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UFO close encounters; the best cases

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Bob Watson

Paranormal Adept
Im starting this to compile a list of what is the best of the best.the cases that have the BEST chance of being an acual visitation.perhaps in the future this list can be used in a program on UFO and the hard evidence for Alien visitation.
the 1st case I submit is the 1964 Lonnie Zamoria sighting. this sighting featured not only a credible witness but phyiscal evidence as well

pls provide feed back on this case as well as posting what you concider the best case of an acual alien visitation.

---------- Post added at 10:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 AM ----------

here is unsolved mysterys take on the case...
I may be wrong but didn't some people come forward a year or so ago to claim they hoaxed this whole thing? I'm not saying that was the true explanation mind you.
I may be wrong but didn't some people come forward a year or so ago to claim they hoaxed this whole thing? I'm not saying that was the true explanation mind you.

There was something about it maybe being a college prank or something like that but it seemed more like speculation than anything else.
I still find the Zamora case compelling. Wish I could recall the name of the researcher recently refuting its validity. I believe he ascribes the whole thing to a group of techo whiz kids--students--at a nearby university who targeted Zamora for both personal and recreational reasons, He claims they concocted an elaborate hoax involving a big helium balloon with special effects for flames etc. This seems far fetched. Maybe someone here recalls the name of this particular debunker and particulars of his explanations.


Addendum: The supposed explanation here The Socorro UFO Hoax Exposed! (Famous 1964 sighting was a college prank) - PRINT VERSION

IMO the Zamora case remains a valid mystery and one of the best close encounters on record.
I still find the Zamora case compelling. Wish I could recall the name of the researcher recently refuting its validity. I believe he ascribes the whole thing to a group of techo whiz kids--students--at a nearby university who targeted Zamora for both personal and recreational reasons, He claims they concocted an elaborate hoax involving a big helium balloon with special effects for flames etc. This seems far fetched. Maybe someone here recalls the name of this particular debunker and particulars of his explanations. IMO the Zamora case remains a valid mystery and one of the best close encounters on record.

I think one of the writeups was by a guy named Bragalia. What gives me pause about the incident is the apparent use of both rocket and antigravity propulsion. It would be like us putting horses in front of a rocket car. It makes no sense whatsoever. I suppose it is possible that the flame observed was not actually intended for thrust, but was simply a vent for releasing heat ... something like the Michalak case in Canada. I just find this aspect a bit odd. Here's a 1960s LEM system test.

quote OP
pls provide feed back on this case as well as posting what you concider the best case of an acual alien visitation.

STS 80 both segments of that UFO footage, i have never seen , read or heard a half adequate explanation for those UFOs, and is the only footage ive ever seen that unsettles me.

I spent tens of hours over weeks and weeks researching sts75 tether footage, j knew it wasnt ice crystals like oberg was trying to convince me it was, in the end he begrudgingly admits it was more likely a micro-meteor strike of a tile.
Jim was trying to flog the idea that a waste water dump had stayed with the shuttle from 6 hours earlier, then when shown several different nasa studies that showed how wrong he was, he went for several other sources for the ice, again i shot him down one by one due to the type of experiments, and new extra piping and switcher valves being installed for flights 73 and 75, he had no idea about any of the technical stuff like that, give him his due thought, once proven categorically wrong, he does eventually acknowledge it, and thanks you for the proper research as he called it, and eventually admitted occams razor made one of the 109 micro meteorite strikes on that mission far more likely than ice could ever have been, for the out of focus debris, UFOs around the tether effect, literally striking and propelling the debris shower upwards, and then gravity taking its toll, accounting for all the parabolic arcing you see in the footage.

I fancied myself against hm to be honest after i read his prosaic explanation,
See the tether was 50 miles higher than the shuttle and an average for the footage of 100 nautical miles away, so it didnt add up to me, jim said the ice crystals rose up into the shadow of the shuttle yada yada, and the footage was shot through them as they dropped away behind the shuttle,

A perfectly reasonable explanation to a lay person like me, from a houston flight control professional, but something wasnt right, i knew it wasnt right but couldnt put my finger on it,but when i realised what was wrong, i knew he was lying, not mistaken, plain lying, as with his experience, he knew full well he was lying.

I dont even mean the ice survival issue.
Any shuttle debris drops away down an infront of the shuttle in low earth orbit, it cannot do anything else, gravity still pulls it back down, however its still orbiting at 17.5k mph same as the shuttle, in a decreasing orbit, getting lower and further infront of the shuttle every hour, and anybody involved in flight control would know that basic fact.

The fact that he went into denial about the basic schoolboy physics of it, was why i knew he was being deliberately deceitful, and has coloured my view of both staunch skeptics and woo peddlers alike, most will lie and deceive, too the same extremes, god alone only knows why.

He assumed no-one would twig-on, and naturally assume that debris would indeed just fall away behind the shuttle without giving it a second thought.
Whereas you now know it is the exact opposite that happens in LEO.
Theres different degrees of wrong, so most times people are not completely wrong, just mistaken, in jims case i had someone who was constantly reminding me of his qualifications, 100 percent wrong on the LEO Physics, and defending it, until constantly confronted with NASAs own documentation, and could deny the fact no more.

Take a look at the sts 80 footage, this in theory this is not as complicated as sts 75, as you dont need a copy of the execute package, but i have never been able to fathom it.
I still find the Zamora case compelling. Wish I could recall the name of the researcher recently refuting its validity. I believe he ascribes the whole thing to a group of techo whiz kids--students--at a nearby university who targeted Zamora for both personal and recreational reasons, He claims they concocted an elaborate hoax involving a big helium balloon with special effects for flames etc. This seems far fetched. Maybe someone here recalls the name of this particular debunker and particulars of his explanations.

