Skilled Investigator
Great Paracast/DMR crossover show Gene and Don. You two are at the top of your game. You guys discussed if the Government could keep secrets these days. Here is a current example of how they do it.
Global Laser Enrichment Global Laser Enrichment | GE Energy
Nuclear reactors run on Low Enriched Uranium. Nuke weapons use Highly Enriched Uranium. The enriching process is a full 35% or more of the cost of the fuel. Gaseous Diffusion (Using brute force to push gaseous UF6 through semipermeable membranes.) is very inefficient. The current state of the art is centrifuges. Spinning the crap out of it. It is very energy intensive. The US government has spent untold billions trying to develop Laser Enrichment. It dates back to Photoenrichment efforts in the 1920's. Allow me to quote from this government publication.
Historic Beginnings
of Laser Isotope
The possibility of isotope separation using photochemical methods
was first recognized in 1920, and the first successful experiment was
conducted in 1932. The photochemical separation of uranium
isotopes was studied under the Manhattan Engineer District, but it
was found that it could not compete technically with gaseous diffusion
when, then available, normal light sources were used for excitation.
Not until lasers were developed did the concept begin to show
promise in industrial application.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) began investigating
the use of lasers for isotope separation in the early 1970s. In 1974
after a bench scale experiment at LLNL successfully demonstrated
enrichment, the AVLIS concept for uranium enrichment became one
of the baseline approaches for development in the United States. In
the mid 1970s, Union Carbide Corporation and then Martin Marietta
Energy Systems, the operator of the Department of Energy (DOE)
gaseous diffusion plants at Oak Ridge and Paducah, joined the AVLIS
development team by bringing their expertise and experience in
uranium handling.
Product concentrations of 3% to 5% uranium-235 can be obtained
from natural uranium in a single pass through the separator device.
Conceptually, AVLIS is capable of economically producing enriched
uranium suitable for use in light water reactors from the stockpiles of
depleted uranium resulting from the gaseous diffusion process.
I believe these experiments from the 1920's led to the development of the Nazi Bell by the Third Reich in WWII. I believe the US made a deal with evil SS General Hans Kammler. Real History and the possible escape of Hans Kammler
Hans Kammler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sy Gunson, Joseph Farrell, Nick Cook, and Igor Witkowski have all touched upon this monster and his 6 documented deaths?!?!
Just wait! Now it gets really confusing! So in the 1920's the theoretical groundwork for Photoenrichment is laid, In the 1930's experiments confirm it in both Europe and the US. Mid 1940 the cutting edge German program is absorbed into the US program (Admittedly speculation on my part.). MASER's are discovered in 1954, Lasers are discovered in 1960. Lasers - The History of Lasers
Lasers are the tool the scientists who are trying to Photoenrich Uranium have been praying for. By the 70's every major atomic power is interested in Laser enrichment. In 1979 Three Mile Island happens. The nuclear industry/research is decimated. In response things get really, really complicated and confusing. In 1986 ALVIS begins Plant Scale Operations to Laser Enrich Uranium. Right during the Chernobyl Disaster! Check out their answer to the Chernobyl problem.
Right from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories site. Laser Isotope Separation
Plant-scale laser and separator hardware began operation in 1986, while researchers were continually improving their performance and reliability. The early 1990s marked the first tests with full-sized components in integrated systems producing enriched uranium over many tens of hours. The Energy Policy Act of 1992 transferred the U.S. government's uranium enrichment activities to USEC, which at that time was a government corporation charged with supplying the nuclear fuel industry with enrichment services through gaseous diffusion technology.
In July 1994, after a two-year period during which Livermore's LIS activities were on a standby status, USEC gave the green light for advanced development. The technology was then transferred from DOE to USEC for commercialization, representing the largest technology transfer in the Laboratory's history.
