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UFO and stone conversions

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Guatemala sinkhole to hell - UFO sighting involved 2010 | Paranormal

Consider the collider experiments 2010 and sink holes, the conversion of stone.

The occultist condition.....the Philosophy of stone.

The ancient condition, the secret of the building of stone as a technique detailed in ancient brotherhood data.....and the review of history regarding using sound techniques for levitating huge stone blocks.

The changes/conversion to lift stone that would be needed to activate a signal for the levitation of stone....would form a conversion UFO signal in the sky. The nuclear of stone would change to levitate its load.

The conditions for conversion involve the hydrogen in our atmosphere and stone fusion. The loss of atmospheric mass and its burning.....carbon increase notated for nuclear fuel is also burnt in the energy wavelength interaction conversion passing into the power plants and then interacts with earth stone as an after condition. Unnatural act for life continuance on Planet Earth.

Science...occultism and its evolution into new scientific terms and references to hide the fact that it is still occultism, for occultism was banned in ancient times as an evil practice. Occultism using secret signs and meanings to keep information secreted from the public as new science terms instead of spiritual terms.

Data that states the UFO condition is ancient male mind awareness consideration and practices due to ancient science practices converting stone. The UFO condition the activation for a conversion signal in the holy atmosphere to allow for stone conversion as an unnatural atmospheric condition....artificially caused.

Modern consideration for converting stone thought of a new invention, nuclear fuel in power plants considering the technique safe versus ancient life attack, for past conversions of stone done in temple science with pyramids had open aired nuked human life as historical evidence attests. Energy still passes into power plants and out of power plants via wavelength interaction. Stone gains an incorrect energy interaction due to removal of hydrogen for fuel, stone weakens.

The activation of nuclear modern science experiments explodes in the atmosphere and a conversion signal activated, as Russian evidence attests...UFO signal interaction commences as a new UFO condition for nuclear light sound changes to the ground state power plants usage.....a theory and then a condition.

Phenomena changes as the attack is now a new conversion signal.

Phenomena an artificial introduced life condition caused by occultism...science.

Life attacked and changed just like ancient documentation attests as a phenomena cause and effect condition.

Stone and the Mother Earth and her abomination.
The abomination of Mother atmosphere Heaven veils....the abomination of Mother Nature...animals and humans converted cell condition by the converting wavelength interaction at the ground state and attacked. The ancient data realization of fall out.

The condition...the UFO activated converting atmospheric wavelength condition.

New science the collider....nuclear dust conversion already irradiating life and weakening the stone by removing the energy reaction between stone fusion and the atmosphere....an increase in earthquake disasters by plate (carpenter tectonic movement).

New experiments remove the final evolution status of stone fusion by UFO manifestation as artificial increased interaction of fall out....stone cooled by evolution not by an instantaneous snap freeze or collision as a theory about fusion.

New collision information given to the human mind via the nuclear fuel power plant condition as false/fake evidence to converting stone matter and the return/replacement of stone matter.

The human scientist attests in theories that stone is replaced after it is removed....the human mind given fake and false information.

Uranium still exists in its naturally formed substance....converted to fuel and burnt and then still exists naturally, stone is not replaced at all...energy lost just as data states. What would the human mind know if uranium as a resource no longer existed, it would realize the truth of its own mind deceit....the scientist would not believe that stone was replaced.

Stone removed by loss of its natural evolved fusion as SION...fusion, as if HOLES would not form, and they have.

The scientist believes his experiments are incomplete and that his data is not yet right....evidence states his mind is not right and he should believe in the evidence that he is not GOD and nor is he the KNOW IT ALL he thinks he is.

Ancient realization using stone levitation change of fusion....the CHRIST body died.

CHRIST stated to be the condition review of occultism that the heavenly God body caused the spiritual state (ethereal veils) to conceive a new spiritual condition O....the description of God and light spiral movement as occultism...CHRIST a smaller body of GOD o.

The condition of the heavenly body was then murdered by the application of stone conversion (veil fall out) and the holy body heavenly interaction went missing out of the tombs of Earth stone.

CH part of the occultist secret to the HEX....hexagon and fusion reviews. Letters = values, Letters = angles in the circle O or GOD body as the factors for the WORD OF GOD, Angles factored to change Angels and the Angels or light sound fell out of the Heavenly body as fall out. Biblical wisdom, the knowledge of causing fall out, human spiritual attacks of cell changes.

Mother Abomination.....Earth stone, Earth veils and Mother Nature attacked.

Ancient occultism, the awareness of how evil stone conversion phenomena is as a cause and effect condition.
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