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Time Anomalies?

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Paranormal Novice
Hello Everyone,

I am the editor of a new, small-press journal (Tav). I am looking for true stories of time anomalies, such as missing time, time rifts, extra time, etc. I am not looking for UFO-related stories or ghost stories, just stories about time. Accepted stories will be published in an upcoming issue of our journal.

What I am specifically looking for is:

1. A developed story that is true (as far as you know) and your own personal experience
2. Stories that are at least 1-5 pages in length, 12 pt. font, double spaced
3. A story that has not been published elsewhere, or the publishing rights for the story do not belong to anyone else (i.e., we can legally print it)
4. An author who is willing to work with me to get the story up to printing standards.

We are a non-profit journal, which means we will not be making any money off of your story, and also means we can not pay you for the right to publish it. This is a good opportunity to get your experience out there, and you will get a free copy of the journal if your story appears in our print edition. Names and email addresses will be printed with your story if you would like to be able to be contacted. If you wish to conceal your name you can use a pseudonym.

Do you have a true story you would like to share? Please post the story, or a summary below, and we will get back to you. You can also email it (just in the body of the email) to (deleted). Put your name and "Time Story" in the subject.

Thank you!
i have a missing time story but it does not meet your odd 1-5 pages in length, 12 pt. font, double spaced requirements.

Before coming on these forums and soliciting unpaid work from our listeners and forum members, you might want to ask the people who run the place if it's cool with them, or provide some sort of information about your organization. To do this the way you have is simply bad form. I'll lock this thread, but you can feel free to contact us and give us some more background, and we'll decide if it's Kosher to let you solicit contributions on these forums. We hope you understand.

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