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UFO Sighting over Joshua Tree at Daytime -- Triangle -- August 27, 2014

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Paranormal Maven

We were at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center, and had just seen two ravens fly into area over the ravine and climb opposite each other in a spiral for almost 1000 feet, then fly to the west.

Here, we're talking about what we saw, not having a clue as to what was going on in the background.

It wasn't until I played back the videos from the trip a few days later that I saw what was there...

...a faint formation of lights develop to the right side of his head, the same level as the baseball cap, and a little above right of the large cloud bank behind him.

A diagonal of three lights appear, eventually turning into a triangle formation of three lights.

I included slow motion, enhanced and close up in one clip this time not to overwhelm.

Clouds don't make equilateral triangles like that.
Interesting. I see what you'r referring to. Hard to assess. I would say puffs of clouds but the camera jiggles at pivotal moments.

What do you believe the video shows?
Believe? There are very few things I "believe," as to the video... if you'd like me to get an informed opinion, I can send it upstairs to my fav expert, Ray Stanford. If anyone will give you an unvarnished, non-PC correct analysis, it's 'ol Ray... heh-heh. Just say the word and get ready to duck & cover. :cool:
Believe? There are very few things I "believe," as to the video... if you'd like me to get an informed opinion, I can send it upstairs to my fav expert, Ray Stanford. If anyone will give you an unvarnished, non-PC correct analysis, it's 'ol Ray... heh-heh. Just say the word and get ready to duck & cover. :cool:
Thanks for mentioning the name. Haven't heard of him. I'll check him out.
Thanks for mentioning the name. Haven't heard of him. I'll check him out.
I offered to send Ray the clip. IMO he is one of (if not the best) UFO image analysts. Let me know if this is what you want to do. If yes, can you provide him w/ a high-rez copy for analysis?

Or, if you'd rather contact him on your own, that's fine, but I can guarantee you that he'll check it out if I am the one that provides him a request to have a look...
...a faint formation of lights develop to the right side of his head, the same level as the baseball cap, and a little above right of the large cloud bank behind him.

A diagonal of three lights appear, eventually turning into a triangle formation of three lights.

Clouds don't make equilateral triangles like that.

As mentioned by the other poster, in 2D the clouds would make a triangle - distance is not known.

Regarding the diagonals, that's not what I see. I see cloud puffs - the topmost one is particularly bright (sunlight shining on it?). We then see the development of three puffs in a diagonal line - but the middle puff does not 'disappear', rather it seems to go behind or join the cloud near it - like a cloud puff would do. It is also very bright - sunlight shining on it? It's always there, however, it never disappears to create a triangle. A 3rd puff appears suddenly to the left to create the third leg of the triangle to the left - and the middle puff never goes away from the diagonal as far as I can see.

My point: the three 'lights' (they do not appear to be 'lights' to me, just two cloud puffs lit by the sun with a more diffuse puff below) - do not 'turn into' a triangle formation. The three puffs stay in a diagonal line, except that one puff - middle one - gets absorbed or obscured by the major cloud to the right. Significantly, the puff that shows up to create the triangle happens during extensive camera movement.

Frankly, because of the camera movement just at the moment when this whole event is supposedly coming into play, makes the video suspect. There was no obvious reason for the videographer to move in that way, given that it's a pretty straight forward static 'interview' with no distractions occurring. The camera movement is highly suggestive of manipulation.
As mentioned by the other poster, in 2D the clouds would make a triangle - distance is not known.

Regarding the diagonals, that's not what I see. I see cloud puffs - the topmost one is particularly bright (sunlight shining on it?). We then see the development of three puffs in a diagonal line - but the middle puff does not 'disappear', rather it seems to go behind or join the cloud near it - like a cloud puff would do. It is also very bright - sunlight shining on it? It's always there, however, it never disappears to create a triangle. A 3rd puff appears suddenly to the left to create the third leg of the triangle to the left - and the middle puff never goes away from the diagonal as far as I can see.

My point: the three 'lights' (they do not appear to be 'lights' to me, just two cloud puffs lit by the sun with a more diffuse puff below) - do not 'turn into' a triangle formation. The three puffs stay in a diagonal line, except that one puff - middle one - gets absorbed or obscured by the major cloud to the right. Significantly, the puff that shows up to create the triangle happens during extensive camera movement.

Frankly, because of the camera movement just at the moment when this whole event is supposedly coming into play, makes the video suspect. There was no obvious reason for the videographer to move in that way, given that it's a pretty straight forward static 'interview' with no distractions occurring. The camera movement is highly suggestive of manipulation.

Movement of the camera makes the video suspect? Suspect of what?

"The camera movement is highly suggestive of manipulation"

Could you please explain that? Manipulation of what? One takes a video, notices an anomaly, and posts it...and now the videographer is suspect and manipulating a camera to create an image... Hmmmm. Not working out of Arizona, are you? lol

Even if I photographed a flying craft with detail to boot, I would be accused of CGI...so I can't say I'm surprised. Just would like a more succinct statement of your point.

The video was not taken behind glass or screens of any kind, nor was there any lens flare from the sun or any lights, so purposely creating a triangle image with camera manipulation is not possible in this setting. I have nothing to gain, nor do I have the technical skill to create a hoax video.

It would be really nice to see humans learn to talk about a subject without accusing each other of hoaxing and manipulation...but that's not really Earth at this time, is it?

Sharing, to once again be put on the defensive... lol Oh well.
Cool. The next time I'm in a 2D setting, Ill have to investigate that.

