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UFOs in New Zealand

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Paranormal Novice
Hey Everyone,

I recently moved to New Zealand from the U.S. Since I've been here I've seen a lot of bright lights in the night sky that I can't quite explain. I'm a retired lieutenant in the USMC and I'm fairly knowledgeable of the current aircraft employed around the world. New Zealand no longer have fighter jets in their military, most of what they did have was sold off. Of note, recently I noticed an object flying across the sky at a relatively high speed. The light it produced was steady and singular in color. As I watched another slightly smaller object appeared and began flying parallel to the original. And when I say appeared, I mean just that. It was a clear night sky, one minute it wasn't there, then it was. They both altered course at a 45º angle toward each other until they seemed to come together. They remained this way for maybe a count of two, separated slightly, and the secondary object disappeared in the same fashion it appeared. I watched the original object until I lost it on the horizon. Perhaps wierdest of all, from my position in New Zealand, there is nothing but the largest expanse of open ocean this world has to offer. I've looked at it from every angle I could think of, there's just no reason for any aircraft to fly in that direction at that speed and altitude, let alone two.

Does anyone know if New Zealand is some sort of hotbed for this kinda thing? Because honesty, I notice something more nights than I don't.

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Hey Everyone,

I recently moved to New Zealand from the U.S. Since I've been here I've seen a lot of bright lights in the night sky that I can't quite explain. I'm a retired lieutenant in the USMC and I'm fairly knowledgeable of the current aircraft employed around the world. New Zealand no longer have fighter jets in their military, most of what they did have was sold off. Of note, recently I noticed an object flying across the sky at a relatively high speed. The light it produced was steady and singular in color. As I watched another slightly smaller object appeared and began flying parallel to the original. And when I say appeared, I mean just that. It was a clear night sky, one minute it wasn't there, then it was. They both altered course at a 45º angle toward each other until they seemed to come together. They remained this way for maybe a count of two, separated slightly, and the secondary object disappeared in the same fashion it appeared. I watched the original object until I lost it on the horizon. Perhaps wierdest of all, from my position in New Zealand, there is nothing but the largest expanse of open ocean this world has to offer. I've looked at it from every angle I could think of, there's just no reason for any aircraft to fly in that direction at that speed and altitude, let alone two.

Does anyone know if New Zealand is some sort of hotbed for this kinda thing? Because honesty, I notice something more nights than I don't.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

Both New Zealand as well as Oz have a deep and rich history with respect to UFOs. Recently both have been on the UFO hit list of appearances. UFOs according to statistically monitored reporting simply vary too much in apparent behavior for there to be any real way to make clear any absolutes with respect for determining the object's/light's identity. Did the objects seem as far away as a jet aircraft might have been, or much closer? Did you hear anything at all that seemed to be emanating from the direction of your observations? Nice described UFO sighting!

Edit: Almost forgot. A GREAT link with respect for NZ and UFOs: UFocus - New Zealand UFO
I'd be confident in saying it wasn't anything civilian. At that altitude, it would have to be military or "other". And I've seen the Aurora before as well, this didn't seem like the same thing. I didn't hear anything on that particular incident, but have in others.

Regarding my description, regrettably, I was honorably discharged due to a diagnosis of PTSD after returning from Afghanistan. Hypervigilance is one of the cooler symptoms :-P

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
Hey Everyone,

I recently moved to New Zealand from the U.S. Since I've been here I've seen a lot of bright lights in the night sky that I can't quite explain. I'm a retired lieutenant in the USMC and I'm fairly knowledgeable of the current aircraft employed around the world. New Zealand no longer have fighter jets in their military, most of what they did have was sold off. Of note, recently I noticed an object flying across the sky at a relatively high speed. The light it produced was steady and singular in color. As I watched another slightly smaller object appeared and began flying parallel to the original. And when I say appeared, I mean just that. It was a clear night sky, one minute it wasn't there, then it was. They both altered course at a 45º angle toward each other until they seemed to come together. They remained this way for maybe a count of two, separated slightly, and the secondary object disappeared in the same fashion it appeared. I watched the original object until I lost it on the horizon. Perhaps wierdest of all, from my position in New Zealand, there is nothing but the largest expanse of open ocean this world has to offer. I've looked at it from every angle I could think of, there's just no reason for any aircraft to fly in that direction at that speed and altitude, let alone two.

