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UFO's: Is the Truth Already Out There?

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Skilled Investigator
I was thinking to myself today, what if the reality of the ufo mystery is already out there & is simply lost among the muddy waters of the ufo field. What is Adamski or Meier is actually telling the truth? What if David Icke actually got it all figured out? What if the MJ-12 documents are actually all real?

I thought this might generate an interesting discussion, any comments would be much appreciated
I was thinking to myself today, what if the reality of the ufo mystery is already out there & is simply lost among the muddy waters of the ufo field. What is Adamski or Meier is actually telling the truth? What if David Icke actually got it all figured out? What if the MJ-12 documents are actually all real?

I thought this might generate an interesting discussion, any comments would be much appreciated

IF that is the case then we are * (how to put it politely?) in dire straits.

It is my opinion that Messrs adamski, meier, icke, lazar, greer and their ilk, are the very mud that you speak of, and have clouded the waters, too such an extent that visibility is down to almost zero.

My instinct tells me that if "aliens" did/do visit the earth, then they would choose to visit people with a bit more "honesty" or "integrity" and "influence", for example I suspect that they would ignore "greer" and select "normal" people i.e. not those with agendas that further their own "power" or "finances".

Having said all that, IF the belief in E.T. results in people treating the world and its inhabitants in a fairer and more humane way then I support it fully. In other words it matters little to me how we get there, but get there we must!

*rhymes with ducked ;)
yes I agree, the people I mentioned are in fact largely responsible for muddying the waters of the ufo field, I purposefully named them because most people with sense would automatically label them as frauds and attention seekers. But what IF one of these absurd people are actually has already put the truth of the ufo mystery out there without anyone noticing? Lol just imagine if Greer was the one who got it right all along?! Imagine he is actually the chosen one. A real life Neo :D
yes I agree, the people I mentioned are in fact largely responsible for muddying the waters of the ufo field, I purposefully named them because most people with sense would automatically label them as frauds and attention seekers. But what IF one of these absurd people are actually has already put the truth of the ufo mystery out there without anyone noticing? Lol just imagine if Greer was the one who got it right all along?! Imagine he is actually the chosen one. A real life Neo :D

Sorry, I have a difficult time believing that Dr. Greer is the spokesperson for the Space Brothers...
Even in that hall of mirrors where we interact with the UFO (or more accurately it interacts with us), there must be some form of reality testing. Belief in anything is as non-productive as belief in nothing at all. So best effort dictates we set aside players whose actions ring of the cheap promoter or self-enlightened kook. What makes this phenomenon continually puzzling is a statistical correlation (noted years ago by Hynek) in which many of the strangest events are reported by what seem to be the least fantasy prone individuals. I think we would do well to factor out players like Greer and Adamski as a kind of artifact that lowers an already low signal to noise ratio. (If that makes any sense?)