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Unifying Light Workers and Peace Makers to bring peace to the world

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Paranormal Novice
This thread is a unique one....the purpose of this thread discusses the possible ways to unify and strengthen the voice against corruption, non-love, terrorism, violence, etc. Exploring how to unify Unifying Light Workers and Peace Makers to bring peace to the world. Kindly participate, share discuss, come with creative thoughts.....

There is very urgent requirement of peace to this world. And we also know that there are millions of people who are seeking peace. The problem is that they are not unified in their approach. There are millions of beautiful souls on this earth who are mediators, healers and channels etc. Different ways, methods are employed to bring peace. I wonder what if all such positive forces unite together. No doubt Golden Age will not be far away, in that case...

This is not the time to think of individual path, religion or philology. This is the time of unification. Future religion is no-religion. Future religion is universalism. Let us try to unity different ways and methods into one unified approach to bring peace. This is an attempt to unity Light workers and peace makers with the idea of No religion, No boundaries, No sermons, No leaders, No membership. Just awareness of One humanity.

I welcome everyone to share and express their ideas on this thought. let us collectively try to explore the possible ways to bring peace to this planet
love is the universal language necessary for bringing peace to mankind. we need to think with our hearts not our brains.
This thread is a unique one....the purpose of this thread discusses the possible ways to unify and strengthen the voice against corruption, non-love, terrorism, violence, etc. Exploring how to unify Unifying Light Workers and Peace Makers to bring peace to the world. Kindly participate, share discuss, come with creative thoughts.....

I welcome everyone to share and express their ideas on this thought. let us collectively try to explore the possible ways to bring peace to this planet

Well "divinelove", I must say that I read your missive and was struck by your tone. (I was going to say naivete, but I restrained myself.) In my over 50 years of living, and my various life experiences, while agreeing with you in principal, I thought I would try to inject just a "wee bit" of logic into the discussion.

Corruption? When encountered you arrest, try, convict, and place into jail. Too much of that going on today, just look at the mess of Wall Street and now the world's economy. A big part of that is corruption.

Non-love? I am not a religious person but agree with the "Golden Rule" and try to employ that in my daily dealings with people. "Treat others like you would like them to treat you." That and being as honest as I can when dealing with others.

Terrorism? This one is close to my heart. I was a soldier in a war where the enemy used terrorism as a tool in their strategy. You train your soldiers to their utmost ability to combat this, then you go after the terrorists and ... capture or kill them. Hearts and flowers do not work at all with the bastards that wish to destroy the West. If you currently live in the UK I fear you will have that driven home even more than the UK has had the experience in the recent past.

Violence? Its bad, no disagreement there. However violence has been with we humans since we climbed out of the trees. There has always been a segment of people that use violence to get what they want, and probably there will always be such people. What to do? Well there is the police and they do what they can, but in the "end-game" we are responsible for our own well being. That is why I keep a large rock with me most of the time.

Those are my thoughts. And one thing more ... I and my wife have been together for 21 years. Mostly ... 21 loving years. And for all you guys out there, I am going to give you my secret on how I managed that. Listen closely, my 4 Magic words ......

" Honey, I was wrong!"

I'm not sure what a Unifying Light Worker is or even what Golden Age you think is coming, but with as little negativity as possible, let me offer up some thoughts.

Peace means different things to different people. Peace might be a lack of missiles in an immediate neighborhood. Peace might be being alone in a serene natural setting. Peace might mean meditating. Peace might mean your kids are behaving themselves. Peace might mean giving and recieving. Peace might mean finding one to share your life with. Peace might mean giving your life to something, like Einstein did to science. It becomes quite evident that peace is a subjective thing and that what one might think of as peace, is anothers unrest.

As far as peace being a state of sharing, benefit, benevolence, lack of violence, lack of controlling agents, united endeavors, common goals, well, .... forget about it. So long as there are desires in this world, there can be no world peace. Because when there is desire, a seed of control takes root. The chief reason that peace is not possible is that humans have an innate selfishness that overrides any behavior appearing peaceful. We have an uncontrollable manifestation of control, delegation, social protocol, and violence throughout our species.

Better to try and find that "inner" peace among yourself, your family, and your local social network and community. In my opinion, the idea of world peace is a fallacy. Unless we find and terminate the genetic sequence where these undesireable traits perhaps exist, then we cannot move on in any type of peaceful agenda.

We are all individuals and I think time is better spent on subjective personal peace, not trying to spread a "Kumbaya moment" throughout the planet with Light Workers.
Terrorism? This one is close to my heart. I was a soldier in a war where the enemy used terrorism as a tool in their strategy.

you could be from either side of the war with that statement.
you could be from either side of the war with that statement.

Well pixy, I suppose I could take offense at such a dumbass remark, but I choose to refrain and simply tell you I am American and was an American Soldier. You know, the same bunch that for over two hundred years placed their asses on the line so you could continue to make dumbass remarks.

well DECKY...maybe you havent noticed the "terrorists" looting this nation as we speak. why dont you do some good on our OWN turf? invading other countries for my freedom of speech is a dumbass remark if i ever heard one.

I've told this to you before, and I'll say it again - don't come across as such



That last post of yours is beyond stupid. Think before you type, OK?

well DECKY...maybe you havent noticed the "terrorists" looting this nation as we speak. why dont you do some good on our OWN turf? invading other countries for my freedom of speech is a dumbass remark if i ever heard one.

