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UFO's Are Real 1979 - older but great doc - view it here

Free episodes:

Creepy Green Light

Paranormal Adept
I know a lot of us have seen this before - but in case there are any newer members here or folks just getting into the subject, this is a great documentary to get your feet wet. Even though several cases have since come out as hoaxes, there's still a ton of great information in it. For me, the Coyne helicopter incident is the best.

BTW - if Wendelle Stevens was alive today, I wonder what he would say regarding Meier? It's cringe worthy material listening to him in the last 5 mins or so of this documentary. If I had to guess, I'd say he would have been highly embarrassed for falling for Meier.

Enjoy :)

@ Creepy - I second your view on the doc. I'm a huge fan of 1970's UFO documentary's. Despite the kipper ties, cheesy sound effects and often extremely shaky conclusions, they had something quite magical and mystical about them. Even though Youtube is full of mediocre modern UFO docs, apart from a few stand-out classics, such as James Fox' 'I Know What I Saw,' they rarely excite in me the wonder that the older ones do. Put simply, if I was young right now and not yet into Ufology, I don't think modern docs would stimulate me to get interested in the subject.

I suppose one problem these days is trying to sort out all the CGI from anything genuine. At least in the 70's they were more likely to feature genuine misidentified objects rather than outright fakes.

A quick word on Meier - I think he was (is he dead?) a charlatan cult-leader and glorified himself with an extended merry-go-round of followers. But one thing is inescapable and that is his fakes were 1st class. Even though it has been proved beyond doubt that a one-armed man is indeed capable of elaborate hoaxes, one must remember that for a time in the 70's his output of photos was very high and if we put aside the fact they are no doubt fakes, they still look good. They look better than modern fakes because I suppose they were photos of real objects as opposed to graphics.

Like some others, I think Meier probably saw (maybe even photographed) a real UFO or two but hated it when his 15 mins of fame was up and wanted to keep the party going - this is a widely accepted idea regarding a few of the 'contactees' I believe too.
@ Creepy - I second your view on the doc. I'm a huge fan of 1970's UFO documentary's. Despite the kipper ties, cheesy sound effects and often extremely shaky conclusions, they had something quite magical and mystical about them. Even though Youtube is full of mediocre modern UFO docs, apart from a few stand-out classics, such as James Fox' 'I Know What I Saw,' they rarely excite in me the wonder that the older ones do. Put simply, if I was young right now and not yet into Ufology, I don't think modern docs would stimulate me to get interested in the subject.

I suppose one problem these days is trying to sort out all the CGI from anything genuine. At least in the 70's they were more likely to feature genuine misidentified objects rather than outright fakes.

A quick word on Meier - I think he was (is he dead?) a charlatan cult-leader and glorified himself with an extended merry-go-round of followers. But one thing is inescapable and that is his fakes were 1st class. Even though it has been proved beyond doubt that a one-armed man is indeed capable of elaborate hoaxes, one must remember that for a time in the 70's his output of photos was very high and if we put aside the fact they are no doubt fakes, they still look good. They look better than modern fakes because I suppose they were photos of real objects as opposed to graphics.

Like some others, I think Meier probably saw (maybe even photographed) a real UFO or two but hated it when his 15 mins of fame was up and wanted to keep the party going - this is a widely accepted idea regarding a few of the 'contactees' I believe too.
Agreed 100% Goggs. I actually love the sound effects from that doc. It sets the mood perfectly. I'll never get tired of watching it. I saved up some $ and ordered it on VHS in the early 90's. But I had seen it on regular TV here in the states in the 80's. And you are right about Meier. GREAT fakes. But the thing that get's me shaking my head is the quotes by Wendelle Stevens of "...we ran this through the computer and the computer says the object is about 30 ft in diameter and a great distance from the camera."

There are other cases where they try solidifying the case with "....we ran this through the computer...." Whenever I hear that phrase it doesn't sway me to say "Well gee, if they ran it through 'the computer' then it must be real!". I always take it with a grain of salt and think of Wendelle and Meier.

Now how this Michael Horn character is still out and about making video's and $ is beyond me. My main question for Horn is; Do you know the entire Meier case is B.S. but pretend it isn't in order to make money? Or in your brain do you authentically believe that the Meier case is real?
I genuinely think Horn is a true believer, it's his religion and Meier is his prophet. There is simply no evidence or argument in existence that will convince him that Meier is B.S. I actually feel a tiny bit sorry for him because he is the only person in Ufology I know of who has managed to get Alejandro Rojas to diss him publicly. Alejandro is an extremely nice guy and usually says nothing if he has nothing positive to say, but he made an exception for Michael Horn.
I genuinely think Horn is a true believer, it's his religion and Meier is his prophet. There is simply no evidence or argument in existence that will convince him that Meier is B.S. I actually feel a tiny bit sorry for him because he is the only person in Ufology I know of who has managed to get Alejandro Rojas to diss him publicly. Alejandro is an extremely nice guy and usually says nothing if he has nothing positive to say, but he made an exception for Michael Horn.
Wow. That's just baffling to me. How can he not see the one "UFO" that's made out of garbage can lid, where you can see that it's even warped? And then you can see the make and model of the garbage can lid and see that it is exactly what the "UFO" is made out of? Unbelievable.
Wow. That's just baffling to me. How can he not see the one "UFO" that's made out of garbage can lid, where you can see that it's even warped? And then you can see the make and model of the garbage can lid and see that it is exactly what the "UFO" is made out of? Unbelievable.
Have you ever studied the nuclear condition as being the reason.....atomic orbital formations/unnaturally manifesting in a converting atmosphere wavelength introduced condition?

