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UK UFO Files Released

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Curious Cat
Get these files fast...after a couple of weeks they end up at 3quid per pdf!

Ministry of Defence | Freedom of Information | Publication Scheme | Search Publication Scheme | Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) in the UK Air Defence Region

The files do show, though, that not all the sightings and reports were without foundation. Bright lights seen across Devon and Cornwall, South Wales and Shropshire in the early hours of 31 March 1993 by 70 police and military witnesses were documented in more than 30 sightings reported to the MoD over a six-hour period. The reports said it was very big, shaped like a catamaran and was completely silent. The MoD's UFO desk, known as section (AS)2a, asked the RAF to replay its radar tapes but nothing unusual was detected.

A former chief of defence staff warned Margaret Thatcher's government in 1985 that its "perfunctory" dismissal of UFO sightings near an RAF base shared with the US Air Force in Suffolk could turn into a political "banana-skin" because it was unexplained.
In a letter to Michael Heseltine, Mrs Thatcher's defence secretary at the time, the late Lord Hill-Norton said the sightings of unidentified flying objects in Rendelsham Forest by USAF personnel in December 1980 had "puzzling and disquieting" features that have never been satisfactorily explained.

I downloaded the whole bunch earlier, but plan on reading them later on with a cold beer and snacks:cool:
I found the one were a eyewitness claimed to see a ufo fire a laser into a cementary quiet interesting.This reports will be forgotten in time just like many others.
I am disappointed in these files I mean these are nothing more than sighting reports. Some of them are even Tim Goods writing.

This is not brining anything worth more than what you would get from any MUFON sighting file
This is not brining anything worth more than what you would get from any MUFON sighting file

Welcome to the world of official UFO file releases:) They never release anything much more above 'interesting.' It's the nature of UFO reports. For every one in a 1000 reports that makes us wonder...there's ten more about a man fishing who gets his coffee flask abducted. I've got quite a few folders because I find some truly interesting.

Check out Frank Warren's front page...THE UFO CHRONICLES: UFO News and Reports From Around The World

Now THAT'S more like an interesting document? Enjoy!

The files at that link are released in 2006 during the era of the Condign report release when files were still published on MOD website. From last year they are directly released on National Archives web site.

Those article are indeed refering to the latest (4th) release at National Archives and the direct link for download is here:


as stated in previous thread:

Best Wishes.
Those article are indeed refering to the latest (4th) release at National Archives and the direct link for download is here:

Thanks for pointing that out. I'd 'saved link as...' the lot and still haven't read them. Just saving the ones in your (current) link at the moment. I missed saving the batch from earlier this year without realizing they were only briefly free. I read them and even imaged some interesting sections. I should be more careful. :D
Thanks for pointing that out. I'd 'saved link as...' the lot and still haven't read them. Just saving the ones in your (current) link at the moment. I missed saving the batch from earlier this year without realizing they were only briefly free. I read them and even imaged some interesting sections. I should be more careful. :D

I just checked. The 3rd batch that you are refering to (March 2009), has 116 mb. If you want I can uploaded them for you - just let me know.

Best Wishes
I just checked. The 3rd batch that you are refering to (March 2009), has 116 mb. If you want I can uploaded them for you - just let me know.
If it isn't going out of your way. I've got an email addy in my profile...you could take your time and email them over time?

I'm an ATS member and made a post from memory about the 'dogwalker incident.' Somebody took the trouble to sign up and make one post to point out my errors and included a scan of the doc. There was some mischief because they got banned about an hour later. So whenever, I think of those files, I wonder who in their right mind would make the effort and why choose me? Clearly, it was another member up to something. Very curious.
If it isn't going out of your way. I've got an email addy in my profile...you could take your time and email them over time?

I'm an ATS member and made a post from memory about the 'dogwalker incident.' Somebody took the trouble to sign up and make one post to point out my errors and included a scan of the doc. There was some mischief because they got banned about an hour later. So whenever, I think of those files, I wonder who in their right mind would make the effort and why choose me? Clearly, it was another member up to something. Very curious.

Hi Kandinsky. No problem. I have a vast archive. I will upload over adrive, and after that I will email you the download links - it will be done until the end of week. Stay tuned.

Best Wishes
If it isn't going out of your way. I've got an email addy in my profile...you could take your time and email them over time?

I'm an ATS member and made a post from memory about the 'dogwalker incident.' Somebody took the trouble to sign up and make one post to point out my errors and included a scan of the doc. There was some mischief because they got banned about an hour later. So whenever, I think of those files, I wonder who in their right mind would make the effort and why choose me? Clearly, it was another member up to something. Very curious.

It is sent. Check up your email. If there is going to be any problems with the download, let me know.

Best Wishes