Does anyone know if New Zealand is some sort of hotbed for this kinda thing? Because honesty, I notice something more nights than I don't.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

Welcome to New Zealand and yes we are a hotbed for this sort of thing to answer your question as blunt as possible.

I live down in the south island in Canterbury and I have seen objects much the way you describe myself. The flight path of the one I filmed could only have been heading out to sea and the next stop after that is the Antarctic.

Now as for Hot Spots here in New Zealand the East coast of the South Island from Banks Peninsular up to Kaikoura produce a lot of sightings and one very famous one from the 1970's.
North Canterbury around the Pyramid Vally and Weka Pass have had some good sightings over the years.

Hope this helps
Knew there was a reason I liked this place. I keep a loaded HandyCam on the coffee table now, just in case. Unfortunately the only camera I had with me on the night above was my Galaxy S3 and it just wasn't up to the task. I'll let everyone know if I get something good.

Where can I find a good read on the 1970's case?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
Hey Everyone,

I recently moved to New Zealand from the U.S. Since I've been here I've seen a lot of bright lights in the night sky that I can't quite explain. I'm a retired lieutenant in the USMC and I'm fairly knowledgeable of the current aircraft employed around the world. New Zealand no longer have fighter jets in their military, most of what they did have was sold off. Of note, recently I noticed an object flying across the sky at a relatively high speed. The light it produced was steady and singular in color. As I watched another slightly smaller object appeared and began flying parallel to the original. And when I say appeared, I mean just that. It was a clear night sky, one minute it wasn't there, then it was. They both altered course at a 45º angle toward each other until they seemed to come together. They remained this way for maybe a count of two, separated slightly, and the secondary object disappeared in the same fashion it appeared. I watched the original object until I lost it on the horizon. Perhaps wierdest of all, from my position in New Zealand, there is nothing but the largest expanse of open ocean this world has to offer. I've looked at it from every angle I could think of, there's just no reason for any aircraft to fly in that direction at that speed and altitude, let alone two.

Does anyone know if New Zealand is some sort of hotbed for this kinda thing? Because honesty, I notice something more nights than I don't.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

I once got a letter from someone in New Zealand who figured there was a UFO base off the coast and was looking for people to help him investigate it. I didn't have the resources but kept in touch. He said he was going out to the location with a couple of people. That was the last I heard of him. I tried to write several times, but no reply. On a related note, I think Timothy Good mentions New Zealand in his book Alien Base. If I recall correctly, USI has members in NZ too, but I haven't been in touch with them for ages.
I once got a letter from someone in New Zealand who figured there was a UFO base off the coast and was looking for people to help him investigate it. I didn't have the resources but kept in touch. He said he was going out to the location with a couple of people. That was the last I heard of him. I tried to write several times, but no reply. On a related note, I think Timothy Good mentions New Zealand in his book Alien Base. If I recall correctly, USI has members in NZ too, but I haven't been in touch with them for ages.

the place he was talking about is said to be just off the coast of Canterbury.
The speculation is it is some place between the East coast around Canterbury and the Chatham islands in an area called the Chatham rise if this helps you any Ufology.


Where you see the "d" at the end of the name New Zealand is Banks Peninsula, now look at the sea bed and notice that it rises up between there and the Chatham Islands.
This is the supposed area for said base.. yeah it is a hell of a lot of ocean bed to search.

This false color map shows it in better detail.


Having said all that I will add that the deep water off the coast of NZ has only been explored in a fraction of a percent and although we have a basic idea of the general topography of the shelf on which NZ sits we still have very little information in any great detail.
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