Sean Elifritz
Why is so much made of lobbying congress for hearings, disclosure (Whatever that even means), and/or convincing the government to get back into the official investigating game? Why are we always pestering the scientific community to get involved, to take this subject seriously, or to share our interpretation of things? Are there not scientists that take UFOs seriously already? Don't Vallee, Haines, Friedman, Sturrok, and Swords count for something? There are plenty of others, many we haven't heard of because they are low profile. Despite all the hoopla there is scientific interest in UFOs, that was achieved a long time ago. What Ufology doesn't have is funding. I think that's where the frustration really stems from. Other scientists have funding, ours don't. But somehow this reality gets muddled and people spend their time lobbying scientific organizations and the government. If those with the energy to lobby really want to make an impact on the state of UFO research they shouldn't be targeting government and the body politic of science, they should instead be going full bore at the Fortune 500. Attract the interest and dollars of these people and you will see Ufology transformed, guaranteed. Currently the term "Ufology" means to scientists "No money to do any work" as much as it it does anything else. That's the real problem.