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This new Thrive movie Home | Thrive seems to be interesting. Code ET/UFO touches on the UFO topic at the website, and I guess the movie has a segment covering this subject as well.

Hi GeoShift,

I'm a newbie here, and I am quite amazed that you are the only person who has posted anything about the THRIVE movie. I had expected at least a few threads about it. And I also see that you made your posting 6 months ago.

There's all kinds of controversy about the movie, including its libertarianism and support of Ron Paul, its support of David Icke and his wigged out reptilian theories which rehash the old antisemitism of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Foster Gamble himself is an heir to the Procter & Gamble fortune and since he released his movie on 11/11/11 there is speculation that he is a disinfo front for the Illuminati. And then 9 people who are in the movie publicly dissociated themselves from it.
Author John Robbins, Other Progressives Denounce ‘Thrive’

I've been hanging out here on the Nancy Talbott/Robbert van den Broeke thread because they link back to the THRIVE movie through crop circles and UFOs. Here's an entertaining site for you called THRIVE Debunked, which pushes all the right conspiratorial buttons.
Thrive Debunked

Oh, and let me throw in Dave Emory's take on the movie as "Counter-Culture Fascism in Cinema"
Spitfire List | “Thrive”: Counter-Culture Fascism in Cinema
I gather there is not much on it due to a few names that appear in the movie.
I have watched it and was not really that impressed, BUT that is my opinion as others can take from it what they wish.
Hi GeoShift,

I'm a newbie here, and I am quite amazed that you are the only person who has posted anything about the THRIVE movie. I had expected at least a few threads about it. And I also see that you made your posting 6 months ago.

There's all kinds of controversy about the movie, including its libertarianism and support of Ron Paul, its support of David Icke and his wigged out reptilian theories which rehash the old antisemitism of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Foster Gamble himself is an heir to the Procter & Gamble fortune and since he released his movie on 11/11/11 there is speculation that he is a disinfo front for the Illuminati. And then 9 people who are in the movie publicly dissociated themselves from it.
Author John Robbins, Other Progressives Denounce ‘Thrive’

I've been hanging out here on the Nancy Talbott/Robbert van den Broeke thread because they link back to the THRIVE movie through crop circles and UFOs. Here's an entertaining site for you called THRIVE Debunked, which pushes all the right conspiratorial buttons.
Thrive Debunked

Oh, and let me throw in Dave Emory's take on the movie as "Counter-Culture Fascism in Cinema"
Spitfire List | “Thrive”: Counter-Culture Fascism in Cinema

I don't know the just of the movie. I only found the UFO aspect to be somewhat interesting regaurding the text written on the sight at the time.
This new Thrive movie Home | Thrive seems to be interesting. Code ET/UFO touches on the UFO topic at the website, and I guess the movie has a segment covering this subject as well.

I tried to go through the site but the constant glitches, freezes, and flash garbage just made me give up bothering to try. In my view it would be better to lose all the slick flash based graphical UI and go with something more dependable and user friendly.
Almost everything in this so called documentary is BS. They use Steven Greer as a reliable source ffs. Give me a break. Somebody already posted a link to thrive debunked, it's an excellent source of facts that refute almost everything in the film. Not to mention, several of the people interviewed in the film have released statements saying their comments were taken out of context or information about them was fabricated. One of the worst pieces of garbage ever released imho.