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Ummo: back from the grave :)

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Paranormal Adept
Stumbled on this fascinating case. Extremely quacky on the surface but if you make the mistake of digging further it reveals a consistency and creativity way beyond what you'd expect from a hoax. Has this been formally debunked as of yet ? Ummites have reportedly communicated by typed letter and phone lol

The Chaos in the 21st Century: Letters from the alien Ummite

Planet Ummo was ejected from a binary star system named Wolf 424. Its equatorial diameter is 14,503.26 km (diameter of earth is 12,715.43)

Jean-Pierre Petit (director of research at the CNRS) studied this case for decades.
Des extraterrestres parmi nous? - Les Archives de Radio-Canada

Inspiré par l'académicien Andréï Sakharov et quelques autres éminents astrophysiciens, Jean-Pierre Petit a repris l'hypothèse selon laquelle l'Univers serait composé de deux dimensions. L'une, dans laquelle la Terre évolue et qui est régie par les lois de la relativité, et l'autre, « l'univers-ombre », où le temps s'écoulerait à l'envers. En fait, les galaxies seraient logées dans les trous d'un gruyère invisible.
For anyone interested, part 1 of "The Ummo Affair" was published in the British magazine Flying Saucer Review, 1974, volume 20 no 4 available here.

In fact the folks behind this website have gone to extraordinary lengths to scan hundreds of UFO magazines going back decades.

