Skilled Investigator
I'm saddened by Jeff's new project, "Paratopia." It seems to undermine his credibility. In the past, I enjoyed listening to his experiences, but now it feels like he's making them seem facile (particularly when speaking alongside those who sound marginally imbalanced.) Also, I remember that either David or Gene once spoke about a sighting that their father had over the house and a subsequent message to "leave it alone Lou." The UFO phenomenon increasingly feels like a glitch in the software of human consciousness. Perhaps it will simply maintain its integral, archetypal mystery against any inquiry. Perhaps it's just more logical to avoid frustration, anxiety and humiliation and "leave it alone" (lest we begin to sound like we've been shipwrecked on metaphorical islands whose poignancy has been rendered irrelevant by their own faux, pseudo-intellectual and clown like purpose.)