We were in a 3D setting by the way...
I think Manx was referring to the 2D video that we are watching on the thread. There is an oddity in that the bottom left point forms much later on and so it is a little suspicious in that they are mostly similar in shape and size at the end of the video but not consistent in their appearance on the timeline. If completely untampered video then i would lean towards these being clouds dissolving and forming organically and nothing more. I would not call them lights as there's really not a lot of luminosity, just more soft edges similar to the cloud formations that are visibly growing shifting. Where's the video that comes after this as that would show either consistency in those three points or we would see more organic growth and shrinkage as we saw similar shifts occur in that area of sky from start to finish in this clip? More footage would help to determine things more accurately.

As for patterns in the sky I would not get too excited about a brief equidistant triangulation given nature's usual detailed patterned formations i.e. fractals, golden mean, symmetry etc.
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Movement of the camera makes the video suspect? Suspect of what?
"The camera movement is highly suggestive of manipulation" Could you please explain that?
Suggestive of manipulation means tampering.
Manipulation of what?
The video.
One takes a video, notices an anomaly, and posts it...and now the videographer is suspect and manipulating a camera to create an image... Hmmmm.
Exactly so. You do know the wealth of faked UFO videos around, do you not?
Not working out of Arizona, are you? lol
The allusion escapes me. What does Arizona have to do with anything?

BTW - did you not expect analysis - as far as one can analyze at this level - as well as opinions to be voiced? You sound outraged that you would be questioned. Given how much fakery is afoot, the days of abject acceptance of a video clip are long gone.
Even if I photographed a flying craft with detail to boot, I would be accused of CGI...so I can't say I'm surprised.
Exactly so - you shouldn't be surprised. The surprise is that you seem to be surprised that the 'evidence' you supply would be questioned. How is it that you weren't prepared for that?
Just would like a more succinct statement of your point.
I think I have given you the succinct statement you seek. But I will be more succinct - there is enough about the video as presented that suggests we may be looking at a hoax. Perhaps it is 'genuine' but you may be misunderstanding what you are seeing. Either way, one assumes you have posted it here to get feedback no matter what the opinions. Outrage does not lend credibility to your claim.
The video was not taken behind glass or screens of any kind,
Well, that's a thought - hadn't occurred to me, but now that you mention it, it could have been achieved that way, were it a manipulation.
nor was there any lens flare from the sun or any lights,
And you know that how?
so purposely creating a triangle image with camera manipulation is not possible in this setting.
If you say so.
I have nothing to gain,
Those who fake this kind of stuff get a kick out of. You must know that. If the video is legit, what's the problem?
nor do I have the technical skill to create a hoax video.
You are requiring us to take that statement on trust.
It would be really nice to see humans learn to talk about a subject without accusing each other of hoaxing and manipulation
What was your purpose in posting the video? Did you expect blanket acceptance that your video was showing a 'triangle'? What does that mean to you? A triangle? I mean, in ufo terms?
...but that's not really Earth at this time, is it?
No, I guess not. Too many fakers out there.
Sharing, to once again be put on the defensive... lol Oh well.
Not unless that is what you make it. Take Chris up on his offer - send the HD version to Chris and let his pal look it over. I'd say that's a great offer. Would clear up the questions of manipulation. Then we perhaps can have a conversation about it. Fair?
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I think Manx was referring to the 2D video that we are watching on the thread.
There is an oddity in that the bottom left point forms much later on and so it is a little suspicious in that they are mostly similar in shape and size at the end of the video but not consistent in their appearance on the timeline.
Good point.
If completely untampered video then I would lean towards these being clouds dissolving and forming organically and nothing more.
I would not call them lights as there's really not a lot of luminosity, just more soft edges similar to the cloud formations that are visibly growing shifting.
I do see possibly cloud puffs reflecting sunlight.
Where's the video that comes after this as that would show either consistency in those three points or we would see more organic growth and shrinkage as we saw similar shifts occur in that area of sky from start to finish in this clip. More footage would help to determine a things more accurately?
Exactly so. Given how the camera is moving, in the next second the area in the sky that gets obscured by the person's head should come into view again. Significant omission imo.
As for patterns in the sky I would not get too excited about a brief equidistant triangulation given nature's usual detailed patterned formations i.e. fractals, golden mean, symmetry etc.
Yep. I would still like to have the video given a clean bill of health. If it's legit, then a discussion can ensue. As it stands, too many questions.

@JRTV Keep in mind that no one knows you personally. I think most posters on this site want to find good video evidence of real phenomenon pertaining to ufo's. However, no one is inclined to 'believe' the first assertion of an anomaly. There has to be a sifting. If you are legit and not pulling our leg, don't you want a considered appraisal?
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I see three blobs in a perfect equilateral triangle shape. Can't really make out if there is any light per se but to my untrained eye, it doesn't jump out as being faked. Inconclusive is best I can say so far. Needs to be looked at by an expert video analyst.
...a faint formation of lights develop to the right side of his head, the same level as the baseball cap, and a little above right of the large cloud bank behind him.

I could not see anything.

I would have enjoyed a red circle or arrow indicating where the viewer should look.

I stopped at that Joshua Tree ranger station right off I-10 about six months ago. It gave me the impression of a place that is spooky.
Well while I can't give you a definitive answer. The shape is of an equilateral triangle. So while unlikely it may be clouds that formed just right. The definition of the video is too fuzzy for me to tell. But I do not believe that this was faked. If it was faked I doubt someone would put all that time and effort into something that vague and that actually moves with the shaky cam. In my opinion it looks like clouds, but others have reported similar triangular craft so maybe it is more than just clouds.