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The Valentich Case

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Paranormal Adept
A rare case because of the recording of unique, descriptive details of the object by the pilot. It was: metallic, had a green light, was large and moved fast, orbited above him and then it disappeared. Pretty stunning on the face of it.
I just don't get the tone of his voice during this recording, given the intensity of what must have come along with sighting such am incredible object while being so vulnerable in the small plane he occupied. He sounds too matter of fact and almost unimpressed.
There are other discrepancies with his story, but those details and skeptical analyses may also be inaccurate. It remains a very intriguing case because of the disappearance of the young man that followed a rather riveting description of a UFO.
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A further Australian government file (in two parts) has been located by Keith Basterfield on the Valentich incident. He also helpfully arranged for the files to be digitised, paying the relevant fee. This file contains lots of contemporaneous press cuttings covering that event (and a few further official documents).

Keith has posted an overview (with some sample pages and instructions on how to access the files on the website of the National Archives of Australia):
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - scientific research: Another Australian government Valentich file emerges.

With thanks to Keith for finding these files and arranging to get them digitised, I've run these further 2 files through software to improve their searchability and also reduce the file sizes. I've uploaded the revised copies of the PDFs to the temporary link below:
File B638 M116-783-1047 PART 1 10499635.pdf and 1 more file
I just don't get the tone of his voice during this recording, given the intensity of what must have come along with sighting such am incredible object while being so vulnerable in the small plane he occupied. He sounds too matter of fact and almost unimpressed.

I don't know how that behavior can be interpreted as evidentiary, Burnt. My impression is that maintaining a calm demeanor has long been the practiced style of pilots, who know they risk losing their licenses if they become audibly overwhelmed and panicked by what they see in the skies while communicating with ground control.
I don't know how that behavior can be interpreted as evidentiary, Burnt. My impression is that maintaining a calm demeanor has long been the practiced style of pilots, who know they risk losing their licenses if they become audibly overwhelmed and panicked by what they see in the skies while communicating with ground control.
Agreed, Constance, professional pilots work to maintain calm in the skies. But that's not necessarily who we have here as seen in the document link above. If he in fact was a less skilled pilot who failed all his commercial pilot theory pieces then perhaps pilot error is to blame? Regardless, and this is purely personal conjecture, if it's meteors or aliens coming at you there's an emotional component there that appears missing in the recording. Maybe he was fearless? While there have been various speculative narratives written about what might have happened to this young pilot the evidence that is available still proves nothing except the loss of a son.
You say, "the evidence that is available still proves nothing except the loss of a son." I would say it also proves the loss of a pilot who had been in contact with ground controllers unable to assist him through startling events. What is known indicates that something extraordinary happened to Valentich, that he was frightened by it, and that he lost control of his plane. We know too little about him to support speculations about his character or state of mind, or the questionably relevant speculation that he was transporting drugs. Speculations about the significance of his reactions and emotional tone during his contacts with ground controllers are baseless imo given that human beings react in widely diverse ways to shock and crisis.
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