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UFOs and Government: Proposing a New Way Forward

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Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
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[Leslie brings up several good points that point out how ill-conceived these petition efforts appear to politicos and skeptics. Languaging is important too, Mr. Bassett. ---chris]

by Leslie Kean

Article HERE:

In UFO circles, much fuss has been made about a recent response by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) to two petitions on extraterrestrial/human communications, posted on a government website. Phil Larson, who was tasked to respond, has been accused of everything from lying, to cover-ups, to gross incompetence. But the real problem lies with the inappropriate and fundamentally flawed content of the petitions themselves -- not with the government reply to them. The critics seem to have lost sight of what the petitions actually said and did not say, while insulting and lashing out at Larson.

One petition asks the Obama administration to "immediately disclose the government's knowledge of and communications with extraterrestrial beings" and the other to "formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race." The former asks for congressional hearings about "this subject" (communications with ET) while the latter requests the release of documents about "this phenomenon" (an extraterrestrial presence). Thousands of people signed on to the assumptions that extraterrestrial beings have been secretly talking to our government or somehow are involved with the whole human race. Try thinking about these bizarre and murky statements from the perspective of a scientifically-oriented government official. How is he to make sense of such absurd requests?

Neither petition had anything to do with the subject of UFOs, as properly defined; no request for data on UFOs was included. And, chances are, Larson knows very little, if anything, about the evidence for UFOs. Like most government scientists, he likely dismissed the subject long ago as baseless and therefore irrelevant to space policy, and has never looked into it. Consequently, it's entirely logical that Larson would not make the leap from the question of extraterrestrial communications to the issue of physical unidentified flying objects. Did the petitioners not expect that their requests would be taken at face value?

Rest of the article HERE:
What can you expect from PRG. Basset isn't as flaky as Greer, but they both are delusional. Anybody that would charge exorbitant fees to train people to contact extraterrestrials is nothing less than an opportunist, and a shyster.
I'd love to read a petition formulated by Leslie. Her writing skills, background in journalism and rationality would produce a powerful request worthy of a petition. What mr. Bassett produced was an aggressive fan club letter attacking the government.

Leslie's got my vote ;)
Leslie is intelligent enough to know better than to put herself in that position. I don't anticipate disclosure. Hell, it's not like the government actually works the way they taught us in civics class. Can you imagine the government disclosing to the public the full extent and magnitude of what the power elite has perpetrated against the average citizen? Greed, corruption, and deception on a massive scale!
Petitions are little more than publicity stunts. Would a petition by Kean be any less of a publicity stunt? No. However Kean has some class and media connections so at least it would raise some positive public awareness. But if the President can't even get access to the information because his access is allegedly restricted to a "Need To Know" basis, then what chance does a mere public petition have? Not much is probably being overoptimistic. The other downside is that constant appeals for governmental disclosure perpetuate the idea that only Big Brother can legitimize a belief in UFOs. It also diverts attention away from past disclosures and the findings of independent researchers.
Maybe a Kean, Pope, Kaku, Friedman association would be a better idea. Poking the government with data and good argumentation should produce results... You would think ?!

At least it would raise the credibility bar on the subject of UAPs and demonstrate that there is a rational face to it.
It would make more sense to form an independent research organization to do serious research. Using advanced imaging technology that is now available, it would be possible to collect scientific evidence. Ultraviolet, infrared, and high resolution video. All the prominent researchers in the UFO field follow their own track, and not much has been accomplished. Most info these days is old news, recycled, over and over again.
Maybe a Kean, Pope, Kaku, Friedman association would be a better idea. Poking the government with data and good argumentation should produce results... You would think ?!
At least it would raise the credibility bar on the subject of UAPs and demonstrate that there is a rational face to it.
Good comment and intent. But why limit the association to the "all stars"? Anyone with a genuine and constructive interest in ufology can participate in raising public awareness and exploring the phenomenon. There are several groups that have been around for a long time now. Even the one I started has been around for over 20 years ... and it's free to join. The trick is getting people to contribute. There's no shortage of good ideas, just a shortage of focused action. Why? Because if it takes time or money it's easier to let someone else do it.

