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UFO filmed over Bolivia : Real or Fake ?

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So this is something you took or compiled into a film? Tell us more. I'm not convinced by anything I see. Since it's somewhat covered by the clouds, there's not much detail to decide. It could also be a fake.
I call hoax and publicity stunt. At first glance at least, it seems fishy to me that:
  1. It has supposedly overflown a very densely populated area (La Paz/El Alto) yet there's only one person who's got footage. Bolivians are mobile-phoned right up like the rest of us.
  2. There is no mention of it in the Bolivian Spanish-language press that I could find, from a quick search of the main papers' websites. Had that been real, flying above an urban area of over 1.5 million people, I would expect witnesses to have come forward at the time.
  3. It took over three weeks from supposedly getting filmed to breaking as a story on the net, and that in non-Bolivian media.
  4. I'm based in La Paz when I'm not working out here in the Middle East. I've not heard a thing about this in the Bolivian forums or from any of my mates.
I'll be back there in March so I'll do a full investigation on behalf of the forum, although much of this may be from the pub. :) If you want to do a search online yourself, the Spanish for UFO is OVNI. You'll quickly find that there are a lot of UFO cases reported in Bolivia.
So this is something you took or compiled into a film? Tell us more. I'm not convinced by anything I see. Since it's somewhat covered by the clouds, there's not much detail to decide. It could also be a fake.

It's a video that appeared in the Belgian mainstream media .. doesn't happen a lot , I don't say it's real or fake , that's why i'm asking people , I only pointed out that the "UFO (Object)3 behaves very strange when it passes the mountain. therefore i think it could be fake.
I call hoax and publicity stunt. At first glance at least, it seems fishy to me that:
  1. It has supposedly overflown a very densely populated area (La Paz/El Alto) yet there's only one person who's got footage. Bolivians are mobile-phoned right up like the rest of us.
  2. There is no mention of it in the Bolivian Spanish-language press that I could find, from a quick search of the main papers' websites. Had that been real, flying above an urban area of over 1.5 million people, I would expect witnesses to have come forward at the time.
  3. It took over three weeks from supposedly getting filmed to breaking as a story on the net, and that in non-Bolivian media.
  4. I'm based in La Paz when I'm not working out here in the Middle East. I've not heard a thing about this in the Bolivian forums or from any of my mates.
I'll be back there in March so I'll do a full investigation on behalf of the forum, although much of this may be from the pub. :) If you want to do a search online yourself, the Spanish for UFO is OVNI. You'll quickly find that there are a lot of UFO cases reported in Bolivia.

You really got a point there .... actually 4 points :-)
I've just heard back from my mate Phil in La Paz, the best stand-in ufologist I could find at short notice, and his considered Scouse expat opinion is that it is "a fuzzy load of bollocks". He saw it on world media via Google alerts, not the local press, and makes the good point that: "...the person filming is pointing his camera at exactly the right spot where the 'spaceship' first appears over the hills. It's either a fake bit of video editing or someone who got a drone for Christmas and is trying to play a hoax."

One vital piece of evidence which has thus far been overlooked, however, and which may yet prove the authenticity of the clip, is the fact that the good townsfolk of La Paz, and of El Alto in particular (it's La Paz's rough and dodgy shanty-town-turned-satellite-city), are inveterate drinkers. A preferred way of getting hammered on the cheap is on 96% potable alcohol, which you can buy in plastic bottles ("soldados" - soldiers) from any market. The saucer looked a bit wobbly in the pics so I suspect that its propulsion method is the standard such, with only the remaining 4% being something exotic like Element 115 or maybe regular tinned lager.

As an aside, Bolivian mainstream news media is not noted for its rigour in proving the veracity of footage which makes the evening news. A few years ago, following an airliner crash in neighbouring Brazil, a report appeared on one of the regular Bolivian networks purporting to show cellphone footage taken from within the cabin of the plane as it was going down over the Amazon. The story went that the phone had been found in the wreckage and the footage retrieved. It turned out that the video had been lifted from the opening episode of "Lost", with the network being the victim of a hoax. It's easily possible that this flying saucer story may still yet make the local news once it's picked up off the net, which would be a case of life almost imitating art again.
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