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UFO Discovery STS 133 11052010

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Paranormally Disenchanted
Check this out. Orbs on camera around the shuttle. Camera artifacts? Trick of the light? Swamp gas in a weather balloon? Could be anything from a fake to just water on the lens.

Definitely a digital hallucination triggered by leaking swamp gas from weather balloons that spontaneously formed over the Florida marshlands. Any questions, reporters? No? Good. Case closed.
Sun dog? Reflection of smoke? Look at the smoke at the bottom of the craft and then at the color of the lights. Yeah, I'm reaching. Still, I'm betting "reflection" of some sort. Still, it looks really similar to the "blue" lights reported in Va. recently.

---------- Post added at 03:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:48 PM ----------

A sun dog or sundog (scientific name parhelion, plural parhelia, from Greek parēlion, (παρήλιον), παρά(beside) + ήλιος(sun), "beside the sun"; also called a mock sun) is an atmospheric phenomenon that creates bright spots of light in the sky, often on a luminous ring or halo on either side of the sun.<SUP class=reference id=cite_ref-0>[1]</SUP>
Still, it looks really similar to the "blue" lights reported in Va. recently.

How so? I don't see the resemblance myself. These look like classic "orb" or UAP photos seen in videos of aircraft that I've seen. What are they? I'm not sure.

The "blue" UFO in Va. looks like a remotely controlled airplane of some kind rigged with blue LEDS. It is so hard to tell from the Va video just how high and how large the object actually is.
It's a relatively short video, two minutes plus, but the objects disappear just as quick as they appear. The video is either a genuine UFO event, or the video was hoaxed (faked) by someone. We'll never truly ever find out if it's genuine, but if it was hoaxed, the hoaxer usually don't stay quiet for long!

People are mainly reporting these days, strange lights dancing in the sky, why.. were is all the saucers gone, It very rare you hear of case were someone saw a saucer craft with the added bonus of viewing the occupants taking soil samples (little joke there) We had saucers through the 50's and 60's and 70's then came the triangles and boomerangs and now the UFO phenomenon is showing up like it did in the 40's with the Foo Fighters (which were basically just coloured lights)

I just find it puzzling to be honest!
Interesting video, wish the guy had converted it to digital though...camera movement was annoying me.

No idea what they were/are. Does anyone know if the fuel rockets are stored at super cold temperatures? If they are it could be localized crystalized ice balls due to the cold temperature. Just an idea.
Oh! I like that.

It reminds me of the orbs in Earth Vs. The Flying Saucers! showing up around Project Skyhook.
Quick, soldier, shoot it down!

---------- Post added at 06:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:04 PM ----------

How so? I don't see the resemblance myself. These look like classic "orb" or UAP photos seen in videos of aircraft that I've seen. What are they? I'm not sure.

The "blue" UFO in Va. looks like a remotely controlled airplane of some kind rigged with blue LEDS. It is so hard to tell from the Va video just how high and how large the object actually is.

These are ice particles and insulation debris escaping from the shuttle and blown about byyy..hydrazine plumes from the shuttle. NASA has hundreds of hours of video of this stuff-You guys are just tryin to sell magazines or something (we have a whole department dedicated to reading people's intentions, you'll have to trust me on that, since our Langley and Pentagon bosses, with your safety and best interest in mind, keep this stuff classified to protect you...WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT!!!) Thanks for inviting my input, children, Yours Truly J. Oberg