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"Ufos: Myths, Conspiracies and Realities"

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Paranormal Maven
I'm reading John Alexander book and just found a curious moment when he's sharing his recollections of what Tom Clansey told him about Roswell's accident "If that was real someone would told me", it's really similar to what Ray Bradbury said about UFO as a whole "They would told me if that was true" -:) I guess it has something to do with writers feel of self-importance...
I've just finished reading the book and I have to admit this is the most sobre, rational analysis of the UFO field among I've seen and read recently. Well done! I highly recommend people to read the book to help they to get rid off some illusions they have about the field.
Alexander & Friedman could rant back and forth all day and in the end all it would come down to is who is the most entertaining ... and Friedman would win.
I enjoyed the book, though I disagree with much of it. Early on, Dr. Alexander says he will not talk about things that are classified. I have to wonder if that caused him to omit any UFO cases. Its interesting to me that Burt Rutan wrote one of the intros. If there are any man-made saucers, they probably contain little plaques reading "Body by Rutan."

The most curious thing to me is how he says he knew of Phil Corso's claims well in advance of The Day After Roswell book being published, and yet he doesn't mention being concerned with the book's inaccuracies until after it was printed. Afterwards he appeared with Corso and on talk shows and helped promote the book. Even if he liked the guy a lot, why risk that kind of contamination?

On his site (http://www.johnbalexander.com/home), there's an interesting link to a pdf file of his slide show for UFO conferences that is a perfect suppliment to the book: http://johnbalexander.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/X_Conf_09_Web_2.205100136.pdf