very interested in the consensus on this topic
A breakthrough so profound it was immediately classified TOP SECRET by the Pentagon, and only a handful of people at the top levels of our government were allowed to even know it existed.
A breakthrough so profound it was immediately classified TOP SECRET by the Pentagon, and only a handful of people at the top levels of our government were allowed to even know it existed.
Why The Pentagon Spent $20 Million To Develop This
[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Times New Roman, Serif]Top Secret - Spy Technology[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Times New Roman, Serif]The technology was termed "remote viewing" and was coveted by our intelligence community because of how it could be used for psychic spying missions. In the early days is was used to locate weapons of mass destruction, uncover new weapon technology and even mind probe our enemies and report their hidden agenda. The Pentagon spent $20 million on this program and it wasn't until a general and an intelligence officer from the top secret spy unit formed PSI TECH, that the public was even aware such a technology existed or that the human mind was even capable of such feats. [/FONT][FONT=Trebuchet MS, Times New Roman, Serif]Top Secret - Spy Technology[/FONT]