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Ufology Or Pro Wrestling?

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Paranormal Adept
Which do you think people in general respect more, or which do you respect more, Ufology or Pro Wrestling?
I actually think that most people would find cause to respect research into historical data, with adequate notation and references to public data, for instance references to stuff that has been pulled from government archives (FOIA). People respect that, mostly with good reason. Hence, imo, even if the pickings are slimmer, I think that cooperation should be sought, rather than opposition and stand offs against representatives, whether political or military. Because, anything that you can get that has some kind of official seal holds much more weight to the general public than some unverifiable conspiracy or woo woo stories.

For instance, when people see those interviews with past presidents who mention UFOs, that stuff is taken seriously. Or, take the Rendlesham Forest case where a court determined that one of the guys had become sick from close contact with a UFO (whether it was a drone or something more mysterious). That is pure gold if you want to reach a critical audience imo, it's potentially a huge story if UFO researchers read up on the whole court case and manage to serve it to the public as neutrally as possible.

Albeit, I imagine most people see the entertainment side first, on TV, or the 'true believer' side, on the web, ufology can definitly side with Pro Wrestling if it wants to. :)
Which do you think people in general respect more, or which do you respect more, Ufology or Pro Wrestling?

Why not combine the two??????

Then we could have Believer vs Sceptic cage matches etc!!!

A bit like chess boxing 1 round of debate followed by 1 round of wrestling and so on.

I hope I am not giving the wrong people ideas again...................
What I find fascinating about pro wrestling isn't the wrestlers themselves but those who attend the matches. People will yell and scream at something that is obviously scripted and fake.

I find wrestling and ufology to be kissing cousins. Much of what is being presented in ufology is speculation and outright falsehoods, yet people still believe it.
I am not certain but I suspect the majority of the audience at a wwf style wrestling match know that it is staged, however they do not know the result of the bouts before hand.
My experience is that sport and superstitions go hand in hand, I have never been to a wresting match, but I have been to soccer matches, and the crowd definitely feel that they can influence the result.
This may sound a bit odd, but I think that the fact we know wrestling is staged is far more honest than other sports, match fixing is a huge problem that is suppressed.

I think that wrestling is a lot less harmless than certain aspects of ufology, but I agree that they can be equally ridiculous at times.
Here is a side note to pro wrestling. I had to drive my wife to the airport to take her to a training class for work. It was the morning after some matches were held in Hershey Pennsylvania, a big venue for wrestling.

All the wrestlers spread out to various corners of the waiting area. My wife said that when everyone boarded all the wrestlers went into first class. So much for mortal enemies!!