summer he came in in the late afternoon, his hair having turned white since we'd last seen him (a few days before). He described being called to a rural area on a ufo report and having his mind bent by what he witnessed. He wouldn't go into detail about it.