Not sure if anyone else (dusty?) made it to the convention but thought I'd just jot down a few very brief notes on some of the UFO-related talks I attended. Feel free to ask for any further details.
- David Clarke and the MOD's UFO files. Good talk covering the recent and impending release of UFO files from Britain's Ministry of Defence. Highlight was discussion of the (formerly secret) DI55 branch, a unit of which specialises in foreign (i.e. Russian, not Martian!) space craft and has been linked with UFO reports in the past. Personally I'm convinced (as was the speaker) that the release of these files represents full disclosure in the UK - in other words I don't believe the UK government is hiding or investigating anything thought to be "other worldly".
- Patrick Huyghe, science and UFO writer, editor, publisher. Two talks, one covered UFO sightings (New Jersey, Stephensville, etc.) in the US and the other was aimed at budding Fortean authors. I found him to be a very interesting and entertaining speaker, one of the best of the weekend.
- Pilkington and Lundberg, The Mirage Men. OK, I'm going to cheat here and copy a synopsis someone posted at the Fortean Times forum:
"the main thesis was that popular beliefs about UFOs have always been manipulated by US military intelligence for various reasons, sometimes to plant 'false flag' information in order to divert attention from genuine secret projects, sometimes as a test to see how a potential agent will cope with classified information (i.e. will they blab or not, if they do it doesn't matter as the info they leak will be false) or in the case of military installations to test how staff will react when confronted with an emergency. They also talked about the role of disinformation in Project SERPO, and the possibility that some UFO publications are funded by the CIA.
Pilkington and Lundberg are working on (or have completed?) a book and film on the subject, both of which are due for release soon, and showed an excerpt from the film."
I'm going to add to the above and say that we saw various clips from the film which included interviews with Greg Bishop and Rich Doty and it looked great. Not sure when it'll be released but I think I heard one of them say they were still looking for 2 grand to finish it as he left the hall!
- Peter Brookesmith, David Clarke, Andy Roberts: Police constable Alan Godfrey's abduction in West Yorkshire, England. A review of this case from 1980 and a summary of the speakers' current thinking, the consensus seeming to be an altered state of consciousness rather than alien involvement.
Hope that's of interest!