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UFO - attacks God Code

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Skilled Investigator
[Content removed because it is thoroughly incoherent, And I can't tell if it violates Terms of Service, is repetitive with other posts, Or anything that makes sense.]
[Content removed because it is thoroughly incoherent, And I can't tell if it violates Terms of Service, is repetitive with other posts, Or anything that makes sense.]

Everything discussed on this forum is repetitive. You discuss the same UFO information and have been discussing the same UFO information for years.

Information has a basic support of information when discussing the sciences, for the sciences evolved from an ancient occult condition.

As the echelon who coerce the public through their mind control satellite program and who have owned the personal attack on many different human lives subject to the informed status of cause and effect, you seem to be supporting them yourself, removing information from public owned consideration.

Have you ever thought about public information and how the echelon control the release of information, now having their operatives involved in all of the forums?

Thanks for supporting victimization and self realization from being a real victim. I had a large amount of data research that I destroyed when I was first attacked and burnt my papers, hoping that the situation would be stopped....but it wasn't. Thanks for believing in me.