Now for the strange case of USEC. Here is their long confusing history
Paducah Plant History |
USEC was formed in 1992 by the Energy Policy Act. More importantly the Clinton Administration spins it out into a public company in a 1998 IPO during their Reinventing Government initiative. This is the same initiative that took USIS public. You know the people who used to be real federal government investigators who did background checks for Top Secret Clearances. Now they are overworked underpaid private subcontactors. USIS, now in league with the big banks has turned the whole clearance process into a glorified credit check. How did Snowden and Manning happen? USIS did their screenings and they had good enough credit. Get ready for your head to explode!
Sonic Healthcare ::: Chronology and References
Just some background. Australia is one of the most staunchly anti-nuke countries on the planet, and for good reason. The British conducted 12 of the most useless and dangerous bomb testing in Australian territory. Australian Institute of Criminology -
Chapter 16: A toxic legacy : British nuclear weapons testing in Australia
That said the Aussies have a terrific and strong mining culture. Including Uranium mines. But in the Nuclear field they are just a tiny bit player. Just compare their research reactors to the rest of the world. List of nuclear reactors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Silex starts as a Mine holding company in 1948
1948 incorporated in Victoria as Gunnersen Nosworthy Ltd.
1961 Delisted
1987 Acquired Douglas Laboratories in Sydney where Colin Goldschmidt was a histopathologist. Lists on share market.
June 1990 Share price 5 cents (all time low had been 3 cents)
1992 Michael Boyd pays $4 million for for 23% of Sonic, which is still primarily a failing mining technology business. He switches Sonic into pathology and Goldschmidt becomes CEO. Sonic merges its Adelaide operations with Clinpath Laboratories Pty Ltd with an option to buy. (By 2005, 13 years later Boyd's shares were worth $255 million)
1993 Acquires Macquarie Laboratories Pty Ltd in Sydney
1994 Exercises option and buys Clinipath for $521,830. Acquires Tan pathology.
1995 Share price 55 cents. Changes its name from Sonic Technology Australia Ltd to Sonic Healthcare Ltd. Acquires Pathlab in Adelaide.
1996 The merger involving Hanly Moir and Barratt and Smith practices,
Feb 1996 Trading at 82 cents - high turnover of shares.
Sept/Oct/Nov 1996 Has become the darling of the sector and is now the largest pathology group in Australia. Share price $1.70
June 1997 Expands into Indonesia in joint venture health project to provide automated PAP smears. Buys Lifescreen Australia.
October 1997 Buys Lifescreen Australia Pty Ltd, a national health evaluation service used by 23 large life insurers.
February 1998 Share price reaches about $2 moving up to $2.89 by the beginning of 1999. Sonic focuses on solid profits from existing operations rather than expansion. Acquires Exelpath Mobile Paramedical services.
May 1998 Spins off the company Silex Systems which raises $4 million in a float.
(Between 1992 and 1999, sales increased from $12 million to $175 million.)
Just follow along. From the official government lab report.
The objective of this study is to provide guidelines for estimating the isotope enrichment
separative capacity for the technology known as SILEX.
Separation of Isotopes by Laser EXcitation (SILEX) is the name given to the technology
developed by Australian scientists, Michael Goldsworthy and Horst Struve. They fonned
a public company, Silex Systems Ltd. (SSL), to further develop and market the isotope
enrichment capability for uranium and several stable isotopes. Their current facilities are
in Australia at Lucas Heights. New South Wales. The facilities are in a secure area in a
building rented from the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization
ANSTO provides security and other services for the SSL. Michael
Goldsworthy is the CEO of SSL and Horst Struve is the Chief Scientist.
From 1996 to 2002 the United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC) pro\;ded funding
and technical assistance to SSL for their uranium enrichment process. I was part of that
technical assistance trom 2000 to 2002. My understanding of the process allows me to
make the guidelines presented here. USEC no longer has an interest in the SILEX
technology. All contractual arrangements between SSL and USEC have been terminated.
