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Ufos: Psyops?

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Skilled Investigator
I would not otherwise drag ATS threads over here, but I came across, what to me, anyway, is a -most- intriguing ufology idea. This research connects sighting surges with/following ufo movies. Per one David Clarke, ufo consultant at the National Archives. It always reminded me of a link I used to have, to a 1950 Rand Report document on the use of "superstitious beliefs" for the purposes of psychological warfare. (I had went back to revisit that link, at one point, and found it disabled.)
Despite my own sightings, I am on the fence as to what anomalous ufo experiences are. Probably closest to the truth, is that each witnesses' has it's very own unique reason. Of which there are many numbers.
So, this ufo/movie idea is called, "Ufo sightings: The Will Smith effect examined."
Link: (If thats okay, Paracasters)
I dont know about anyone else, but after i watch these sorts of movies, i tend to "look up" more often in the short term.
Call it an inspiration factor if you like.
I think the key effect of films is that it primes viewers to be more likely to interpret unknown aerial sightings as "flying saucers", and once accepting them as unknown, more readily accept that they are ET. That's aerial profiling- awfully prejudiced behavior.

Regarding PSYOPS, I'm very interested in this topic. Rumors abound, but are there documented cases of government deception using UFOs as cover? The closest thing I have come across is the passively exploiting the belief in flying saucers, using it as a default explanation for sightings of secret aircraft.
I looked into some provided links someone put in another thread here, about the Kelly Cahill abduction case. If there is anything that could make me believe in aliens in ufo space ships abducting people here, it's that case. But however, even if her experience is literally real, there is no evidence that they are space aliens in space ships from other planets. They might be other kinds of humanoids who'v been -also- living on this planet very hidden from surface humans. Space ship looking ufos are often seen exiting and entering the oceans by credible serious seafaring men, who's lives are dependent on their observations and knowledge. And there are often reports of mysterious unending holes. (Art Bell re. "Mel's hole")

Isn't it interesting, that with the Kelly Cahill case, many people's very first ("default") thoughts go to space aliens in space ships! WHY is that? When there are -other- just as good reasons for origin?
I had mentioned in earlier posts the predilection many people have to misinterpret UFO phenomenon by automatically concluding thus as extraterrestrial or E.T., and this is the very reason why so many in the scientific arena stay so far away from having anything to do with the subject.

Most agree that the sightings/phenomena is really happening in that it is occurring to people all over the world, but to automatically conclude that it must be E.T. is doing a disservice to honest investigatory work. I have always felt that the blame to a high degree is due to the late 1940's and 50's "saucer" movies and the media's allowance of so much of the misuse of the terminology.