The Earth a naturally fused stone body with metal naturally fused in its body is changed by the condition of nuclear science, a human applied choice/condition to apply artificial sciences.

Fu SION, the condition of the ancient occult sciences...SION changes caused to the atmosphere and Earth stone condition quantified as Abomination, or the loss of the God condition.

GOD, the fused nuclear sound condition awareness that the human male psychic/occultist considered was the protection of life on Planet Earth.

The occultist, the scientist inventor advised by atmospheric recordings (photonic interactions) by imagery and sound, how to apply conversion to the nuclear of stone and then unnaturally applies the condition called science/invention.

GOD gains a nuclear sun sound condition of a nuclear sound loss, called the UFO fall out condition as a human status of self awareness, being converted and attacked called a spiritual attack and evidence of cell and blood changes evident (stigmata).

GOD by the calculations called "in the beginning" gives a male conscious occult status awareness consideration that the families of stone fusion were given a minus 1 condition, changing natural Earth nuclear Sun Time as the holiness of SION (fuSION) and hence was an evil introduced and artificial spirit attack upon life, just as stated.
Have you ever studied the nuclear condition as being the reason.....atomic orbital formations/unnaturally manifesting in a converting atmosphere wavelength introduced condition?

The Earth a naturally fused stone body with metal naturally fused in its body is changed by the condition of nuclear science, a human applied choice/condition to apply artificial sciences.

Fu SION, the condition of the ancient occult sciences...SION changes caused to the atmosphere and Earth stone condition quantified as Abomination, or the loss of the God condition.

GOD, the fused nuclear sound condition awareness that the human male psychic/occultist considered was the protection of life on Planet Earth.

The occultist, the scientist inventor advised by atmospheric recordings (photonic interactions) by imagery and sound, how to apply conversion to the nuclear of stone and then unnaturally applies the condition called science/invention.

GOD gains a nuclear sun sound condition of a nuclear sound loss, called the UFO fall out condition as a human status of self awareness, being converted and attacked called a spiritual attack and evidence of cell and blood changes evident (stigmata).

GOD by the calculations called "in the beginning" gives a male conscious occult status awareness consideration that the families of stone fusion were given a minus 1 condition, changing natural Earth nuclear Sun Time as the holiness of SION (fuSION) and hence was an evil introduced and artificial spirit attack upon life, just as stated.

I have read several of your posts and must state unequivocally that I am most confused by what you are attempting to express. I have some basic questions for you that may help me to make sense of what you're stating.

1) Were you inspired to host such a line of uniquely defined reasoning, or was as much revealed to you in the form of instantaneous knowledge or "downloading"? If you were inspired, who was your initial teacher, or the layer of such unique formative building blocks in your mind? If what you put forward here and in other recent postings on this site was a matter of revelation, who or what revealed this understanding to you?

3) Are you stating that UFOs are the product of a reality producing environment that was modified by the use of nuclear weapons? That UFOs are the product of nuclear weapons testing due to the manner in which our environment provides the reality that we use artificial sciences to measure? If this is the case, how do you account for the myriad of aerial phenomena prior to humanity's atomic age?

4) Are you doing your level best to confuse those who read your words in an effort to seem mystical?

5) What does the following phrase mean in and of itself precisely? "GOD gains a nuclear sun sound condition of a nuclear sound loss"

6) In the aforementioned quoted phrase, one might be inclined to think that you've described some sort of elementary math word problem designed to formulate basic anomalous outcomes. I wonder if what you're attempting to put across is the fact that you believe GOD created something out of nothing and as long as nothing is associated with something in the mind of GOD that nothing becomes specifically something. A sort of existence via association? That or possibly it's just down right wise to wear ear plugs while exploding nuclear devices. That is unless you're GOD less you as a puny human being do some mysterious yet significant bleeding. It's just all seems like a bunch of CONfuSION.
Have you ever studied the nuclear condition as being the reason.....atomic orbital formations/unnaturally manifesting in a converting atmosphere wavelength introduced condition?

The Earth a naturally fused stone body with metal naturally fused in its body is changed by the condition of nuclear science, a human applied choice/condition to apply artificial sciences.

Fu SION, the condition of the ancient occult sciences...SION changes caused to the atmosphere and Earth stone condition quantified as Abomination, or the loss of the God condition.

GOD, the fused nuclear sound condition awareness that the human male psychic/occultist considered was the protection of life on Planet Earth.

The occultist, the scientist inventor advised by atmospheric recordings (photonic interactions) by imagery and sound, how to apply conversion to the nuclear of stone and then unnaturally applies the condition called science/invention.

GOD gains a nuclear sun sound condition of a nuclear sound loss, called the UFO fall out condition as a human status of self awareness, being converted and attacked called a spiritual attack and evidence of cell and blood changes evident (stigmata).

GOD by the calculations called "in the beginning" gives a male conscious occult status awareness consideration that the families of stone fusion were given a minus 1 condition, changing natural Earth nuclear Sun Time as the holiness of SION (fuSION) and hence was an evil introduced and artificial spirit attack upon life, just as stated.