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UFO in Western Greece

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Unfortunately Greece has has a lot of identified objects flying in the streets and towards the parliament building. Good luck to our Greek brothers. Here in Portugal we're just starting to feel the same financial pain...
Unfortunately Greece has has a lot of identified objects flying in the streets and towards the parliament building. Good luck to our Greek brothers. Here in Portugal we're just starting to feel the same financial pain...

Feeling it here too. This is the only beginning of austerity measures more and more cuts and rises in taxes will happen right up till the supposed 2013-2014 deadline.

I also go crazy by the fact most of the private bank debts been paid back now by the taxpayers of Portugal, Ireland and Greece to me are debts belonging to banks based in France, Germany and Britain who lent all this cash, These countries have also some how managed to convince the world that there doing Ireland, Greece and Portugal a favour here in bailing them out? The media is completely silent about the real causes of this economic crisis, why?

Democracy was found wanting in Greece last week, and does it even exist anywhere does it? The Greece socialist government was elected by the Greek people in democratic elections, therefore their masters would be the people of Greece, but the voting in Greek Parliament last week provided an insight to who is calling the shots and it certainly ain't the people of Greece.
The UE sold us the "dream" of equality of opportunities and development pretty well. In the 80's and 90's everybody thought that, in the near future, we would live like the Germans or the French, with similar salaries and economic growth. Now we're waking to the reality - the core UE members have limited our independence by slowly destroying our agriculture, fishing and industry, paying producers to stay put and, meanwhile, we've been obliged to buy their products and make loans from their banks. The Euro was the final blow to meager economies like our own. We'll have to pay and repay for money that we never saw in our hands. That's how Germany and France have acquired such an enormous power in Europe and, though these subterfuges, made sure that these lesser members of the UE remain with their hands tied. To this day I've never asked for a bank loan. I've always been careful with the banks' promises of wonder and saved the money the hard way when I need to buy something of higher value. Now I'll have to pay for somebody else's mistakes and inject my hard earned money into banks to avoid a financial apocalypse. This is far from fair and we'll certainly see more public uprising in Europe in years to come.