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UFO sighting leaves West Coast man 'bug eyed'

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Thanks! I read of this case yesterday and almost posted about here. The reason being is that it is a wonderful addition the "UFOs on the road" witness reported grouping. These are fairly scarce, with undoubtedly the Indrid Cold case being at the top of the list in terms of the popular extreme high strangeness associated with it. Check out this extremely fun and entertaining link that the wonderful Albert Rosales is ultimately responsible for. It showcases a myriad of encounters with just such over the top bizarreness. Cosmic Cars and Other Road Oddities | Strange
Thanks! I read of this case yesterday and almost posted about here. The reason being is that it is a wonderful addition the "UFOs on the road" witness reported grouping. These are fairly scarce, with undoubtedly the Indrid Cold case being at the top of the list in terms of the popular extreme high strangeness associated with it. Check out this extremely fun and entertaining link that the wonderful Albert Rosales is ultimately responsible for. It showcases a myriad of encounters with just such over the top bizarreness. Cosmic Cars and Other Road Oddities | Strange

Really strange cases I must say.

Not really sure what to make of the NZ case I posted but I will say this, New Zealanders do not tend to make a fuss.
What I mean by this is Kiwis tend not to report or talk about things, "She'll be alright mate, mus-sent grumble" attitude is very ingrained in many kiwis so I doubt very much that anymore people will come forward to report this at all.