An email from Steven Greer just slithered into my inbox...
Tools for Contact"Sometimes people feel the only way to learn to make contact is by going on an expedition with Dr. Greer." [OMG Did I just read that? —chris] "While the expeditions are very special they are by no means the only way to begin to contact Extraterrestrial Civilizations." [OK, if you say so —chris]
"People have had amazing experiences with their positive peaceful intent and the help of these tools."
[What follows helps explain how Greer maintains his opulent, lavish lifestyle on the backs of those gullible, sycophantic true-believers who are funding his messianic vision of his unelected human ambassadorship to the Universe. —chris]
"- We have an iPhone app and an android app with a huge amount of information and with the app even lets you use your I phone as a magnetometer. You can find them under CSETI or ET Contact Tool. (There is a link to the I phone app from the left column at website and for the Android app go to
-Dr. Greer's book : "Contact: Countdown to Transformation" with the DVD that goes with it are excellent and have a lot of information that will help. Also Dr. Greer's memoir "Hidden Truth - Forbidden Knowledge". Both are available at
- At we have a Contact Training Program with several of Dr. Greer's books, CDs and DVD. There is a wealth of helpful information there.
- Also at there is a working group kit of 4 CDs which have information. Also you might want to get the "Cosmic Consciousness CD set" to assist."
[How anyone could look at the reality of this man's work over the past 20 years and still believe in his true-believer, pie-in-the-sky visions of benevolent space brother fairy-tales is beyond me? PT Barnum had it right..."a sucker is born every minute." —chris]