I understand. however. that SSL is pursuing agreements with other US companies. The
SSL objective is to build a uranium enrichment pilot plant in the United States. I also
understand that SSL has no interest in marketing the technology outside of the United
States. I know of no organization outside of the United States that has an interest in
developing the SILEX technology. Even Australia cannot build a pilot plant or
enrichment facility.
During the time of the CSEC-SSL cooperative research the United States and Australian
governments concluded an "Agreement for Cooperation I" that allowed joint research on
uranium isotope separation to take place. It also provided a basis for the classification of
the work by both the Australian government and the United States Department of Energy.
\1any aspects of the uranium enrichment technology are also company proprietary. As
many aspects of the SILEX process are covered by Australian and American
dassitication and the proprietary restrictions. many details of the SILEX process cannot
by revealed in this report.
So a mining shell company is formed in 1948 in Australia. Is delisted in 1961, then in 1987 it acquires a Health Care Service provider. Then 2 guys there solve the riddle of the ages! It's so great USEC pumps in a couple of hundred million dollars. Then says its not for us. and GE picks it up on the cheap!
It is the only Classified private business venture in public history. It has all the protections of a Classified US government program. But it is not. Its not even a US Company. It is Australian. And it is a public company. It does not have to worry about patents. You try and steal its secrets its the big house for you! A Glimpse of the SILEX Uranium Enrichment Process - Secrecy News
So no patents to worry about. It is Classified so no taxpayers can get any info on it until it is UnClassified. Even then, no one can get any info because it is a public Australian company immune from Freedom of Info Requests. So basically the taxpayers foot the bill for BILLIONS! And what does Silex Get? Right from their website.
GE Agreement
Subject to the continued success of the program GE agreed to fund the following activities to be undertaken in conjunction with Silex:
There might be a good Nazi Bell show in there somewhere!
Global Laser Enrichment Global Laser Enrichment | GE Energy
Nuclear reactors run on Low Enriched Uranium. Nuke weapons use Highly Enriched Uranium. The enriching process is a full 35% or more of the cost of the fuel. Gaseous Diffusion (Using brute force to push gaseous UF6 through semipermeable membranes.) is very inefficient. The current state of the art is centrifuges. Spinning the crap out of it. It is very energy intensive. The US government has spent untold billions trying to develop Laser Enrichment. It dates back to Photoenrichment efforts in the 1920's. Allow me to quote from this government publication.
Historic Beginnings
of Laser Isotope
The possibility of isotope separation using photochemical methods
was first recognized in 1920, and the first successful experiment was
conducted in 1932. The photochemical separation of uranium
isotopes was studied under the Manhattan Engineer District, but it
was found that it could not compete technically with gaseous diffusion
when, then available, normal light sources were used for excitation.
Not until lasers were developed did the concept begin to show
promise in industrial application.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) began investigating
the use of lasers for isotope separation in the early 1970s. In 1974
after a bench scale experiment at LLNL successfully demonstrated
enrichment, the AVLIS concept for uranium enrichment became one
of the baseline approaches for development in the United States. In
the mid 1970s, Union Carbide Corporation and then Martin Marietta
Energy Systems, the operator of the Department of Energy (DOE)
gaseous diffusion plants at Oak Ridge and Paducah, joined the AVLIS
development team by bringing their expertise and experience in
uranium handling.
Product concentrations of 3% to 5% uranium-235 can be obtained
from natural uranium in a single pass through the separator device.
Conceptually, AVLIS is capable of economically producing enriched
uranium suitable for use in light water reactors from the stockpiles of
depleted uranium resulting from the gaseous diffusion process.
I believe these experiments from the 1920's led to the development of the Nazi Bell by the Third Reich in WWII. I believe the US made a deal with evil SS General Hans Kammler. Real History and the possible escape of Hans Kammler
Hans Kammler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sy Gunson, Joseph Farrell, Nick Cook, and Igor Witkowski have all touched upon this monster and his 6 documented deaths?!?!
