A few misc thoughts:
As MJ-12 and Bennewitz came up this is another great opportunity to link to
Philip Coppens series of articles that largely deal with intelligence agencies and their involvement with the subject. Of particular interest here are
"Driving Mr. Bennewitz Insane" and
"MJ-12: Majestic, or Incredulous".
It is interesting to note that the very first appearance of the term MJ-12 in UFO lore occurred in a document passed to Bennewitz by Bill Moore. From the MJ-12 article:
"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]in February 1981, Moore had given Bennewitz a pre-Majestic 12 document, known as the “Project Aquarius Telex”, which was a communication from AFOSI (Air Force Office of Special Investigations) headquarters in Washington to Kirtland AFB office. One sentence stated “The official US Government policy and results of Project Aquarius is still classified and with restricted access to ‘MJ Twelve’.” It was the first mention of “MJ-12” – made in the middle of a disinformation campaign, sent to the person who was the target of that campaign."[/SIZE][/FONT]
I think one could reasonably sum up the thrust of Coppen's series of articles as arguing that whatever the reality of the ufo phenomenon actually is, at some point various intelligence agencies decided to start actively promoting what he has coined the "aliens on ice" scenario which basically boils down to "we have crashed saucers and bodies". There are probably a variety of reasons why this was thought to be a worthy effort, among them a legitimate need to cover various advanced development programs and what seems to be a convenient synergy with
MKULTRA-esque work that probably continued after the
Church Comittee in 1975.
Being able to make sure someone shouts "E.T.!" around a secret goes a long way towards making sure that only the fringe will take interest. Will Congress renew an interest in more financial oversight of your secret program that has been outed by the ufo crowd as proof of the alliance with the reptoids?
As to the triangles, Dolan was referring to the 1989
Chris Gibson sighting. As to "What makes them go!!??" I would guess that the ones that need to refuel with KC-135's probably run on jet fuel. It should be noted that Gibson did not describe this particular isosceles triangle as being exceptionally large. This may very well be the invisible third member of the F-117 and B-2 complimentary triad reported to be a fast surveillance, electronic warfare and targeting platform that has long be suspected to exist by mainstream aviation buffs.
Also interesting is that the first triangle wave that Dolan mentioned happened to be in an area around where advanced aircraft are developed and around the time(early to mid 1970's) that we know the stealth program was in full swing in that area.
The really big and low-flying triangles and delta reports are certainly fascinating. The 100-500 ft widths seem like they could be clever packaging of advanced but conventional technology along with sophisticated EWAR. Reports of mile-wide(that's 5,280 feet) craft are deeply disturbing but I have to consider them to be outliers when looking at the overall pattern. I would very much like to see a good survey of triangle reports that show how many high quality reports there are indicating such extreme sizes.
The question Dolan raised of whether or not the fact that these don't seem to have been used in Iraq/Afghanistan indicate that these are E.T. derived products strikes me as incredibly naive. As pointed out by DeeJay above, if you had an advanced aircraft like this you would never casually pimp it around esp. when you already have a half-dozen other unclassified and class-leading aircraft that could do whatever you needed to do against an insurgency with zero air power. The only time something like this would come out of the garage is when you have a critical job and no other platform can substitute.
It may be reasonable to argue that some of the big triangle waves that Dolan mentioned (Belgium and early Soviet collapse) occurred at a time that decision makers would have viewed as critical pivot points in history. This is right around when the Berlin wall came down and if there was ever a time in the past 50 years when you would have wanted all of your surveillance tools in play I'm guessing it was then. Satellite coverage would need to be augmented and you couldn't exactly go running your conventional jets into the very well-defended communist turf.
If you have a platform with the capabilities that are widely reported with black triangle sightings you are going to keep that under wraps as long as you are able regardless of what kind of technology is involved. Considering the near impossibility of constructing nuclear power plants on the ground in the United States after Three Mile Island in 1979 how likely is it that you would willingly reveal an operational flying nuclear powerplant driving some kind of advanced electrostic propulsion that interfered with society's electronics -- if something like that existed?
The black triangles certainly are fascinating but discounting the mile-wide ones I can imagine something like this without resorting to either E.T. or breakthroughs in gravity control.
Of course I could be completely wrong on all of the above and clearly the ufo question is not resolved by clever black projects and disinfo alone but Dolan seemed to make a great number of leaps of conspiracy faith in this interview. That's how it came across to me. Did Wilson become upset because Dolan discovered his knowledge of E.T. projects or because he realized his anticipated vanity interview that was arranged under false pretenses had evaporated into a ufo conspiracy ambush?
Keep calling them out no matter who they are. That's why I listen anyways.