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ThirdphaseofMoon caught red handed

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OMG there's a street on the Phillipines that looks exactly like one in Hawaii!! That's unbelievably spooky! Let the people decide!
The video is about 20mins too long to get to the meat but you cannot fault the work the guy did to show how fake Blake n Co are. There isn't a hope in hell of Blake explaining this one. To be honest, before the guy even proved it was fake, and before I knew the video was supposed to have been filmed in the Phillipines, I just assumed it was from Hawaii. I've seen enough 'Dog the bounty hunter'.
Blake would have to be doing very well to afford a trip there just to cover one little (bullshit) story. He really does think people are stupid.
OMG! you got to see this!

What? And increase their clicks counter? No way. I won't do it. I can fight it... I won't give them the click...



What's with this guy's hair? Did Cheech and Chong get married?


ThirdPhase are AWESOME, man. They totally DEBUNKED this. Man. Let the people decide.
Where's my smokes.. I put them here between those funny pills and stuff...
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Right blake the hoax buster. The whole thing looks like Blake was trying to show he was looking for the truth. Bet the two were on Blakes payroll. .

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I'm more and more leaning towards considering Blake to be a performance artist as much of what we've seen borders on the absurd. As one who is open to "believing" in almost anything, even I find it hard to believe that Blake is serious about this whole thing. I just can't conceive of him being so completely unaware of his actions, and applaud him in his ability to get others to go along with the gag, although I'm guessing it has less to do with them being well compensated than it does to them either being damn good sports and/or they are looking for their fifteen minutes. All that's missing is the wink-wink. It's almost like he is immersing himself into another persona, ala Andy Kaufman/ Tony Clifton. As far as his ability to make money of it...and I'm sure he is not raking it in...even Tony Clifton had to make a living. Perhaps any clicks he's getting has less to do with people who think they are actually going to see a real ufo shot, or a hoax uncovered than having a good laugh, and all this ridicule he gets just encourages him to find another angle, i.e. by now portraying the Hoax Hunter. Debunkers, Skepitics and True Believers alike are jumping in , each with their own percieved way at looking at things, thinking they are gathering ammunition for their cause. Would there be such scorn thrown at him...and admittedly he is making himself a ripe target but I think it's intentional...if it wasn't with a subject that we all have an emotional investment in ?

As for me, after initially scorning him as I first did when he first came to my attention I'm now willing to go along for the ride, I may eventually have to eat my words but when it comes to pulling the wool over people's eyes I'm more concerned about our elected officials and the international banking community, unless one wants to consider that Blake is in bed with either or both.While I don't see myself going over to thirdphase anytime soon, it's nice to know that BAD comic relief has not disappeared.
Like I said. The video is a set up. If you watch the video you see the prop is not shown until the end. The two guys are on Blakes payroll. It's was designed to show "hey we don't hoax or like being hoaxed.

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At least it has really great comedic value, but as Gene said, somebody just getting into the 'thick/sick' of all of this, might actually take that guy for the real thing..fthis damn field..still full of hoaxers and people trying to cash in on it, doubt it will change before the proverbial White House landing thingie...yet, I'm interested in the real stuff still...This topic (Ufos and other strange phenomena)is one of the last 'Unicorns' left in 'modern' society these days, I'm eternally grateful that here, we are dividing the wheat from the chaff. As for that Cousins Dude in the video, think of my most colorful expressions.
They are like the WWF (wrestling), obviously fake and staged, yet still appealing to some members of the public.......
It's probably a cultural thing but I find them amusing, especially after this video, I was going to write a post in this thread outlining all of the "contradictions" and mistakes in the video, when it occurred to me that he (blake) was "hamming it up"(acting badly) on purpose and if his actions were deliberate the joke would be on me for wasting my time, which made me laugh.
In short, as a "tommy cooper" style comedy act they are quite good, as paranormal researchers they stink.
The problem is that they get paid depending on traffic. So every time you visit them, you are helping to pay the bills. Would that we had a system like that — every time someone heard The Paracast or The Tech Night Owl LIVE, or visited my sites, the cash registers would ring. But no, I'm not going to do that. Hmmmm....
It's obvious the whole video was scripted. Talk about crappy acting.

Oh, and was that guy from the flock of seagulls?