Commentators shredded the hoax claim on KDR's blog some time ago.


IMO the Zamora case remains a valid mystery and one of the best close encounters on record.

The only good thing is the physical evidence. The encounter itself was nothing. It wasn't even a close encounter; Zamora glimpsed the entities while some distance away. There was no communication, or even interaction.
I think one of the writeups was by a guy named Bragalia. What gives me pause about the incident is the apparent use of both rocket and antigravity propulsion. It would be like us putting horses in front of a rocket car. It makes no sense whatsoever. I suppose it is possible that the flame observed was not actually intended for thrust, but was simply a vent for releasing heat ... something like the Michalak case in Canada. I just find this aspect a bit odd. Here's a 1960s LEM system test.

the lem test veicle dose not fit the discription of what he saw...also he saw 2 walking around the craft.. the test veicle seats one. the 2 wore white coveralls. all test subjects wore orange or blue... so I do not beleve that this is the true nature of what he saw...
By my estimation here are some of the best evidenced/witnessed/experienced close encounter cases. (No Particular order, just when my mind thought of them.)

1) Delphos Kansas, Ron Johnson -- November 2, 1971
2) Soccorro NM, Loni Zamora -- April 24, 1964
3) Westall Australia, about 200 students and faculty -- April 6, 1966
4) The Allagash/Eagle Lake Abductions. Eagle Lake, Maine, Jack Weiner, Jim Weiner, Chuck Rak, & Charlie Foltz -- August 1976
5) The Travis Walton Abduction. Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona, Travis Walton -- November 5, 1975
6) The Cash-Landrum Incident. Betty Cash and Vickie Landrum, Near Huffman Texas -- December 29, 1980
7) Cahill family abduction. Near Bellgrave Australia. Cahill Family (Kelly Cahill) -- August, 1993
8 ) Japan Air Lines flight 1628. NorthEast Alaska at approx. 35k feet, Airline Crew -- November 17, 1986
9) America West Flight 564. Near Bovina Texas at approx. 39K feet. John J. Waller and flight crew -- May 25, 1995
10) Russian Phobos II incident. Near the Martian moon Phobos, the satellite Phobos II -- March 28, 1989
the lem test veicle dose not fit the discription of what he saw...also he saw 2 walking around the craft.. the test veicle seats one. the 2 wore white coveralls. all test subjects wore orange or blue... so I do not beleve that this is the true nature of what he saw...

I tend to agree. I just posted it as a point of interest. Here we have a vertical takeoff and landing craft powered with four landing struts. It's about all we had at the time that even came close ... at least so far as we know. Quintanilla was convinced the Socorro Landing Incident involved some similar military effort and remained of that view.

If we're going to go that far back for good cases I'd go with Ruppelt's opening story from TRUFO and the Washington National incident with the F-94 pilot.
Ron: That's a great list. How about a Paracast based on these ten cases?

What Zamora saw, or thought he saw, wouldn't be the first instance of the ufo phenomenon behaving more like an intentional spoof than a device within the bounds of science. The contradictory combination of jet exhaust and "antigrav" is typical of close encounter "Oz".

Cash Landrum case is another one. We have high credibility multiple witnesses with lasting injuries and the same old quasi apparent involvement of government. We should be hard pressed to imagine why so many helicopters could or would be in one place, as well as the levels of security needed to keep everyone involved mute for decades after the fact. There must be medical records somewhere. But true to form, they seem to have vanished. We would love to hear more from Colby Landrum. One gets the impression there are lingering psychological scars and he He seemingly would like to forget the whole thing.
By my estimation here are some of the best evidenced/witnessed/experienced close encounter cases. (No Particular order, just when my mind thought of them.)

1) Delphos Kansas, Ron Johnson -- November 2, 1971
2) Soccorro NM, Loni Zamora -- April 24, 1964
3) Westall Australia, about 200 students and faculty -- April 6, 1966
4) The Allagash/Eagle Lake Abductions. Eagle Lake, Maine, Jack Weiner, Jim Weiner, Chuck Rak, & Charlie Foltz -- August 1976
5) The Travis Walton Abduction. Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona, Travis Walton -- November 5, 1975
6) The Cash-Landrum Incident. Betty Cash and Vickie Landrum, Near Huffman Texas -- December 29, 1980
7) Cahill family abduction. Near Bellgrave Australia. Cahill Family (Kelly Cahill) -- August, 1993
8 ) Japan Air Lines flight 1628. NorthEast Alaska at approx. 35k feet, Airline Crew -- November 17, 1986
9) America West Flight 564. Near Bovina Texas at approx. 39K feet. John J. Waller and flight crew -- May 25, 1995
10) Russian Phobos II incident. Near the Martian moon Phobos, the satellite Phobos II -- March 28, 1989

I agree with most of your list but I do feel travis walton was a hoax...

---------- Post added at 11:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 PM ----------

this is the 2nd case I concider to have been an encounter with aliens

reason pysical evidence and credible witnesses
The Boainai (Papua New Guinea) Father Gill case has always puzzled me.
The Ruwa (Zimbabwe) close encounter is very interesting too.
The Voronezh case is enigmatic, though the details of the story are very murky.
Dechmont woods (Scotland) Robert Taylor close encounter (though it has only one witness, the corroborating evidence found on the spot is quite convincing)