Just wait! Now it gets really confusing! So in the 1920's the theoretical groundwork for Photoenrichment is laid, In the 1930's experiments confirm it in both Europe and the US. Mid 1940 the cutting edge German program is absorbed into the US program (Admittedly speculation on my part.). MASER's are discovered in 1954, Lasers are discovered in 1960. Lasers - The History of Lasers
Lasers are the tool the scientists who are trying to Photoenrich Uranium have been praying for. By the 70's every major atomic power is interested in Laser enrichment. In 1979 Three Mile Island happens. The nuclear industry/research is decimated. In response things get really, really complicated and confusing. In 1986 ALVIS begins Plant Scale Operations to Laser Enrich Uranium. Right during the Chernobyl Disaster! Check out their answer to the Chernobyl problem.
Right from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories site. Laser Isotope Separation
Plant-scale laser and separator hardware began operation in 1986, while researchers were continually improving their performance and reliability. The early 1990s marked the first tests with full-sized components in integrated systems producing enriched uranium over many tens of hours. The Energy Policy Act of 1992 transferred the U.S. government's uranium enrichment activities to USEC, which at that time was a government corporation charged with supplying the nuclear fuel industry with enrichment services through gaseous diffusion technology.
Now for the strange case of USEC. Here is their long confusing history
Paducah Plant History |
USEC was formed in 1992 by the Energy Policy Act. More importantly the Clinton Administration spins it out into a public company in a 1998 IPO during their Reinventing Government initiative. This is the same initiative that took USIS public. You know the people who used to be real federal government investigators who did background checks for Top Secret Clearances. Now they are overworked underpaid private subcontactors. USIS, now in league with the big banks has turned the whole clearance process into a glorified credit check. How did Snowden and Manning happen? USIS did their screenings and they had good enough credit. Get ready for your head to explode!
Sonic Healthcare ::: Chronology and References
Just some background. Australia is one of the most staunchly anti-nuke countries on the planet, and for good reason. The British conducted 12 of the most useless and dangerous bomb testing in Australian territory. Australian Institute of Criminology -
Chapter 16: A toxic legacy : British nuclear weapons testing in Australia
That said the Aussies have a terrific and strong mining culture. Including Uranium mines. But in the Nuclear field they are just a tiny bit player. Just compare their research reactors to the rest of the world. List of nuclear reactors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Silex starts as a Mine holding company in 1948
1948 incorporated in Victoria as Gunnersen Nosworthy Ltd.
1961 Delisted
1987 Acquired Douglas Laboratories in Sydney where Colin Goldschmidt was a histopathologist. Lists on share market.
June 1990 Share price 5 cents (all time low had been 3 cents)
1992 Michael Boyd pays $4 million for for 23% of Sonic, which is still primarily a failing mining technology business. He switches Sonic into pathology and Goldschmidt becomes CEO. Sonic merges its Adelaide operations with Clinpath Laboratories Pty Ltd with an option to buy. (By 2005, 13 years later Boyd's shares were worth $255 million)
1993 Acquires Macquarie Laboratories Pty Ltd in Sydney
1994 Exercises option and buys Clinipath for $521,830. Acquires Tan pathology.
1995 Share price 55 cents. Changes its name from Sonic Technology Australia Ltd to Sonic Healthcare Ltd. Acquires Pathlab in Adelaide.
1996 The merger involving Hanly Moir and Barratt and Smith practices,
Feb 1996 Trading at 82 cents - high turnover of shares.
Sept/Oct/Nov 1996 Has become the darling of the sector and is now the largest pathology group in Australia. Share price $1.70
June 1997 Expands into Indonesia in joint venture health project to provide automated PAP smears. Buys Lifescreen Australia.
October 1997 Buys Lifescreen Australia Pty Ltd, a national health evaluation service used by 23 large life insurers.
February 1998 Share price reaches about $2 moving up to $2.89 by the beginning of 1999. Sonic focuses on solid profits from existing operations rather than expansion. Acquires Exelpath Mobile Paramedical services.
