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US Air Force Can't Explain UFO

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Good question. Haven't found one yet, but that doesn't mean there's not one. I'll keep looking.
I'm thinking the diamond shape would be good for stealth. And since local radar didn't pick up anything (or so they say!), it seems a possibility.
Otoh, if no propulsion system was visible (no propellor), there should at least have been the noise of a jet engine, since jet engines can be hidden quite well within an airframe, but I don't think the noise can be hidden. The original article says no noise was heard.

Or maybe it could have been a small airship with barely visible propellors?

Anyways, someone should have taken a photo..
Otoh, if no propulsion system was visible (no propellor), there should at least have been the noise of a jet engine, since jet engines can be hidden quite well within an airframe, but I don't think the noise can be hidden. The original article says no noise was heard.

Or maybe it could have been a small airship with barely visible propellors?

Anyways, someone should have taken a photo..[/quote]

It makes me wonder why on earth with so many cameras now available via phones the internet isn't flooded with pics. Do most events happen so fast someone can't get their phone out?
Or do they stand there in stunned amazement before they realize they need to take a pic?
Well I don't think ET is clouding our minds so we cannot get to our smartphones in time. But if there is a surprise, or frightening event of short duration, there just may not be enough tim for most people to collect their thoughts and reach for their handsets.
I have seen lights on several occasions in my car while driving. Today I seen something that I passed off as a helicopter because it was stationary. It stood out because the sky was completely overcast and there were no other objects visable. It was too high to be an antennae beacon but too low for most typical aircraft trajectories. It wasn't a good time to pull my car over and get my cell phone out. I wish I had though because then I could have more objectively acertained what it was. I suspect a lot of people are in the same situation...in a hurry to be somewhere,not enough time to consider stopping unless it is something over the top.

I have actually been seeing a lot of lights in the sky here in PA., but there is almost always a valid explanation . I live under a common flight path and not more than 30miles from a major airport and less than 10 from a smaller one...so even though the jets are above 30,000 feet over my house I assume that any lights I see are them...which might be the perfect cover for a UFO because of those assumptions. Around Christmas time I seen a lot of lower flying lights that seemed to come and go while taking a winter country drive. These lights did seem strange but I wrote it off as probably something common and normal. I suspect most folks around here don't give it a second thought. These aren't in your face kinds of things and are easy to ignore.

Those diamond shaped sightings have come up in other places. Sometimes the diamond shape is the result of some kind of pixellation going on inside the camera thereby changing the real shape of the object(or so I have heard). In other cases like this they seem to be real craft of some kind. Jimi H, the idea that the diamond shape would be good for stealth is a great idea and I believe you may be onto something here.

If the assumption is made that this is a real object and it is silent my guess is that it could be a balloon. Cool weather is a great time to launch any kind of a balloon using hot air or helium. Are there any military bases nearby? We or someone else could have developed a quiet nuclear powered engine or other quiet flight technology... If this is in what would be considered an unimportant area militarily or strategically in any other sense the question begs-why would it be there? I'm sure the reasons are deeper than hanging out looking at the cars filing by the shopping malls.
If you're in the right place at the right time to have a close encounter, going for your phone/camera probably wouldn't be your first thought. Time is wasted while the brain tries to process and make sense of what you're viewing.
Sooo many people love to point out the lack of close up, detailed photo's of witnessed craft- in the age of cell phone camera's in every pocket.(see it all the time in the comments section of Huff post news) The conditions would have to be perfect for such a photo- not to mention the witness being able to overcome the natural reaction (fight/flight)
I doubt I could pull off a recognizable photo of a full moon with my cellphone.
I have seen lights on several occasions in my car while driving. Today I seen something that I passed off as a helicopter because it was stationary. It stood out because the sky was completely overcast and there were no other objects visable. It was too high to be an antennae beacon but too low for most typical aircraft trajectories. It wasn't a good time to pull my car over and get my cell phone out. I wish I had though because then I could have more objectively acertained what it was. I suspect a lot of people are in the same situation...in a hurry to be somewhere,not enough time to consider stopping unless it is something over the top.

I have actually been seeing a lot of lights in the sky here in PA., but there is almost always a valid explanation . I live under a common flight path and not more than 30miles from a major airport and less than 10 from a smaller one...so even though the jets are above 30,000 feet over my house I assume that any lights I see are them...which might be the perfect cover for a UFO because of those assumptions. Around Christmas time I seen a lot of lower flying lights that seemed to come and go while taking a winter country drive. These lights did seem strange but I wrote it off as probably something common and normal. I suspect most folks around here don't give it a second thought. These aren't in your face kinds of things and are easy to ignore.

Those diamond shaped sightings have come up in other places. Sometimes the diamond shape is the result of some kind of pixellation going on inside the camera thereby changing the real shape of the object(or so I have heard). In other cases like this they seem to be real craft of some kind. Jimi H, the idea that the diamond shape would be good for stealth is a great idea and I believe you may be onto something here.

If the assumption is made that this is a real object and it is silent my guess is that it could be a balloon. Cool weather is a great time to launch any kind of a balloon using hot air or helium. Are there any military bases nearby? We or someone else could have developed a quiet nuclear powered engine or other quiet flight technology... If this is in what would be considered an unimportant area militarily or strategically in any other sense the question begs-why would it be there? I'm sure the reasons are deeper than hanging out looking at the cars filing by the shopping malls.

I also live in Pa, between two obvious flight paths (guessing the phila and trenton airports) I'm always looking up in the night sky when I can- nothing unusual yet.