In October of 1988, a very important television program was aired titled "UFO Coverup Live!" Two hours in length and with Russian participation it purported to peel back the government secrecy on the UFO topic, which included two government agents called "Falcon and Condor." Among other questions raised .. and there were many, who were these guys? Were they real government intelligence agents? This was never answered until now .. researcher Greg Bishop comes on Dark Matters Radio tonight to discuss these issues. And, as a side note I just got off the telephone after speaking to Tracy Torme who was a producer on that television special with his thoughts. Only on CyberstationUSA!
CyberStationUSA - An Innovation in Online Broadcasting | Starting at 10:00 PM Pacific 1:00 AM Eastern
CyberStationUSA - An Innovation in Online Broadcasting | Starting at 10:00 PM Pacific 1:00 AM Eastern