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Thomas Fusco Show

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Paranormal Maven
I really enjoyed the Thomas fusco show, and I mean that in a way that transcends my opinions on various aspects of his model. Most of what he said I was drawn to, and considering what's gone on in the forum I suppose you can guess which parts specifically I found intriguing and even comforting, but I'll just leave it at that (really!).

I didn't mean to jumpstart the Thomas fusco show, and in fact have given myself a break from the forum, not that I've posted many messages since 2006, but for some unfathomable reason seem to have had a spurt of posts the last few days (ha, ha).

Goggsmackay, I want to echo what you said today on the ray stanford thread about mike coming back. I've certainly reflected on the whole thing, and as I've said before, I surprised myself somewhat. As the Catholics say, mea culpa,mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Not in the sense that it was all my fault, but in the sense that I've learned from it and have done what, believe it or not, I do only too well, and that's constantly torture myself with too much analysis. I can certainly see my role in it all.

Bottom line is, if I met mike in a pub in Sydney, we'd get along just fine, and I can see myself getting a kick out of his Aussie accent, man I love the movies that come out of Australia. And so on, the real human element that makes us all naturally like our fellow man (and woman) when we're face to face.

I know I'm not going to take anyone's head off here, and neither is mike. I'd like personally to ask mike to come back. I think he and I have more of a respect for each other than either of us was willing to admit. So, mike, why don't you down under and I up in the northern hemisphere each take down one of our home-brews and hoist them to each other over the enormous distance that separates us. I'd like the miles to be the only thing that separates us. Kim
Is anyone else sick and damned tired of hearing people prattle on about other posters in a endless monologue that ignores all forum decorum by polluting every subject and thread with petty interpersonal problems they seem incapable of resolving?
Yes, I understand, and will do so. However, please keep in mind that two hours after I posted this post above, mike re-entered the "special performance and security" thread,as you, trained and angelo know,and was ranting, name-calling, attacking me and two others, and hijacking that thread. For pete's sake, I want this to end, too, and apologize for anything i've done. You know, if by the definitions of the words in the rules, in both the spirit and the letter of those rules, mike should have been banned. I don't want this, and have acknowledged my part in getting hot under the collar when i was frequently name-called and vilified, and I take your and angelo's posts above seriously, but check out in the special performance thread the dripping venom, personally directed at me and two others, and read how mike comes back with more of the same. I'm politely asking you, Angelo, to leave me alone, period, with your double standard and condescension. Please. I had dropped this, apologize for anything I did wrong starting this thread, and want it to end . And, trained, no more of your private communication. Let's drop this. Kim
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