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Tide goes in, tide goes out

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Angel of Ioren

Friendly Skeptic
Bill O'Reily shows off his knowledge of science after making his ridiculous argument that proves the existence of a god:

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This is when he made the statement:

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O Reilly comes out fighting with deflections and straw men and Silverman is on the ropes. If I was a religious guy, O Reilly has the upper hand in this video.

The next time Silverman has the stage, he should talk over O Reilly and attack his bullshit instead of looking dazed. 'Tide goes in, tide goes out?' Planetary mechanics and tidal forces account for it all without the God Factor being needed. Essentially, Silverman has been cowed down by an argument from ignorance.

Silverman was like a rabbit in the headlights of abject frigging stupidity.
I think it was more a look of shock that someone that has a show on the most popular news network could be so ill-informed. Although I guess thy would mean that he doesn't watch much cable news.
I honestly couldn't make it through the first video, a truly painful experience. Reminded me of a chimp puzzeling over a Rubics Cube.
'Tide goes in, tide goes out?' Planetary mechanics and tidal forces account for it all without the God Factor being needed. Essentially, Silverman has been cowed down by an argument from ignorance.

lmao !!

The guy is scary when you realize that he really honestly believes what he's saying. He's basically a male Sarah Palin and part of a dangerously high number of scientifically uneducated idiots pushing evangelical ideology and values on americans. Blocking stem cell research and cutting the funds of various scientific projects, pushing intelligent design in the classrooms.... etc. etc.

Remember government funded faith based initiatives (faith based yeah right.... like in christian faith.... )

If you remember, 10 years ago George W. Bush got in with a slight margin.. You now know who pushed him in !

President Bush's successful reelection effort owed much to the support he received from highly religious voters, especially white evangelical Protestants. But what has been largely overlooked is Bush's success with less religious voters. In fact, compared with four years ago, Bush made relatively bigger gains among infrequent churchgoers than he did among religiously observant voters.


Hearing this in 2011 is very discouraging
lmao !!

The guy is scary when you realize that he really honestly believes what he's saying.

I'm North Europe, UK. Guys like O Reilly and shows like that are pretty much unknown over here. It might sound crazy, but in the UK, Sunday morning is the only time when anything religious gets airtime. Even then, it's maybe a half hour and nobody watches it.

We can watch cable and satellite 24/7 and hardly ever bump into a religious show.

Part of the price for this is endless repeats of King of Queens, Everyone Loves Raymond and Friends.