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U.F.O. STS 134 - "Endeavour, Please Pause The Playback..."

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The way it behaves suggest space junk, but if there are objects that size flickering by the station all the time, I wonder why it hasn't been pummeled into bits by now. Curious.
I agree it looks like space junk. The irregular flashing indicates something that's tumbling. You can see things like that from the ground too if you watch from a location with a fairly dark sky.
I just had a thought. Caffeine rush this am. Anyway, if you were an advanced e.t. civilization and you saw what these "beings" have done to their own planet with litter. Then you think about the way we send satalites into space and have no means to salvage some of our stuff. I mean, would you really want such a species to "share" space with you? Maybe that's why they don't land on the white house lawn. They don't want us to know where they are or how to get there. :-)