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The War on Women

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Robert Baird

Paranormal Maven
The origin of the Amazons is in far earlier matriarchal or egalitarian Keltic times. This will soon be proven as we throw off the history of patriarchs and falsified histories to support keeping all people in their place, under some Empire rather than Brotherhood (Iesa). This lady gets a good part of the picture. The women being denigrated in far off lands heard about these noble women warriors and joined their ranks - no matter what race they were accepted in the normal Keltic manner of Brotherhood still evident in many places around the world.

"The origins of the Amazons, if deduced only from Greek records, are obscure and purely mythological.

However, as in the case of the Greeks themselves, the records of other peoples and clues in their own culture give more detail. Record of the Amazons lie also with the Ukrainians, the Chinese, the Scythians, Hittites, and Indians, to name a few. The Amazon Nation consisted of a federation of numerous all women tribes from two groups: women who left their villages temporarily for service to their Goddess, and women who preferred an all female society. This was not considered harmful or unusual. Amazons and priestesses often formed the backbone of medical and teaching personnel in communities. A wide variety of scientific knowledge was preserved in the context of ritual and systems of divination. Bearing children was the task of a warrior, given how physically dangerous it was to mother and child. Symbolically, the mother acts as a human gateway between the worlds when giving birth, an extremely dangerous occupation demanding careful precautions.

At the time that Amazon tribes began to form, the primary deity was a Goddess, usually identified as the Lady of Beasts, the Bird Goddess, or the Snake Goddess, categories developed by Dr. Marija Gimbutas. {When you see the word deity it is not some superstitious religious claptrap - think of it as a totem or energy from reality which different clans used to represent their special kinship with. Or later as people travelled - representative deities recalling their lineage in what became ancestor worship. IMHO} This was particularly true of the Amazons, and is reflected in all mythology concerning them. Perhaps then, the easiest way to trace the Amazons is to begin with their Goddesses, given the origin of their tribes in dedicated religious colleges in North Africa {See thread on Malta.} and Anatolia approximately 10,000 years ago.

In the Myrine entry of Chapter One, two Goddesses of the Libyan Amazons were described: Sipylene of the Moon and Sea, and Athena of the Sun. In fact, there was a third Goddess worshipped in the area, by a tribe of Amazons later known as the Pallantids. This was Pallas Promachos (Pallas of the Vanguard), whose mere shadow appeared in Athens later. The Pallantids eventually became hereditary enemies of Athens, after the raids which broke the treaties signed after the Attic War.

The first recorded encounters between Greek and Amazon tribes occur in North Africa. Few authors make clear that the Libyan Amazons were black, and that so too must be Athena, Pallas, and Sipylene. They may have helped inspire divine female figures who have black skin in European folklore, apart from chthonic Goddesses who are black due to their connection with the soil. The other source is ancient India, homeland of the Goddesses Sera 'army' and Uma 'light' or 'Moon.' Sera seems to have been predominantly a war Goddess, but Uma became Goddess of the Moon, war, and wisdom. Uma's name may be the root of the term 'Amazon' from Uma-zoon, often translated 'Moon Warriors.' Amastis on the Black Sea may also be named for her, suggesting that Amazons there were her worshippers. Sera's followers were settled on the Gulf of Amnissus.

The migration of Indian Amazons occurred early, probably corresponding to the invasions that destroyed the Harrapan civilization (approximately 2000 BCE) {I say earlier here, in Ilavarta.}. They established early Northern Amazon settlements, and seem to have made contact with the Libyan Amazons, whose Gorgon Goddess bears points of resemblance to Kali.

At last to the Greeks, who believed that all Amazons were descendants of Ares through Harmonia. Harmonia is a title of Aphrodite, whose warlike aspect was more commonly known as Galatea {Galatians in Roman times - Bible myth of Jesus built into the Gospel lies.}. She comes from the Middle East originally, and may be related to Astarte. {Much of this is Phoenician history too.} Paphos was originally an Amazon colony, which suggests that Aphrodite's warrior women brought her there. Still other Amazons were from Anatolia and Crete, as evidenced by their worship of Artemis, Cybele, Rhea, and Gaea. All of these and Aphrodite were worshipped as Lady of the Beasts and warrior Goddess. {See Eleusinian Mysteries, Druid's Eggs and more.} Athena was different.

A descendant of the Bird Goddess of Neolithic times, {Is this brd goddess able to speak the language of the brds?} that was also her aspect {This is the appropriate word reflecting the energy or reality of representative deities which later were corrupted into religions OVER people.} among the Gorgons. The golden Sun eagle was originally one of her forms. Marija Gimbutas demonstrated that the Bird and Snake Goddesses were always together in Neolithic Old Europe."
