Skilled Investigator
I heard that there will soon be another PARACAST interview with Stanton Freidman.
Now, I've heard David give Stan a hard time about his avoidance of anything that didn't fit his preconceived ideas about UFO's and the extra dimensional aspect of this very weird phenomenon.
Personally - I really like Stan, he's an amazing hard working guy - and a charming speaker, I'm super engaged whenever I hear him speak. Stan is the ultimate nuts and bolts guy. And - true enough - he did kind of act dismissive when confronted with questions that didn't fit his framework.
Stan is just too good (and too important) as a researcher to "push away"
I encourage you (David) to try and go into this with a different tact.
From my conflicted point of view, I constantly wrestle with the paradox of ETH or Extra-Dimensional? Is it "EITHER / OR?" Is that too simplistic?
I suspect it's Probably a lot more complicated than that. It feels like it's "BOTH / AND" rather than "EITHER / OR"
- also -
There was a wonderful little segment with AJ Grivard (from a while back) and he responded to David's frustration with Stanton's refusal to deal with certain inquiry. AJ replied in a very sweet way, he talked so kindly about the role of that Stanton plays in the big picture. He talked about puzzle pieces, and how each researcher brings a tiny piece to the big picture. It was a very insightful analogy.
My small bit of advice - - - Try and get Stanton to talk about the strange paranormal aspects. I am certian he will reply with good insights if it is "framed" in a way that engages him. He's really good at speculating.
David - you're a smart guy, you should be able to pull this off.
I'll add that I once asked Stanton (on a chat forum thru the Unknown Country site) the exact same question: "What about all the strange paranormal aspects?"
He replied: "That's something that needs to be investigated. Edgar Mitchell is someone that's raising good questions."
(the above was paraphrased from memory)
Mike C!
(also - did I mis-spell some names?)
I heard that there will soon be another PARACAST interview with Stanton Freidman.
Now, I've heard David give Stan a hard time about his avoidance of anything that didn't fit his preconceived ideas about UFO's and the extra dimensional aspect of this very weird phenomenon.
Personally - I really like Stan, he's an amazing hard working guy - and a charming speaker, I'm super engaged whenever I hear him speak. Stan is the ultimate nuts and bolts guy. And - true enough - he did kind of act dismissive when confronted with questions that didn't fit his framework.
Stan is just too good (and too important) as a researcher to "push away"
I encourage you (David) to try and go into this with a different tact.
From my conflicted point of view, I constantly wrestle with the paradox of ETH or Extra-Dimensional? Is it "EITHER / OR?" Is that too simplistic?
I suspect it's Probably a lot more complicated than that. It feels like it's "BOTH / AND" rather than "EITHER / OR"
- also -
There was a wonderful little segment with AJ Grivard (from a while back) and he responded to David's frustration with Stanton's refusal to deal with certain inquiry. AJ replied in a very sweet way, he talked so kindly about the role of that Stanton plays in the big picture. He talked about puzzle pieces, and how each researcher brings a tiny piece to the big picture. It was a very insightful analogy.
My small bit of advice - - - Try and get Stanton to talk about the strange paranormal aspects. I am certian he will reply with good insights if it is "framed" in a way that engages him. He's really good at speculating.
David - you're a smart guy, you should be able to pull this off.
I'll add that I once asked Stanton (on a chat forum thru the Unknown Country site) the exact same question: "What about all the strange paranormal aspects?"
He replied: "That's something that needs to be investigated. Edgar Mitchell is someone that's raising good questions."
(the above was paraphrased from memory)
Mike C!
(also - did I mis-spell some names?)