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UFO Magazine Commercial

Free episodes:

Ron Collins

Curiously Confused
Would anyone else like to see that UFO magazine commercial on the podcasts drop to something under 20 minutes? I'll bet that commercial takes up 10 or 12 minutes of the show.
RonCollins said:
Would anyone else like to see that UFO magazine commercial on the podcasts drop to something under 20 minutes? I'll bet that commercial takes up 10 or 12 minutes of the show.

About 2 minutes, but I'll talk to Bill Birnes and see if we can reduce this to something more manageable, OK?

RonCollins said:
Thank you very much! Please forgive the sarcasm in that earlier post. I am having a bad day.

No problem. We need to redo some of the spots more often, but we don't always have the time for such things.