I saw a rocket launch spiral, that has been debunked 1000 times. I saw what looked to be a street light out of focus, and perhaps another "light in the sky...." Let me know where there is good clear footage of a structured craft, clearly identifiable, and exhibiting signs of intelligent control. The idea that in 2017, we do not have even a single decent day light video of a structured craft, of unknown origin, I think is a big problem for those advocating nuts and bolts UFOs. Cameras are everywhere, we have live feeds, HD cameras in our pocket, cheap professional level DSLRs that take 4k video, and, most importantly, this technology is in the hands of people all over the world.
Just as an example how woefully unremarkable current UFO footage is, let's take a look at a simple home video of an airshow, filmed by a civilian in the mid 1980s, using technology far below what a 12 year old in the 3rd world probably has in his pocket. Do you have any problem identifying the structured craft in this video? There is zero ambiguity to this video, viewers can clearly discern a various types of planes. I am frankly so tired of seeing videos of blowhard witnesses, with their cool aviator glasses on, pointing up at the sky, "describing" the "football sized craft" that flew over their home, and "blotted out the sky..." Even worse, I am tired in 2017, the best piece of proof they can bring forward is another lousy sketch, or "corroborating testimony" from their family member. Sorry, not buying it anymore. Sure, in the 60s, when cameras and technology was lacking, perhaps, but in 2017, when I walk by homeless people charging their smart phones outside of retails shops, I laugh at how lacking UFO footage actually is.