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UFO Researchers

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Rick Deckard

Paranormal Maven
Are UFO researchers really interested in getting to the bottom of the UFO 'reality' or are they more interested in promoting their websites, books and videos?

Are they really helping the UFO 'cause' or are they flooding the whole UFO arena with 'noise' consisting of second-hand stories, halve-truths, urban myths and anecdotes?

Will the 'truth' really come from these people or will it come from an official source when "the time is right"?
I have in years past seen footage at a researcher's home (who was very well know at the time) that still to date has not been publicly shown. When I asked why, he said
"You save your good stuff for when you need it"

So yeah I personally witnessed at least one big time researcher who held back til he needed the money.

One researcher I associated with enacted an "Experiencer support group", and held it at different people's home over the years. That was, until we realized all he was after was our detailed accounts of what had happened to us. Members often said "He isnt providing any real help, he's just interested in hearing what we have to say so he can write a book.

Suffice it to say the members no longer wanted him at the meetings. I saw both sides, but I found him and a couple other researchers who came invaluable for their input into prior cases they had looked at.

I think some researchers are interested in getting the info out, some or more then likely most are interested in making a business out of it.
I suppose, if you think about it, UFO researchers don't want the 'truth' officially acknowledged because if it did become an 'accepted reality' their incomes would disappear...

...so, I suppose a follow up question would be, if there was no money in UFO research would people still do it?
Rick Deckard said:
I suppose, if you think about it, UFO researchers don't want the 'truth' officially acknowledged because if it did become an 'accepted reality' their incomes would disappear...

...so, I suppose a follow up question would be, if there was no money in UFO research would people still do it?

I think there will always be people interested in finding out the answers to UFO's whether there is money involved or not. Are you getting paid to be on these message boards? Obviously however, serious research can't be done easily without adequate funding.

This question is one of the reason's I love podcasts.. there is practically no money in it, people are just doing it because they are sincerely interested in the subject. I know the paracast has sponsers for example, but I doubt they make a killing off it ;)

The other point that was brought up about researchers not disclosing information because they don't want to leak their "good material" isn't very credible in my opinion. If a ufo researcher was proven right and this person had previously written all about it, I think they would enjoy a celebrity status - already the expert on the scene. Just my opinions though.. it is late (I always seem to go on message boards late at night), so I hope that is coherent..ish.
meciar said:
I think there will always be people interested in finding out the answers to UFO's whether there is money involved or not.

Yeah, but with the 500 competing explanations are we any closer to the answer? Which is better; no explanation or 500 explanations?

meciar said:
Are you getting paid to be on these message boards?

Actually, yes - my job is monitor forums such as these and see how close you guys get to the 'truth' and then to throw a 'spanner in the works' to steer you in another direction. 8)

I'll give you a clue - if the majority of people on this planet accepted the UFO 'reality', our skies would be full of them. ;)
Depends on the researcher.

As for the truth coming out. Dunno. I have two balls but neither are made of crystal, so no predictions from me.

I would love to see a crash, or air show put on by the "aliens" at the superbowl or something that would be hard for the officials to deny or spin. In that scenario, neither researcher or official brings out the truth.

One of my main goals in life is to catch an abduction on tape. This might be compelling evidence. I've had no success locating any good abductees in my area. MUFON doesn't even know of any last I checked.

Hey Jeff. Why did you hold back the researchers' names?

I've spent way more money in my research than I will ever make from it probably. I've made 0 dollars. Spent thousands.
aaron said:
Speaking of the truth coming out, I found this article interesting 'Aliens could attack at any time' warns former MoD chief

Yea, I just read that a few hours ago at ATS. I don't see it as an "announcement" like they spun though. Everyone else seemed to take it that way though. I even re-read it and it just seemed like a regular interview in which he touched on a possibility, not inevitability.

I reason that if aliens want to attack, there isn't much we can do about it anyway. MOD involved or not. But I suppose it's better for them to be involved than not. So long as they don't screw things up.

I like Nick Pope. Always have. Nice guy. I'll label him a "good researcher" and is into ufos not simply for money.

If you ever hear of any rumors that Nick is an abductee, its false btw.

PS. Aaron, you took my name darnit! Not many people have the same name as me:) I almost used it instead of Mindsky.
Mindsky said:
PS. Aaron, you took my name darnit! Not many people have the same name as me:) I almost used it instead of Mindsky.
It just proves what intelligent and good looking folks we are ;D