Pixy, now I understand your earlier remarks about "thinking" with our hearts, not our minds. Nuff' said ...

i am an American and i refused to go kill innocent people for a military industrial complex and a bunch of private bankers intent on global domination and the destruction of this Nation.

... whatever floats yer boat. if you think fighting unjust wars is a good thing, go for it. i support troops coming home and fighting the terrorists who just stole several trillion dollars from us.
Pixy, now I understand your earlier remarks about "thinking" with our hearts, not our minds. Nuff' said ...


i love you, i love all life. :) you do what you are TOLD is right. i do what my heart knows is right. love is all you need.

you fought pre planned wars without knowing it. it wasnt really all your fault for having a government lie to you.

I've told this to you before, and I'll say it again - don't come across as such



That last post of yours is beyond stupid. Think before you type, OK?


i respect your opinion. please respect mine. or put me back on ignore.

no one here fought for my free speech. they fought to put money in peoples pockets that fund both sides of war.
Question for DVL, do you eat meat ?

(pls just DVL on this one, i dont need a half dozen answers justifying their diet)

Do you wear leather ?
would you use fly spray to deal with the black widow spider under the toilet seat ?

are you still participating in the predator /prey model that permiates every biosystem on the planet ?

ive found the model is a constant, only the degree changes
love is the universal language necessary for bringing peace to mankind. we need to think with our hearts not our brains.

Uh No.

Thinking with our hearts is why we have totalitarianism in the world. It's why people are penalized for being competent. It's why people in general react and act like morons instead of rationally thinking things through. Thinking with you heart takes away your intellectual honesty, and it certainly helps others perpetrate the greatest lies on others.

Think with your brain, and balance it with your heart, and temper it in ethics and morality, and you have the recipe for peace and human dignity.

Unfortunately, there are those who think with their hearts who want to take that away from everyone who is trying to raise their children, and succeeding. When you read what one Harvard Professor named Chester Pierce has to say, you realize that there is an agenda to thwart clear thinking, and intellectual honesty, ala Brave New World.

Living for something more than money is also a way to peace and understanding.
This is just a religion. I'm calling bull shit on this whole idea of Light Workers bringing peace unto the earth, 'love' being the answer, etc. or even declaring what this thread is about. This fuzzy kumbaya crapola is arrogant to the extreme and potentially dangerous. And as for anyone stifling your 'right to free speech' GET OVER IT. Your 'rights' have nowhere to go in a privately-owned forum. The only time you have free speech rights has to do with the government abridging your right to a public forum on public property. You can be erased from this forum at any time if you piss the owners off enough and you have no recourse whatsoever. End of story.

Now, there is an assumption that 'Peace is the answer.' Who says? It may be that it is not at all. Earth is not a peaceful place and it never has been. Way before Homo Sapiens showed up Velicoraptors were eating Miasaurus and tigers were eating buffalo. William Blake's poem, 'Tiger, tiger burning bright' (http://www.geocities.com/thetropics/shores/5441/tiger.html) discusses the issue of nature (without us) being red in tooth and claw. The fact is, we are predators by nature. I think it is very arrogant for so-called self-described 'Light Workers' to attempt to turn us into cows.

Even when you bring in the parnormal the idea still sucks. What if your reason for existing is not to 'bring peace' but to be the best sniper ever? What if your purpose in life is to experience what it's like to take on the responsibility of a General in a time of war? What if your purpose in life was to die in the Holocaust and come back a citizen of Israel and save it from the Islamic hordes? What if this whole thing is a Second Life game which we don't realize until we've 'exited the game'? Does your avatar in Second Life have a conscience? Does it understand that it is a figment of your imagination? Of course, maybe your role is to pretend to be a superior Light Worker so you can understand what it's like to be an ignorant airhead so you can avoid it next time. That works, too.

What I see in this Being of Light crap is a move toward stifling socialism and an erosion of our personal rights and freedoms. This entails taking resources from those who earned them and giving it to those who did not. It's a recipe for disaster. Beings of Light would prefer everyone lives in government-subsidized housing in appropriate Urban Growth Areas while saving land from development because a skunk cabbage was found on the property. When everyone gets turned into cows, that's what we'll be: Passive ungulates without a creative bone in our bodies and no means of defense (Think Bombay where even cops are afraid to use guns so the Bad Guys ran right over them.)

I don't know any tigers who would prefer to be cows. Every time I hear this peace and light crap all I want to do is buy another 1000 rounds of ammo and cut another cord of wood. The only Peace Maker I want to be around is a Colt .45. And I really don't give a shit what you think about this. Last post.

You must get over being shy and tell us what is really on your mind. :D

The other thing that really "gets my goat" is when I see that bumper sticker that says

"War is not the answer." Really? Well then I ask them this ... If war is not the answer I suggest you ask for the opinion of ...

1. any surviving Nazi's from WWII
2. any surviving Imperial Japanese soldiers from WWII
3. Robert E. Lee just after Gettysburg
4. Davey Crockett at the end of the battle of the Alamo
5. Saddam
6. The Indians at Little Big Horn
7. Hell, George Custer at Little Big Horn
8. The Spanish in Cuba in 1898
9. The Germans in the Ardennes in 1918

I could go on and on but get my drift?

a well Trained state of the art standing army, is still the only currency, the only currency with which we can purchase Peace.

Humans are short lived, with "maturity" happening about halfway into the life span(if your lucky), there will always be a "strata" of knuckleheads that need to be managed.

sadly peace love and mung beans, dont quite do the job.

pity i rather like mung beans
So long as I draw breath, there will never be peace and harmony on this godforsaken planet.