What I do not understand is why this belief/hope/imagination might be viewed as 'religious'? Can anyone enlighten me?
I'm just a casual observer of this controversy, but mainstream science seems to be outraged that anyone dares to question the textbook "fact" that the last dinosaurs died out millions of years ago. Any evidence to the contrary "just couldn't be true." It turns out that Mark Armitage--the scientist who was fired--happens to be a member of the Creation Research Society. Kaboom! That revelation, of course, caused university faculty heads to explode. Religious beliefs, they assert, are obviously getting in the way of good science and Armitage just has to be wrong.
But what if he isn't wrong? His laboratory procedure (seen in the YouTube video) seems very credible. Mainstream science says that creationists are just religious zealots who know nothing about geology and paleontology. The PhD's, though, are scared to death that an actual paleontologist has found evidence that their own "holy grail" might be flawed. Ha . . . the parallels with the UFO enigma are all too obvious.
I think additional independent research will decide whether Armitage is correct. Let's just hope there are other young, truth-seeking paleontologists who pursue facts and laboratory evidence over dogma.
Regarding our own truth-seeking paleontologist, Ray Stanford, I wish he would comment on this story. If I remember correctly, Ray has observed the foot print/dino print anomalies in Texas and believes that, yes, dinos and men could have walked the earth together. I'd really like to know when that was. My own guess is that dinosaurs roamed the earth much longer than scientists imagine and mankind is much older than textbooks tell us.
I recently did some research on the fabulous Tayos cave mystery in Ecuador, made famous by Erich von Daniken. Someday, if the "metal library" is ever rediscovered, we might learn "the rest of the story" about the human race, as Paul Harvey would say. I think the answers might be there. At the same time, I do believe there is a "control group" on this planet that doesn't want the general public to have the "source code" about our origins. I believe the library of Tayos is being looked for right now and may have already been found. Sadly, we will not be invited.
It's time to get Klaus Dona back on The Paracast to discuss some of his latest research on giants, pyramids and ancient artifacts.
Tayos Gold Library - The Odyssey of Stan Hall (1936-2008)
Interesting footnote: In 1976, one very famous American was invited to be a participant in the search for the mysterious Tayos cave library. His name was Neil Armstrong. His father and his moon partner, Buzz Aldrin, were both accomplished Freemasons.