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Thoughts on Prophet Yahweh (ufo summoner)

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Yeah I was surprised when no one made a big deal out of this. I really don't know what to make of it. Could it be some sort of remote-controlled balloon? Or is this crazy dude really in contact with something nonhuman? (In which case, we're all nuts.)
David Biedny said:
It's balloons and horseshit. This idiot was debunked ages ago.

David beat me to it. I'll just mention his Yahoo personals page is a must read. A real Yahoo.

Oh, and the debates he's had on certain radio programs are worth a listen for a laugh. He lost big time. Unfortunately I can't recall what show it was on. I think I found it via a search though. Probably Google.

Anyone have the pic of him with weather balloons on hand?

He predicted a mass sighting, and/or landing which never occurred. Since then he's been quiet. He got enough air time and attention for his mega claims, that was enough I guess. Usually after that much egg is on ones face, they wait awhile then hope people forget (news media always does) then spew some new con-shit.
David Biedny said:
It's balloons and horseshit. This idiot was debunked ages ago.

Okay, but what about this video that shows the supposed "orb" shifting a bunch of times very rapidly.....i mean, i could see it being a strange video artifact...although i've never seen that before

or this video with a clear black object that's obviously rotating and doing various maneuvers in the sky?

Paranormal Packrat said:
David Biedny said:
It's balloons and horseshit. This idiot was debunked ages ago.

David beat me to it. I'll just mention his Yahoo personals page is a must read. A real Yahoo.

Oh, and the debates he's had on certain radio programs are worth a listen for a laugh. He lost big time. Unfortunately I can't recall what show it was on. I think I found it via a search though. Probably Google.

Anyone have the pic of him with weather balloons on hand?

He predicted a mass sighting, and/or landing which never occurred. Since then he's been quiet. He got enough air time and attention for his mega claims, that was enough I guess. Usually after that much egg is on ones face, they wait awhile then hope people forget (news media always does) then spew some new con-shit.

i see, i obviously didnt hear the debates...but this man is obviously in no state of mind to EVER win any realistic debate...he can barely speak clearly with all the voices running around in his head or whatever.

i saw that pic....that pic was from somebody googling "weather balloon UFO" and a picture of someone that looks like him showed up holding weather balloons with kids....with no ACTUAL proof of it actually being him or being in the same area he lives

im all for being skeptical, and i could easily see this guy as being a hoaxer...but at least debunk him in a credible manner.
you know what, in reference to the 2nd video with the black UFO doing various maneuvers....after looking at it again, it does look like a bunch of balloons tied together that are simple tumbling and spinning

forget i mentioned that one.

you know what, forget it....this guy is a joke.
cmbezln said:
you know what, in reference to the 2nd video with the black UFO doing various maneuvers....after looking at it again, it does look like a bunch of balloons tied together that are simple tumbling and spinning

forget i mentioned that one.

you know what, forget it....this guy is a joke.

In reference to the whole thing.... Dude is a fraud. The reason you don't hear much of him, is because it's an obvious fraud and has proven to be so. Even by woo woo standards. Snoorey, fart hell, and fox news won't even touch it. For now at least.

For a more detailed summary of this con, check ATS forums. I vaguely recall the details were laid out there, among other places.
The only reason this guy's still around is because he's feuding with Rael, which I guess goes to show that the only bad publicity is no publicity.

I'm not exactly sure WHAT they're feuding over though, my guess would be either who's the biggest nutcase or who's the biggest fraud.
CapnG said:
The only reason this guy's still around is because he's feuding with Rael, which I guess goes to show that the only bad publicity is no publicity.

I'm not exactly sure WHAT they're feuding over though, my guess would be either who's the biggest nutcase or who's the biggest fraud.

Two big liars, fighting about how the other one is lying I bet.

/edit. To = two. Whoops.
Actually as much as i hate to say this. He might have figured out something about mentally connecting to "them" or whatever. Steven greer has something simmiler while he claims a meditation does it. As much as i would love to call these guys idiots, though they are in the sence that they are trying to create a cult like following centered around what they have figured out.......i know im going to lose any credibility by telling people this.

There is some thread of truth here. I myself have personally done something simmiler and had "ufos" show up at least twice, these where the ones during the day. It could have worked as many as 5 times but i dont count lights in the sky at night, could be anything. I have also spoken to a handfull of other people over the years who are confirming that this has happend to them. Im sorry i have no credibility or proof.

it wont work every time either its no magic bullet (Think of it like "they" have lives too and just because you call up your buddy dont mean he can chill this weekend, thats life people have lives) .So its more than likely that most of the subsiquint summonings in the case of YahWeh and Greer are faked to keep up appearences. But sometimes where theres smoke there might be fire. Dont forget about it compleatly even if they are messed up. Look at things like the simmilaritys between the occurences. I am not defending him but i am afraid that if people beleive that it is not possible to repeat what he has done then they wont even try, but thats what i did, i just tryed something like it, not expecting it to work or not work but just for the heck of it because if nothing else its not like you have anything to lose by trying. I honestly beleve that even though most times nothing appears to happen, if enough people try once in a while then we will eventually start getting legit reports from people who we can trust, each other...not some guy that claims to know all the answers.

Because I beleve in you guys who are out there doing the research and sticking your neck out asking the hard questions. Even if you cant trust me yet just give it a shot, even if its as a joke. learn a bit about clearing your mind and do that to prime yourself before focusing on requesting them to show up. And just be polite, like your talking to a stranger for the first time. Im sure "they" can respect that. Theres no right way to do this once you relax and focus your thought, i am not even sure how i did it. Help me figure it out.

Anyway blah blah blah thos post was about Yahwea right, well check this out lol
