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UFO conference embarrassment DONOT GO!

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I'm 43 and attended my first UFO conference (I've been into the subject since 1979). About 30 people showed up for this twice monthly meeting. I believe this group has been meeting for 22 years. Boy, was it super embarrassing and disappointing. 95% of the crowd were wingnut/Billy Meier/Adamski type believers. I mean people that believe proven, known hoaxes. The guy running the show opened with two known hoaxes. I showed respect by not raising my hand and then going into detail to explain why the nonsense he opened the meeting with is a hoax/fraud. I didn't want to embarrass the old guy since he seemed nice enough. Some of the crap and conspiracies people talked about made me sad. I was interested in meeting and listening to types like Friedman, Kimball, Courier, O'Brien. Anyways, I give credit to the real researchers out there that inevitably have to answer and take questions from the type of whackos I had to sit with for two hours. Oh well, lesson learned.
I've been to UFO meetup groups in which valid topics were rationally and intelligently discussed. Much, I think, depends on the leadership style of the person in charge of the discussion.

Sadly, the number of thought provoking meetings I have attended have been largely outweighed by the, err.....Tin Foil Hat Crowd, who have a tendency to glom onto the most outrageous and unlikely material available and celebrate it. Such discussions were often dominated by the same handful of members at each meeting who remained at liberty to run amok, while valid inquiries based on good cases went unspoken.

Another pothole I've encountered is a kind of group recital of long established classic cases and their long known details. You know the scenario: One member starts a cliched statement about a certain UFO classic and someone else finishes the sentence, followed by a third narrator and so on.

This is a bit sad. Because so many worthwhile group discussions and presentations are possible. I would be interested to hear about the experiences of others here at UFO club meetings, etc.
Who "ran the show" for what group and what conference was this? When and where did it occur and who was presenting?
It was the NJ/PA UFO group (or something like that). Check out this link as the article is mostly about the guy Pat running the show 'Dr. UFO' runs conspiracy, paranormal study group in Hamilton | NJ.com

I had my hand raised to see if anybody had heard about your SLV project. But decided to take my hand down because I was thinking to myself "that lady over there just told us a story about some person that wasn't born on earth, but rather dropped off here by a spaceship. That guy stood up and told us that he's pretty sure he's a hybrid. That same guy and another think John of God in South America is legit etc.". They let the hybrid guy waste 1/2 hour of time floundering through his Facebook page (via a laptop connected to a projector) showing us his UFO photos from Iceland (ummmm, yeah, they were stars there Mr. Hybrid). And other people wasted so much time on garbage. And they were allowed to speak as long as they wanted. Then the subject of the Roswell slides came up. After someone initially started to talk about them I started chiming in about the de blurring of the slides by Collins group and so on and in mid sentence heard "alright we're not gonna spend all day on this." What?? I literally made the shocked face and was thinking "so you let a guy that that announced he is a hybrid alien take over the laptop & meeting for 30 mins to show us his crappy, bogus "UFO" photos but I try mentioning something important, recent, and relevant and get cut off because "we're not gonna spend all day on this"? F.Y.

The guy running the show in the link opened with the Kingman, AZ crash and the famous pic of the little girl in Europe with a "spaceman" behind her. Really? That's your best material? Two frauds? Whatever.
You found out the hard way. There are lots of tin foil hat types at these meetings. Perhaps you should consider starting you own group. That way you can control the dialogue and shut down anyone from the Pleiades.
Great point Dave. And you literally made me laugh out loud. I appreciate that!
People like Mike Bara, David Wilcock, Richard C. Hoagland and Andrew Basiagio are the staple diet of these types. "Authors" who have been discredited time and time again but people still buy into their bullshit. It's no wonder we are plunging towards hell in a handbasket. I genuinely think that the UFO community is full of abject morons. Separating the wheat (Dolan) from the chaff (Hoagland et al) is so much easier now. I guess we should all be thankful for that. If you want to hear some real batshit crazy. Go have a listen to Laura Eisenhower. Is this what the UFO community has come to ?
People like Mike Bara, David Wilcock, Richard C. Hoagland and Andrew Basiagio are the staple diet of these types. "Authors" who have been discredited time and time again but people still buy into their bullshit. It's no wonder we are plunging towards hell in a handbasket. I genuinely think that the UFO community is full of abject morons. Separating the wheat (Dolan) from the chaff (Hoagland et al) is so much easier now. I guess we should all be thankful for that. If you want to hear some real batshit crazy. Go have a listen to Laura Eisenhower. Is this what the UFO community has come to ?
Laura Eisenhower? I'm too disgusted and scared to listen...
People like Mike Bara, David Wilcock, Richard C. Hoagland and Andrew Basiagio are the staple diet of these types. "Authors" who have been discredited time and time again but people still buy into their bullshit.

Don't forget David "Icky". Talk about moonbatshit crazy...
I'm too disgusted and scared to listen...

I am sorry you had to go through that. I've gone to several of the monthly gatherings our state chapter of MUFON has up in the Portland (Oregon) area, those are generally pretty good. Every so often there's a wingnut type that shows up; but for the most part, it's good presentations and well-rounded discussions. You might want to see if there's a web sire for the New Jersey MUFON folks - worth a try.