There is no spoon
So I have recently been reading about some of the telescopes we plan to be putting in to space over the next ten years. Apparently there are a few telescopes at the planning stages that will directly be able to view planets, and literally take images of them so we can see their colours, and makeup, and continents etc.
In fact the great astronomer Martin Ree's mentions it in his latest writings for the BBC: Greatest Discoveries of the Naughties
So say he is correct in predicting we will have one of these telescopes by 2020... whilst nobody knows how long it will take before we look at a planet see another civilization via spectroscopy or some other means, presumably there is a chance no matter how small that we could find one within ten years.
In fact it was recently that I was watching some documentary with Ree's and co that someone said they believed we would find proof of extraterrestrial life by 2030.
If so, how would this effect ufology? Would the general public and skeptics alike still shoot down the UFO (as ET) theories even when we have proof that there is other civilizations out there? Would it propel ufology into the mainstream or kill it altogether?
My gut feeling is that it will take us a lot longer to find another advanced civilization, but its an interesting topic of conversation. People in UFOlogy always say it hasnt changed in 60 years and probably wont' do for a long time..... well in my eyes, this is the most likely way it will change.
I have heard many paracast guests say the only way things will change is if a UFO lands on the whitehouse lawn, perhaps we have all overlooked our own technology potential to uncover the mystery for ourselves..... but perhaps not.... who knows, I guess i'll wait 20 years
In fact the great astronomer Martin Ree's mentions it in his latest writings for the BBC: Greatest Discoveries of the Naughties
So say he is correct in predicting we will have one of these telescopes by 2020... whilst nobody knows how long it will take before we look at a planet see another civilization via spectroscopy or some other means, presumably there is a chance no matter how small that we could find one within ten years.
In fact it was recently that I was watching some documentary with Ree's and co that someone said they believed we would find proof of extraterrestrial life by 2030.
If so, how would this effect ufology? Would the general public and skeptics alike still shoot down the UFO (as ET) theories even when we have proof that there is other civilizations out there? Would it propel ufology into the mainstream or kill it altogether?
My gut feeling is that it will take us a lot longer to find another advanced civilization, but its an interesting topic of conversation. People in UFOlogy always say it hasnt changed in 60 years and probably wont' do for a long time..... well in my eyes, this is the most likely way it will change.
I have heard many paracast guests say the only way things will change is if a UFO lands on the whitehouse lawn, perhaps we have all overlooked our own technology potential to uncover the mystery for ourselves..... but perhaps not.... who knows, I guess i'll wait 20 years