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UFO book suggestion's

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Paranormal Maven
I have had some interest in UfO'S for a long time but have not read a lot on the subject.
I have been listening to the paracast for about 3 years and coast for 5 years so I do have
some general knowledge.
I just finished the mothman prophecies by John Keel and am interested in similar books.
Well at the risk of being seen as a shameful promotion, you could try checking here.

It's hard to find anything that is quite like the Mothman Prophecies ... it's almost a genre unto itself, but also check out Christopher O'Brien's books. I just finished Stalking the Trickster and am working on Mysterious Valley. You should be able to find it on Christopher O'Brien's site www.ourstrangeplanet.com or in our catalog here.

A good read for anecdotal evidence of alien encounters is Brad Steiger's Alien Meetings. It's a bit hard to come by, but I may have a copy available if you're interested.

You just made me think of 'The complete dossier.....' I have a brain-full of classic Paracast ad lines and Brad's are classic.

I mean to buy all Chris' books on the valley, what do you think so far Randall?
I'm not sure what you meant by similar because my understanding is that keel stitched the mothman propecies together from different accounts and put them into a narrative story setting but Hunt for the Skinwalker is probably as close as you will come into reading about the many different phenomena surrounding UFOs and being put into a compelling story.

If you like your narrative sing-songy and lighthearted you may also enjoy all of Fort's books.

For analytical (?) reading trickster and the paranormal by George Hansen, Daimonic Reality by Patrick Harpur and Trickster Makes This World by Lewis Hyde
You just made me think of 'The complete dossier.....' I have a brain-full of classic Paracast ad lines and Brad's are classic.

I mean to buy all Chris' books on the valley, what do you think so far Randall?

I'm glad I finally picked up Chris' books, and not simply because I like to support people who I network with. They are genuinely well written. I posted a comment on Stalking The Trickster here, and I'm working on Mysterious Valley now, which so far includes a lot of interesting history for the region. I'd say it's a must have for anyone living in the area. It also has a surprising number of Chris' own paranormal experiences. Our co-host is certainly no stranger to firsthand experience. When I'm done I'll post something more complete. I also picked up a couple of videos Chris worked on which I still have to watch.
I just finished the mothman prophecies by John Keel and am interested in similar books.

For an excellent general purpose reasonably priced ufology reference book, Timothy Good's Beyond Top Secret is still a worthy addition to any UFO library. For a more mystical thesis check out William Bramley's Gods Of Eden. It covers all kinds of fringe stuff from ancient Egypt to the Modern Era but in a way that is more objective, even though it's still kinda "out there".
"out there" is putting it mildly :cool:

But it is fascinating reading, a word of caution to anyone that adheres to a christian based belief system, prepare to get your minds blown man. Whether you think Bramley is on to something or full of crap the book does make for an interesting thought experiment....not sure if that's the term I want but it's the one I'm using.

If you consider his slant on the story of Adam and Eve being cast out of Eden because they ate the forbidden fruit (knowledge) because they were prompted by the devil ( a mythological trickster) you may question if we've been pulling for the right side the past few thousand years.

Escape is futile, They're Everywhere!
By sheer luck, I got some used copies of both Keyhoe and Hynek's classics, and a few others. The Keyhoe one is the '53 edition.

Disregarding the cases etc, what strikes me most about the '53 edition is that talk and information about ufo's seemed to be much more easy and straight-forwardly dealt with. Not in true openness, but also not under a blanket of silence. Not so many hoops to even get to the topic, in short, it didn't carry the stigma it does now.

I remember Gene expressing something similar, and in that sense, it feels like we've almost gone one step forward and two steps back, sadly: Without any 'official' assistance, and a public climate friendly towards more 'openminded' discussions, it is very tough to get anywhere.
There are quite a few UFO books available. They are all good and go through the history of UFOs such as Keyhoe, Hynek etc.

That being said I would recommend that you read first thing a series of books written by a person that I would consider a friend, which are positively excellent. They represent is a very modern approach to UFOs and illustrate investigative techniques. In essence you follow a very hands on of investigating UFOs and related occurrences by a person who actually lived and investigated them while they were going on. These would be the trilogy by Christopher O'Brien's, The Mysterious Valley, Enter the Valley, and Secrets of the Mysterious Valley. Chris lived, investigated and worked in the San Luis Valley for many years so people who probably wouldn't otherwise contacted him with their experiences. From the books I would gather that within the valley there were peak times with lots of sightings and occurrences, then slow times when nothing was reported. In a way a microchasm of the UFO world. Once you read Chris's books, then read the others.

Truth be told there are many UFO sightings and other occurrences that happen, probably on a daily basis across the United States. The reports that go into the national UFO organization only represent a small percentage in my opinion. You have people who see things, who don't report them for various reasons. Even in the video/still camera laden world we live in many people don't carry them. You would think with all the phone camera's people have would make a difference but many people aren't ready ( mentally unprepared) for their encounter with the unknown so many don't think to grab their camera.

I understand that Chris has a new book coming this fall called Stalking the Herd which details his investigations in the so called Animal Mutilation or Unexpalined Animal Deaths.

Happy reading!!!!!
…Chris has a new book coming this fall called Stalking the Herd which details his investigations in the so called Animal Mutilation or Unexpalined Animal Deaths.
Just to clarify: STH will be an encyclopedia of the mute phenomenon and also an in-depth look at humankind's 12,000 relationship to cattle and how this relationship may be tied to the modern mystery of unexplained livestock deaths. Of course, I do go into the cases that I personally investigated, but also other mute cases of cattle (worldwide), wild animals (USA), sheep (UK & US) half cats (USA) animal sacrifice/occult-tinged animal death cases, human mute cases, bovine/food chain diseases i.e., mad-cow, rinderpest, foot & mouth, bovine stomatitus, anthrax, etc. The book will have a much broader scope than just the 200 or so cases I went out on...
The interupted journy inadent at exter somebody else is on the moon..secrets of the myterios vally.crash when ufos fall from the sky. Ufos in wartime and sooo many other great books...