It would make more sense to form an independent research organization to do serious research. Using advanced imaging technology that is now available, it would be possible to collect scientific evidence. Ultraviolet, infrared, and high resolution video. All the prominent researchers in the UFO field follow their own track, and not much has been accomplished. Most info these days is old news, recycled, over and over again.
Voyager, I think that's a great idea, but to continue from my last post, the trick is getting people to cooperate. Serious research takes time and resources. To do it in a group takes focus and coordination. That means somebody is going to want to be in control, and that leads to politics and manipulation. Before you know it, it's not about ufology anymore, but who is going to get voted as the next Director or Chairman.

My group ( USI ) recognizes the pitfalls of the traditional interest group structure and has tried to take a different approach. It's free to join and there's no political structure to bog down projects. Members are free to contribute in whatever constructive way they can. The irony is that when left to their own devises, most people are content to let other people do all the work. It's still a huge challenge to get people to collaborate for the sake of the cause alone. They either want to get paid or they are already busy with their own project and don't see the added value in networking.

About a tenth of the invites I send out to join USI are rejected, not because the person is already part of another group ( in fact being in another group often helps. For eample, we've got MUFON people and BUFORA people and others. ), but some people just don't believe in collaboration and networking. They want their own little raft and their own little paddle ... even if a group membership would be more advantageous for them and the cause as a whole.
The biggest problem is funding. The camera I would need to use, with ultraviolet, and infrared, has a hefty price tag: $4,000.00., and that doesn't include the lenses. I was seeing spheres out the upstairs window all summer all the way into late November. I didn't have the proper equipment to record them. My camera isn't designed to take pictures at night. I thought about investing in equipment to film them back when I borrowed money. I wasn't seeing any at that time. Back then the cost was higher, and the technology wasn't as advanced as it is now. Without irrefutable evidence to back it up; what I have observed, what I think, what others think is irrelevant. What I observed over the years is so totally strange, so far beyond the framework of our reality, it just blows my mind!
Voyager, I think that's a great idea, but to continue from my last post, the trick is getting people to cooperate. Serious research takes time and resources. To do it in a group takes focus and coordination. That means somebody is going to want to be in control, and that leads to politics and manipulation. Before you know it, it's not about ufology anymore, but who is going to get voted as the next Director or Chairman.

Sounds like MUFON!
Good comment and intent. But why limit the association to the "all stars"? Anyone with a genuine and constructive interest in ufology can participate in raising public awareness and exploring the phenomenon. There are several groups that have been around for a long time now. Even the one I started has been around for over 20 years ... and it's free to join. The trick is getting people to contribute. There's no shortage of good ideas, just a shortage of focused action. Why? Because if it takes time or money it's easier to let someone else do it.

Why limit? .... to save time.

The mysterious UAP phenomena is obviously a cash cow... They've made a bit of money off the subject and managed to build up enough public credibility.
IMHO, the ultimate litmus test is converting that credibility into a compelling petition.

These four 'all stars' have enough perspective to orient a petition in directions that should trigger interesting and revealing responses from the US government ;)

If they want to sell books, this is the best way to crack the walnut lol
Considering the caliber and credibility of the witness panel brought before the National Press Club by Robert Hastings, and all with little public reaction and to no apparent avail, I wouldn't wait up for disclosure from earthlings. Ufo evidence is still much like Mac Tonnies' "cat chasing the laser pointer" analogy.
My petition would be simple:

In 1969 project blue book determined that the uFO phenomena posed no threat to national security. We wish to dispute that claim and request an explanation pertaining to discrepancies between official statements and statistics exposed in project blue book special report 14.

... That should shake them up ;)
Leslie is right in suggesting that people should ask for an open and scientific investigation into unexplained objects and lights in the sky, if for nothing else than for a transportation safety issue. Recently 2 independant pilots sighted an enormous craft in the English Channel. One of the pilots went public. If you listen to this guy and believe him, it's all the proof you need that there are UFOs that are not man made.

Steven Greer lost the plot when he started charging people to contact ET's. Christ, if anyone could get UFOs to come on command, the field could be solved or at least proved to anyone's satisfaction in no time at all.
It is morally wrong in my opinion to take money from people for the promise of something you cannot control or promise. He started out with good intentions I think but has completely gone over to the dark side. I would not want him treating me as a doctor and I think that is a terrible thing for any doctor to have said about them.
Adding to my original statement here; is a reminder of what happened not long after JFK asked for a review of the USAF's UFO unknowns for the purpose of assisting NASA in the Moon program. Coincidence? Possibly, but then add in Kilgallen. Also a coincidence? And Kilgallen was connected with Marilyn who was also connected with JFK ... oh my ... things are really getting coincidental.