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The Vimanas - ancient flying saucers

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Robert Baird

Paranormal Maven
In other places throughout threads here I have dealt with the Pentagon Dodecahedron secret(s). The Vimanas don't seem so fantastic once you put all of these things together.

I cannot say I understand math to the extent that I can weigh in on formulations such as Cathie and Fuller have put before us. But just as Cathie said was true I can verify the US has and continues to finish building Omega Stations on the Earth Energy Grid. Tesla is another great man with all manner of applications of the Grid who said all his work is based on Harmonics or the Logos which can be studied in the Bible if you know the code. That would support Cathie's contention about the Grid power being used for ancient flying machines.

"Bruce Leonard Cathie (11 February 1930 – 2 June 2013) was a New Zealand airline pilot who wrote seven books related to flying saucers and a "World energy grid".

His central thesis was that the laws of mathematics describe a grid-like pattern on Earth that powers flying saucers and controls the dates and places where nuclear bombs can function.[citation needed] He claimed to have successfully predicted[citation needed] the detonation time of an early French nuclear test using his harmonic "mathematics", which is based around trigonometry and geophysical latitude/longitude coordinates.

Cathie claimed that he first saw a flying saucer over the Manukau Harbour, Auckland in 1952 and in discussions with other airline pilots discovered this was not uncommon.[1]

His first book Harmonic 33, was published in New Zealand in 1968[2] and reprinted in the United Kingdom by Sphere Books in 1980.[3]

New Zealand millennial author Barry Smith claimed to have received his information on restrictions on nuclear weapons from Cathie.

An interview with him was played in the fourth episode of the fourth series of the US television program In Search of....

His second revised relativity equation called "Harmonic Equation 2"; (2c+sqrt(1/(2c))*(2c)² or (4*sqrt(2)]/[(1/c)*5/2) scientifically, seems to somewhat converge with Buckminster Fuller's Synergetics formula 2nf²+2 but there is certainly a divergence in the formulas and more work is needed on it."


Along with Bucky saying there are two perfect tetrahedral in the Great Pyramid we know he used forms such as these in developing his varied theories and designs like the geodesic dome.

And you might ask why it is when so many great physics people have said the ancients knew things we are only now discovering that such ideas are thrown on the dungheap while Alien Intervention theories are trotted out as 'possible'. Could it be some people have been keeping secrets for 5,000 years and more?

"It has been suggested that the regular icosahedron, not being found in nature, is the first example of a geometrical object that is the free creation of human thought. Regardless of the truth of this, it is interesting to try to track down the origin of the icosahedron. A scholium in Book XIII of Euclid's "Elements" speaks of "the five so-called Platonic figures which, however, do not belong to Plato, three of the five being due to the Pythagoreans, namely the cube, the pyramid, and the dodecahedron, while the octahedron and the icosahedron are due to Theaetetus." More recently, Atiyah and Sutcliffe have claimed that a regular icosahedron appears among a collection of stone balls in the Ashmolean Museum - balls that were unearthed in Scotland and may date back to 2000 BC. However, Lieven le Bruyn has argued that these authors are the victims of a hoax. We examine the evidence with a critical eye."

Vril Powered Spacecraft

The possibility of energy sources in ancient times that no historian working for the paradigm will discuss grows more realistic every day. Dr. Don Robins described megaliths as macrochips - he was a very accomplished person in archaeology whose inventions bring us better means to date artifacts and many other things. The Dragon Project researchers included Cambridge mathematicians using magnetometers. It is near to certain that attunement sciences and metaphysics was more developed before the Carolina Bays event destroyed most cities and killed most humans. Today you will hear scientists working on Gravitational Wave research say metaphysics is more real than old physics. The pentagon dodecahedron allowed major energy flows through the megaliths - it had twelve major center points and our Mr. Brown has calculated three of them. Ivan Sanderson added more and I think Mt. Yamato or another part of the Antarctic is one as well. Everyone agrees (most real thinkers) that the Great Pyramid was central to it but it was built long after the people with the real knowledge had used smaller structures there to affect many things including advanced psychic ability. In the research on Pine Gap we have submarines with antennae being powered at a great distance - VRIL antennae receiving power from the Megalithic power plant could do likewise. Indeed we have a modern day effort to use the Earth Energy Grid. Tesla probably would roll over in his grave. The Pentagon dodecahedron and Earth Energy Grid is now a lot more powerful.

Pine Gap as discussed in The Cosmic Conspiracy

The following myth has many facts and many guesses as is true of the Bible. Archaeomythologists must work forward with modern science and backward in other ways including symbology beyond mere linguistic insight. Runes are from Ogham and the people writing this knew about elemental energies often referred to as demons or demi-gods. Mere energy but how much consciousness is there in energy? Modern science may soon have answers - watch Futurescape!!!!



Alfred North Whitehead is a panentheist luminary and philosophical genius with the heart of a true mystic like the great sages and alchemists of the dark and hidden past. I especially like these brief words of his. "Mathematical physics presumes in the first place an electromagnetic field of activity pervading space and time. The laws which condition this field are nothing else than the conditions observed by the general activity of the flux of the world, as it individualises itself in the events."
Hero of Alexandria taught at the Library of Alexandria and was someone who worked on cybernetics. I suspect he had access to earlier writings in the Great Library which included what he is now credited with inventing. That includes a steam engine and wind turbines. Could these have powered the lights drawn in the Cave of Hathor where the academics have no way to explain how artists drew the designs and no candle or oil residue remains? Could his machinery have powered the craft drawn on walls at Abydos. Yes, no alien technology need apply. This power source has no explosive element which would facilitate a controlled flight and hovering.

Hero of Alexandria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia