I've had plenty. Though none were of major current events.
Only one event really sticks out:
I was in high school sitting in a creative writing class, which I now realize is incredibly ironic. It was pretty slow going near the end of class.
How I recognize these "events" happening is when the surrounding scene all of sudden presents itself in 'exceptional clarity.' (I don't know how else to describe it.)
A fellow student, who was seated two rows to my left and one row ahead, had his head down taking a micro-nap. Seeing this beforehand everything clicked. He was going to lift his head and do slow gaze around the room.
A few seconds later, he raises his head and does a slow gaze around the room. When he gets to me I raise my finger to my mouth giving the "Shhh, stay quiet" motion. His eyes go wide. I think he's seen this moment before as I have. He appears a little shaken up by it but nothing too noticeable.
The bell rings. We get out to the hall and I ask him if he saw that moment before it actually happened. He says yes and that it was really weird.
It was the only time I've ever had one my dejavu/precognition moments confirmed by someone else. Think what you want about this story. If you think it's complete B.S., I don't blame you, but, for me, it provides some element of truth to these dejavu/precognition 'dreams.'