May 1998 Spins off the company Silex Systems which raises $4 million in a float.
(Between 1992 and 1999, sales increased from $12 million to $175 million.)
Just follow along. From the official government lab report.
The objective of this study is to provide guidelines for estimating the isotope enrichment
separative capacity for the technology known as SILEX.
Separation of Isotopes by Laser EXcitation (SILEX) is the name given to the technology
developed by Australian scientists, Michael Goldsworthy and Horst Struve. They fonned
a public company, Silex Systems Ltd. (SSL), to further develop and market the isotope
enrichment capability for uranium and several stable isotopes. Their current facilities are
in Australia at Lucas Heights. New South Wales. The facilities are in a secure area in a
building rented from the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization
ANSTO provides security and other services for the SSL. Michael
Goldsworthy is the CEO of SSL and Horst Struve is the Chief Scientist.
From 1996 to 2002 the United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC) pro\;ded funding
and technical assistance to SSL for their uranium enrichment process. I was part of that
technical assistance trom 2000 to 2002. My understanding of the process allows me to
make the guidelines presented here. USEC no longer has an interest in the SILEX
technology. All contractual arrangements between SSL and USEC have been terminated.
I understand. however. that SSL is pursuing agreements with other US companies. The
SSL objective is to build a uranium enrichment pilot plant in the United States. I also
understand that SSL has no interest in marketing the technology outside of the United
States. I know of no organization outside of the United States that has an interest in
developing the SILEX technology. Even Australia cannot build a pilot plant or
enrichment facility.
During the time of the CSEC-SSL cooperative research the United States and Australian
governments concluded an "Agreement for Cooperation I" that allowed joint research on
uranium isotope separation to take place. It also provided a basis for the classification of
the work by both the Australian government and the United States Department of Energy.
\1any aspects of the uranium enrichment technology are also company proprietary. As
many aspects of the SILEX process are covered by Australian and American
dassitication and the proprietary restrictions. many details of the SILEX process cannot
by revealed in this report.
So a mining shell company is formed in 1948 in Australia. Is delisted in 1961, then in 1987 it acquires a Health Care Service provider. Then 2 guys there solve the riddle of the ages! It's so great USEC pumps in a couple of hundred million dollars. Then says its not for us. and GE picks it up on the cheap!
It is the only Classified private business venture in public history. It has all the protections of a Classified US government program. But it is not. Its not even a US Company. It is Australian. And it is a public company. It does not have to worry about patents. You try and steal its secrets its the big house for you! A Glimpse of the SILEX Uranium Enrichment Process - Secrecy News
So no patents to worry about. It is Classified so no taxpayers can get any info on it until it is UnClassified. Even then, no one can get any info because it is a public Australian company immune from Freedom of Info Requests. So basically the taxpayers foot the bill for BILLIONS! And what does Silex Get? Right from their website.
GE Agreement
Subject to the continued success of the program GE agreed to fund the following activities to be undertaken in conjunction with Silex:
- Test Loop: This program is designed to test the performance and efficiency of engineering-scale equipment and to provide the engineering design detail for a commercial production facility.
- Lead Cascade: This program involves the construction and operation of the first small production module after successful completion of the Test Loop. If the Lead Cascade confirms the efficiency and reliability expected of the technology at full-scale production, then GE may continue with the deployment of the first large-scale commercial enrichment plant.
- US$5 million after receipt of preliminary US government approval (payment was received in June 2006).
- US$15 million on receipt of final government approval (payment was received in October 2006).
- US$15 million upon successful completion of the Test Loop program and receipt of an NRC license for the commercial plant.
- US$20 million upon successful completion/licensing of the Lead Cascade.
- A base royalty of 7 percent of revenues generated from enrichment services using the SILEX Technology.
- An additional royalty of up to 5 percent based on the total cost of deployment whereby the lower the cost of deployment per unit production, the higher the royalty.
There might be a good Nazi Bell show in there somewhere!
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